Summary – John knows that when he was infected with the retrovirus he did something to Rodney, the challenge now is getting Rodney to talk about it. McShep
Disclaimer – I don't own them, their creators do
Rating – PG13
It took John a week to track him down. Considering that McKay was just a scientist and John was special ops trained the physicist could be a slippery little bastard when he wanted to be.
Eventually, finding him at the top of one of the piers on the south side of the city on a tip from Zelenka, John mentally locked the door.
There was no way Rodney was getting out until they'd sorted this out.
"Rodney," he started pleasantly enough but was both vindicated and depressed to see the physicist leap a mile.
"Colonel! What are you doing here?"
John took a step forward, frowning as Rodney moved back into the wall, nearly falling over one of the many tools that were scattered about the floor.
"I'm trying to find out why you've been avoiding me since the retrovirus thing."
Rodney actually paused for a minute. "You know, you're the only person I know who could take nearly being turned into an insect and re-label it 'the retrovirus thing'."
John ignored him. "I just want to apologize for whatever it was I did to you."
That got his attention. Rodney stared at him. "What?"
"I don't actually remember everything I did." For the first time in the conversation John felt awkward. "But whatever I did must have been pretty bad so tell me and-"
"No, no, no, no," Rodney babbled. "Nothing, you didn't do anything."
"Rodney," John growled warningly.
Rodney stared at him for a second before his shoulders slumped. That more than anything else alarmed John, he'd never seen Rodney give in so easily before. Then the scientist mumbled something so quickly and quietly that John wasn't even sure he'd heard it at all.
Rodney glared at him defiantly. "I thought you were hot." Despite the expression his voice fell on the last word and he flinched like he expected John to hit him.
For his part John was pretty sure that he'd heard wrong. "What?"
Rodney's glare intensified. "I'm not repeating it again!"
John shook his head in disbelief. "I was all blue and scaly."
Rodney looked embarrassed. "Yeah well, I work for the SGC, it helps to be flexible."
There was a moment of silence then Rodney broke, "why aren't you hitting me?"
"I was turning into an insect." John's expression indicated that he thought this might all be a joke.
Rodney flushed uncomfortably. "I always wanted to try it with something not human."
"Oh." John deflated slightly
Rodney looked up suspiciously. "What?"
John avoided his gaze. "I guess you wouldn't be interested now then."
"What?" It was Rodney's turn to gape.
He didn't move until John began to turn, at which point he saw one of the biggest opportunities of his life begin to literally walk away.
Spluttering lightly and praying he wasn't making a major mistake Rodney grabbed John's wrist and pulled the surprised pilot into a kiss.
John froze for a second before he relaxed into it and Rodney breathed a sight of relief as he moaned lightly.
When they pulled apart they were both clinging to each other.
"Thought you wanted something not human," John gasped.
Rodney laughed deep in his throat. "You've got to be kidding me! As far as the people I usually go for are concerned you might as well be not human."
John frowned, pretty sure he'd been insulted but he decided to let it go as Rodney kissed him again.
Rodney smiled as John's body went nice and pliant against him and began to plan for a way to get blue face paint sent from Earth.