A/n- alright here we go, chapter 3 of Rock Lee v. Hyuuga Neji.

Chapter 3

Lee stood there, with anxiety on his face. There was a big silence. Lee had no idea what to say, Neji on the other hand looked like he could mock Lee for the entire day. Neji then broke the silence,

"…Also if you kill me Gai could never forgive you for killing your own comrade, and you might be put to death!" Neji said now knowing that his sentence could have ended it.

Lee took a big gulp. He then slowly started to let go of Neji. Neji's plan had worked perfectly. Neji beat Lee again!

While Lee was slowly letting go of Neji he felt a tear go down his nose. He now knew he never could beat Neji in his lifetime with this new strategy Neji used.

Lee started to remember how hard he worked just to be able to impress Gai. He also started to think of how unfair it was that he had worked so incredibly hard but he still lost the most important fights of his life.

He knew that there could never be a chance like this to fight Neji again … it was over.

Neji finally was completely let go by Lee. Lee put his hands on the tree with his pointed down. He still could not believe that everything he worked for was over.

"Neji," Lee started still in the same position.

Neji began to smile knowing that he would never lose to Lee.

"You won Neji, I lost." Lee then finished.

Neji's grin grew even more but before he could say anything Lee started again,

"How bout' another fight then?" Lee said now with his head turned towards Neji with an even sized grin on his face.

"What are you talking about? I beat you and you, and you know it's impossible to beat me now." Neji replied with a look like 'What are you talking about dumb ass.)

"Your strategy works but…"

"But what!?" Neji said with more force now.

"I never thought I would see the day Hyuuga Neji would simply not fight to win."

"It's called strategy Lee, give it up."

"No, I think it's something else, I remember before the third exam you said it would be more fun to beat Naruto. How come that's not what your doing now." Lee said back trying to turn the tables.

"It was an exam, I had to fight, and that was the strategy for the match moron." Neji replied once again hoping to through Lee off guard.

"Or maybe you know that I have Marjory increased my tai-jutsu to even become a chuunin like you!" Lee said back to Neji.

"Shut up Lee! I've always been a better, and smarter shinobi than you!" Neji yelled back with a lot of anger mashed up inside his head.

"Yes you always have been better, but that was in the past, I'm talking about right now!"

Lee shouted that hoping that a real fight could begin. Neji was incredibly angry. He almost started to charge at Lee until he began to think for a moment,

'Alright Neji, all you have to do is walk away from this and just block Lee out of your mind. Plus, remember people change, but no way Lee's better than you.'

Neji did it perfectly. He was now calm with his eyes shut, but not tightly. He began to slowly turn around and walk away.

"I knew it you are afraid to fight me!" Lee shouted making Neji come to an immediate halt.

'HOW IS HE MANAGING TO MAKE ME THIS ANGRY! I WANT TO KILL HIM!' Neji began to scream and shout in his mind.

'I must not fight him. It's just a mind game.' Neji continued to think.

Soon what Lee said flashed in Neji's mind again. This time he was furious. He could not fight it anymore. Lee used his trick against him.

Neji quickly activated his byakugen and charged at Lee. Lee got in his stance and also began to charge.

"You think you're better than me huh!?" Neji screamed while running towards Lee.

'Perfect' Lee thought as he got ready for the fight of his freaking life.

To be continued.