MewIchigoPrincess: Hey y'all! This is the final chapter of Hearts Collide! I'm sad, y'all! But, after this story, I'm going to write a sequel so, it's all good! Ya know, as I was reading the last chapter, I discovered that I hadn't written anything about Eli and who he is! Well, in this chapter and the epilogue, you'll get to know him a lot better. This is going to be a long chapter because there's going to be a major, major battle! I think you guys are going to like how it ends! Sorry I haven't been able to update! I've had school, I've been sick, and on top of that, I lost my voice! I can't talk above a whisper no matter how hard I try! Anyway, I better get to the chapter! Now starts the final epic chapter of Hearts Collide!


Chapter Eight

The next morning, a shadow fell over the world. The Elemental Knights knew that something big was going to happen and very soon. The next morning, Aaron and Talia finally awoke from the incubators. It was a relief because they were going to need all the fire power they could get.

"Whoa, I feel like someone smashed a sludge hammer right into my head," Talia said while rubbing her head.

"Yeah, same here, Talia. What happened? I feel like we've been sleeping forever!" Aaron said.

"Well, you were asleep for two days," Celestia said. "But you needed the rest after Lydia and Isabella took over your bodies and basically drained all your powers."

Aaron and Talia jumped out of the incubators. They looked around at the palace's health room. They were completely confused. Where they heck were they and who is this woman?

"Dude, what the heck is going on?" Talia asked.

"Yeah, and who are you?" Aaron asked, pointing to Celestia.

"I am Celestia, the Mistress Celestial Elemental Knight. You are in the world of Meridian, the land of the White Wings. You are here to fulfill your destiny along with your friends."

"Huh? Destiny? What destiny? And what friends? Who are you talking about? Where is everybody?"

"Your friends, Jaden, Alexis, Atticus, Eli, Chloe, and Valerie. Your destiny is to work together to defeat the Dark Ice Warriors."

"Dark Ice Warriors? Celestia, what are you talking about?" Talia asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Allow me to explain everything that is happening."


Jaden, Atticus, Alexis, Chloe, Valerie and Eli were down in the garden. They all found themselves pondering the upcoming battle and were having doubts. Sure, they were the Elemental Knights and could pretty much take out the Dark Ice Warriors but, something was troubling them. They began to worry about the Warriors getting a hold of the White Wing Crystal. If they did, their king would be released and there would be no way they could stop them. Jaden looked around at his team. He saw the doubts on their faces and in their eyes and, quite frankly, he wasn't gonna stand for that.

"Hey, c'mon you guys! Don't look so down! We can defeat the Dark Ice Warriors, no sweat!"

"Maybe so, but what if they get a hold of the White Wing Crystal? If they release King Damascus, we're totally dead!" Valerie said.

"C'mon Val, don't be so negative! We can do it! Trust me!"

"Trust you? How? You don't know what's going to happen, Jaden! We could die in the battle and it would be all your fault!" Eli exclaimed.

Everyone looked at him with surprise, especially Jaden. What was up with him? Why was he being so negative? He was usually the one that went along with what Jaden said.

"Eli, calm down. Jaden's just trying to he---" Chloe said.

She was cut off by Eli who snapped back at her.

"Help? Yeah right! If he wants to help, Chloe, he could start by shutting his mouth!"

Chloe was shocked. She didn't think that Eli would yell at her like that. Eli looked at the hurt in Chloe's eyes and ran off. Chloe got up and ran after Eli.

'Why did he run off like that?' Chloe thought.

'Aw man! I did it again! Why do I push people away like that? Damn! It's all his fault!'


"You're such a stupid boy! I wish you weren't even born!"

Eli's father, James, yelled at him, punching and kicking him in the process. Tears streamed down Eli's face but he didn't dare to burst out crying. He knew that if he did, he would hit him even more. This abuse had been going on since he was 5 years old, he was 8 now. His mother died just a year before he turned 5. She had breast cancer for two years, and then finally died after a courageous battle with the cancer.

