Hi guys. Before you read my story let me warn you. It an incest story which means it's about siblings love between brother and sister. If you don't like this then don't read. I don't accept flames. You've been warned.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I own Sasuke! Ha! He's mine! hugs her plushie Sasuke
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There is an old legend, I think that only very old people still remember it. This legend says that those lovers which against their parents' will were together will be heavily punished by God. Even after the death they still wouldn't be at peace. And after 500 years they'd reborn as twins – one female and the other male, but their love still exist. Sometimes they think that what they feel is a normal siblings love and they marry another people. But there are times when both of them are clearly aware of their feelings. They try to hide it, crush it, forget it or found someone else to love but it's not possible. They have to bear the greatest pain of the most forbidden love in the world. But only the couples which love is really strong commit the worst sin called incest. Together with it come seven deadly sins: lust for the loved one which cannot be ended, envy of those couples which are happy and don't have to hide their love in front of others, wrath for God's cruelty, sloth of trying to fight that deadly desire, pride of this cursed love, greed for more of it and gluttony… not for food but for love.
If the two of them truly commit the sin of incest they'd be damned forever. Their souls would never enter heavens or be reborn again. They'd just disappear.
But this is only old legend. A myth. Tale. Something like this couldn't never happen in reality, right? Or is it?
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Chapter 1
22nd June, 1989
Fire Country, Konoha
Uchiha Mansion
7:40 am
The Head of the Uchiha Clan, Uchiha Kazuya just yelled at his servants. It's not like they did something wrong or that Kazuya was a strict master, it was because today was a very special day. In the next room Kazuya's wife was yelling in pain. Not because she was dying or sick but because she was giving birth to Kazuya's first child.
Kazuya didn't want to know if it'll be a boy or a girl because together with his wife he decided to take it as surprise. They were arguing a lot about child's name. Kazuya wanted to name his child Youko no matter if it was girl or boy. But his wife Mayune wanted a by to be Kouro and girl Yasha. In the end they decided to give their child name after it'll be born. But Kazuya swore to himself that he won't give up his favorite name for his first child.
From his thoughts took him a nurse which just come out from the room where was Mayune.
"Kazuya-sama, please come in – she said with a gentle smile.
Uchiha leader tried to read from the nurse's face if anything wrong happened to his wife or child but he couldn't concentrate so he just entered the room.
Just after he closed the door he heard his child's cry. He smiled but then he noticed not one but two babies cries. That could mean only one thing.
"Honey, we have twins!" said happily Mayune. She was very tired but also happy and very proud of herself.
Kazuya smiled widely and went closer to his wife to give her a kiss. It was obvious that he loved Mayune and she loved him back. they were really a great couple.
Kazuya turned his head to the doctor and two nurses which were changing and cleaning newborn twins. For a second he thought that he saw something pink. He blinked and shook his head. He must be very tired.
"Congratulations, both girl and boy are healthy and… hungry"
Mayne chuckled and took her babies from doctor's arms. She kissed each one's foreheads and feed them. Kazuya was quietly staring at the twins. Before it wasn't his imagination, his daughter had PINK hair just like her grandmother. It was very rare in Uchiha Clan to have a pink hair and even more rare to have pink hair and green eyes. When his daughter opened her little eyes he noticed that she had both. He could tell that his little girl will grew into a real beauty.
In other hand his son had raven hair and black eyes. Even thought they were twins it was easy to say which is which.
"Sasuke and Sakura" he said quietly to himself.
"I thought of those names too! They would fit them perfectly! The girl – Sakura and the boy – Sasuke!" said Mayune happily. It seems that in the end it was very easy to choose names.
Later that day Kazuya and Mayune had many visitors. Almost everyone in Konoha wanted to see the twins even Hokage. Even after 500 years the name of Hokage stayed. But in the modern Konoha Hokage was no other than a president.
In the evening Kazuya decided to not let any other visitors in today because Mayune and twins were very tired.
It was already midnight when Kazuya decided to go to bed. He didn't want wake up his wife and babies so he decided to sleep tonight in the bedroom downstairs.
When he was about to enter bedroom one of his servants approached him.