(AN: Just for those of you who don't know, October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So, if you know a woman that you love very much, your mom, your aunt, your cousin, and they're 35 years or older, encourage them to get a mammogram if they've never had one. It's one way that you can detect breast cancer. Another way is by self-exams and doctor visits. Please, ask them to consider it. It could save their life.)

Soon after that, Eli's father spiraled into a deep depression and turned to alcohol and drugs for comfort.

It wasn't long before he started to get violent with Eli, beating him up every night for no reason.

He would yell at him, saying things like, it was his fault that his mother died. James would beat him and beat him until blisters would scar his hands from hitting him. Not only did his father beat him because he was drunk, he beat him because he looked so much like his mother. Long silky silver hair, emerald green eyes, olive skin. His father couldn't stand to look at him.

The only way he could forget his belated wife, was to get rid of his son all together. One night, as Eli slept, James came in his room with a 6 in. butcher knife. He stood towering over Eli, knife raised ready to stab him to death. Eli's eyes shot open just as he brought down the knife. He ran out of his room and out the door screaming for someone to help him.

The neighbors all turned on their lights and came outside to see what was going on. Eli ran to the house that was right across the street from his. His best friends, Myra and Danny Lincoln lived in that house across from him. As he ran in the house, he collapsed on the floor, tears streaming out of his eyes. All Eli could do was cry as Myra and Danny's parents asked him questions and as the police arrived and started to ask him questions. Two months later, his father was convicted with 1st degree attempted murder, child abuse and neglect. He got a sentence of 30 years to life in prison with no chance of parole. Even though he would never see his father again, he still lived in fear everyday that he would somehow escape from prison and come after him again.

(End flashback)

Eli sat on a cool, marble bench, looking at the majestic and beautiful water fountain that stood out in front of the palace of four beautiful women. A tear ran down his cheek as he thought about the events of that night. Chloe came around to the front of the palace and saw Eli sitting on the marble bench. Chloe walked slowly up to Eli and sat down next to him. No one said anything for awhile. Then finally, after several minutes that felt like hours, Eli began to speak.

"Chloe, I'm sorry I yelled at you like that. I was just upset. I want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt you,"

Chloe smiled at Eli and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I know, Eli. And I know that you're hurting. Something in your eyes says that someone hurt you a long time ago. It was your dad, wasn't it?"

Eli looked at Chloe in surprise. How could she have known that? He just met her not even a month ago. He never told her about his past. Chloe smiled at Eli's reaction.

"I'm psychic and my brother can see spirits. We come from a very weird family,"

Eli laughed lightly. Chloe smiled at Eli. She was glad to see him smile again. Ever since they had arrived at Meridian, Eli had been really troubled. She could feel the distressing vibes coming from him.

"Your mom died of breast cancer when you were little, didn't she?"

"Yeah. It was just me and my dad from then on. Before my mom died, we got along great. He played with me, hugged me, kissed me, and said I love you. And then, he just snapped. I never understood why."

Tears started to stream down his face again. Chloe embraced Eli tightly as a tear started to stream out her eyes, also. For awhile, they both just sat there and cried together. Finally, after awhile, Eli and Chloe both stopped crying. They both looked deep into each other's eyes. Chloe could still see the pain in his eyes like it had only happened yesterday. Eli could see the sympathy in Chloe's chocolate brown eyes. In a sense, they both lost their dads. The only difference was that Chloe's dad loved her very much and would never hurt her.

"Eli, I'm here for you, no matter what. I won't ever give up on you,"

Eli smiled warmly at Chloe. Eli put a finger under Chloe's chin and gently lifted her head up to kiss her. Chloe blushed slightly as their lips met. They kissed deeply and passionately for what seemed like forever. After awhile, they broke apart for breath. They smiled at each other as they looked into each other's eyes. As Chloe looked into Eli's eyes, she could see the pain disappear and was replaced with happiness and love.

"Thank you, Chloe. Thank you for taking the pain away."

"Your welcome."

"I love you, Chloe."

"I love you too, Eli."

As gray and black clouds rolled over the beautiful and almost perfect world of Meridian, Chloe and Eli both wished that this moment would go on forever.

Inside the palace, the Elemental Knights saw the dark clouds roll over the palace and knew that it wasn't just an ordinary thunderstorm. It was an evil presence, something much stronger than a thunderstorm. In the distance, they could see Lydia and Isabella ride in on ice with the Dark Ice Warriors.

"Elemental Knights, it's time," Celestia said.

"Right! Are you guys ready?" Jaden said.

Everyone nodded their heads to Jaden.

"Then let's go! Knights, unite!" Jaden said as he took out his fire crystal.

Everyone started to transform into the Elemental Knights. As soon as they were finished transforming, they ran out of the palace to greet the Dark Ice Warriors.

"Hello, Elemental Knights! We're here for the White Wings Crystal! So, if you don't want to be destroyed, I suggest that you just hand it over now and we'll politely leave," Lydia said.

"Not a chance, Lydia! We're gonna take you down even if it means losing our lives! Isn't that right Knights?" Jaden said.

Once again, they nodded their heads in agreement to Jaden.

"Fine, if that's the way you want it. But I warn you, we'll stop at nothing to get that crystal! Dark Ice Warriors, ATTACK!"

The Dark Ice Warriors swooped down from the big walls of ice and started to attack the Elemental Knights. There were like, a thousand of them and only eight Elemental Knights. One by one, the Elemental Knights defeated the thousands of Dark Ice Warriors. Lydia and Isabella couldn't believe how fast the Elemental Knights took out their Ice Warriors. Finally, they finished the last of the Dark Ice Warriors and were ready to take their leaders down.

"Is that all you got, Lydia? We were expecting more of a challenge," Eli said.

"Bite your tongue! You'll never be able to defeat us, right Isabella?"

"Right, Lydia. What do you say we give them our special attack?"

"I'd say yes. Ready?"


"I summon the power of the Dark Ice Shadow Cat! Raesu, come forth!"

Lydia started to glow an eerie purple as the Dark Ice Shadow Cat Raesu came forth. It was a humungous, yet hideous excuse for a tiger. It was a zombie tiger with shadows surrounding it.

"I summon the power of the Dark Ice Death Wolf! Ikishi, come forth!"

An eerie blue aura glowed around Isabella. The Death Wolf was also a zombie. It was huge and hideous just like Raesu. And as soon as the Death Wolf was resurrected, something strange began to happen. Ikishi and Raesu started to combine. As soon as the transformation was complete, the new monster started to attack the Elemental Knights. This creature was way stronger than Ikishi and Raesu on their own. This creature was a demon.

It swooped its gigantic paw down on them, causing them to fly and in all different directions.

"Hahahahahaha! How do you like our new creature, Elemental Knights? This is the Dark Ice Death Demon Emoship. Emoship, destroy the Elemental Knights!" Isabella said.

Emoship roared and when it did, a shadow beam came out of its mouth. It hit the Elemental Knights directly. No one could stand up. They couldn't even move their arms or legs. It was a paralyzing beam.

"I can't move!" Atticus said.

"How are we supposed to defeat this thing if we can't even move?" Alexis said.

"You got a plan, Jaden?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. Use your powers to hit the person next to you," Jaden said.

"Jaden are you crazy? If we do, we'll be seriously weakened!" Talia said.

"Yeah Jay, what are you thinking?" Valerie said.

"Just trust me on this one. You don't have to use a lot of your powers. Just enough so that the person next to you can move."

Even they had their doubts, they did as Jaden said and used their powers to try to get the other person next to them to move. Amazingly, it worked. They got up immediately and started to blast Emoship. The stronger the blast, the more effective it was. Since the demon was their monster, Isabella and Lydia became very weak. Emoship was attached to them, and if it died, they died.

"Lydia! We can't let them destroy Emoship like that! We have to use the Death Demon's most powerful attack!" Isabella said.