"Forgive me sir. I know you told me not to let anyone in because of ma'am and little master and mistress but Orochimaru-sama came and he insist to let him in. What should I do, sir?" after saying that servant bowed and quietly waited for Kazuya's instructions.
"Orochimaru…" Kazuya said to himself.
Orochimaru was a leader of Oto Gakure. He was born in Konoha but long time ago he left. No one could really tell if he was good or bad person. Most of the people in Konoha think that he's evil and cunning and they're secretly calling him a Snake Man, but no one has courage to say it out loud.
About 500 years ago Oto Gakure attacked Konoha and almost destroyed the village. It was a big war, many innocent people died. In the end Konoha won but the village was almost completely destroyed. Only few from Oto Gakure survived but now after those many years Oto Gakure is almost as big as Konoha. Both villages are in friendly relationships but it was obvious that Oto gakure's waiting for an excuse to attack Konoha.
Kazuya sighed and told his servant to let Snake Man in. He knew very well that Orochimaru wasn't good person and only pretended to be nice and caring, but as the leader of the greatest clan in Konoha Kazuya had to treat him with respect.
He went to his salon and told other servants to prepare coffee and some snacks for him and his guest.
Kazuya sat in his favorite armchair and waited quietly for Orochimaru's arrival. He knew from the years of experience that Snake Man liked to make other people wait for him no matter who they were.
After 10 minutes salon's door opened and Orochimaru came in. His face was very pale, almost white. Some people thought that it was some kind of make up. He had also long black hair which he never tied. He had also snake eyes which probably was the reason why people call him Snake Man. Around his eyes he had purple shadows which probably also were parts of some strange make up.
"It's a beautiful night, isn't it Kazuya-san?" he said.
"Yes, it is. But not only night, the day was even more beautiful." Answered Kazuya. He showed Orochimaru a place when he could sit down. After a moment servants brought coffee and cookies.
"How's the condition of your beautiful night?" asked Orochimaru.
"She's in good state but she's very tired. Now she's sleeping" he answered.
"I see and the twins?" Orochimaru couldn't hide his evil smirk.
"Both are healthy and very lively." Kazuya didn't noticed his guest's strange smile.
"I heard a rumor that your daughter has pink hair and green eyes which is pretty rare in Uchiha family and the boy has black hair and eyes, is that true?" asked Snake Man trying to hid his curiously by drinking coffee.
"Yes, that's true. Sakura has pink hair and green eyes and Sasuke has black hair and black eyes. Why do you ask?" Kazuya found it strange that Snake Man was so curious about his babies. But Orochimaru ignored his question.
"Sakura and Sasuke… Uchiha. Hmm… why did you gave them those names?" Now it was obvious that Orochimaru was acting strange.
"Why? I don't know. When I looked at them those names just came to my head, Mayune's the same. Incredible, isn't it?"
"Yes, very. I think that they'll become a pair of very interesting twins. It'll be a lot of fun to watch how they're growing up together, indeed, a lot of fun."
"I think I don't understand what do you mean" said confused Kazuya. But Orochimaru decided to ignore this question also.
"Did you choose already their godfathers and godmothers?"
"Yes, we did today. Sasuke's godfather will be Hatake Kakashi, a good friend of mine, and his godmother will be Mitarashi Anko, that girl that used to be your student."
"Yes, she was very talented in chemistry but she lacks motivation." Commented Orochimaru.
"Is that so? Sakura's godmother will be Tsunade."
"Oh, the Slug Woman and what about Sakura's godfather?"
"We had problems with choosing that one because we didn't expect twins but in the end we decided to make Uchiha Itachi Sakura's godfather."
"Itachi-kun? He's your brother's son, right?"
"Yes, that's right. I think that he's the most suitable person for this role."
"Yesss, it's very late and you seem to be very tired so I'll be going now." Orochimaru quickly leave Uchiha Mansion.
Orochimaru inside his car was smiling widely.
"So you're back at least. 500 years already passed. I wonder how you'll act in the future. How you'll face your cursed destiny. But it doesn't matter. I'll take my revenge this for sure." He said to himself.
"Orochimaru-sama, are we going back to Oto Gakure?" asked his driver.
"No, first we're going to collect that child Kabuto".
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So what do you think about this story? Please review!