"I agree, sister."

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's do it!"

"Rakshu emonth que masda! L'brue ta'nosh sehtll!" Isabella and Lydia said together.

Emoship let out a very powerful aura. Its aura was so big that it killed the flowers and the trees. I gigantic shadow beam came shooting out of its mouth and went directly for the Elemental Knights.

"Guys! We have to make a shield that'll send Emoship's attack right back at it!" Jaden said.

"But Bubby, what if it doesn't work? What'll we do then?" Chloe asked.

"Don't worry Ci Ci, if we give enough of our power to the shield, it'll work!"

"But, if we give a lot of our power and the shield doesn't work, we'll be weak and helpless," Eli said.

"C'mon you guys! We gotta have faith in Jaden! He's brought us this far, and we can't let him down! We can do it, and we always have." Alexis said.

Everyone exchanged looks with each other. They finally decided that Alexis was right. They created a circle around Jaden, holding hands. They closed their eyes as they started to concentrate on Jaden. Jaden took out his crystal and held up above his head. Everyone started to glow as they gave Jaden their powers.








The spirits of their powers shot out of their body and into Jaden's crystal. The crystal glowed pure white as a powerful shield surrounded them. Lydia and Isabella were dumbfounded. They knew that it was too late to call back Emoship's attack. Its attack would hit the shield and would go right back at it. They knew they were defeated and tried their very hardest to escape from Meridian. Emoship's attack it the shield as it ricocheted off of the shield and back to Emoship. Emoship let out one last roar as the blast hit it. Lydia and Isabella screamed as the pain was unbearable. Finally, the sky cleared and the sun once again shone down on the land of Meridian. They had defeated the Dark Ice Warriors.

The Elemental Knights drifted slowly back on the ground and transformed back into humans. They let our cheers and hugged each other. The evil had finally been defeated.

"You did it Jaden! You defeated the Dark Ice Warriors!" Alexis said as she hugged Jaden.

"We did it! If you guys wouldn't have gone along with my crazy idea, we would've been defeated!"

"Well, that's true but it was your idea that won it for us! I love you!" Alexis said as she kissed Jaden. Jaden was surprised at first, but then accepted the kiss and put his arms around her waste and kissed her back.

The guys started to laugh at the two, but unexpectedly, Valerie kissed Atticus and Talia kissed Aaron. They too, were surprised but accepted it and kissed them back.

Eli and Chloe walked over to the fountain. They needed some time to talk by themselves.

"You have one crazy brother, Chloe." Eli said with a smile.

"Yeah, I do. But I love him. And I love you," Chloe said.

"I love you too."

Eli and Chloe kissed deeply just like everyone else. Suddenly, a gigantic bird with beautiful white wings flew over the palace with glitter coming out of its tail. Everyone broke away from their kiss and looked up in the sky. They had never seen such a huge bird before, but it was beautiful.

"Congratulations, Elemental Knights! You defeated the Dark Ice Warriors," Celestia said.

Everyone turned around to see where the voice was coming from. They looked everywhere and then finally up in the sky. Celestia was the bird flying over them. They all smiled up at the bird and waved goodbye to Celestia.

"May the rest of your lives be filled with hope, peace and joy," Celestia said as she flew off into the distance.

It was finally over. They could finally return to the Academy and continue dueling. As they went back into the palace to go to the transportation room to go home, they took one final look back at the glorious land called Meridian and knew that it would remain peaceful thanks to them.


MewIchigoPrincess: Well, that's it! What did you guys think of the ending? Did I rush too much to get it done or was it a masterpiece? Please, tell me what you think about it! Thank you to everyone who read my story faithfully and told me honestly what they thought about it. A special thank you to JadenYukiAlexisYuki for being my number one fan! I couldn't have done it without ya babe! Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the sequel of Hearts Collide! I don't know what I'll call it yet, but it'll say "sequel" in the title! Shmotus it up! MewIchigoPrincess signing off.