This is my 1st story in Fan Fiction. Please review:) If there are any part that has the same plot or sentence that is from your story, please forgive me (I picked it out because it was nice)I think this message is for the author in Fan Fiction HDawq72389

All American Girl (Chapter 1)

It's been a year since David and I have been dating. He's just the PERFECT guy I'm looking for.

Top 10 reasons why David is the PERFECT guy I've been searching for:

10) He's always there for me.

9) He never fails to make me happy.

8) He knows what I need most.

7) He likes what I like and vice-versa.

6) He's cute.

5) He likes art, just like me.

4) He always bring me to Jake's

3) He can understand me.

2) He's the guy who makes me feel the frisson coming.

And the top reason why David is the PERFECT guy I'm looking for:

1) He's who he is, David!

Start of Chapter 1:

"Hey Sam, want to come to have dinner at Jake's today?"


"I'll pick you up at 7.30 pm. Is that okay?"

"Yep. See ya!"

Oh, David's bringing me to Jake's today night! Well, that's my favourite place where I can have all my burgers. What should I wear today? Should I borrow some clothes from Lucy?

"Hey pretty Lucy, would you mind me borrowing some clothes from you?"

"No, of course not! I've always wanted to lend you it's just that you insisted on wearing black all the time," said Lucy. "Anyway, why did you want to borrow clothes from me?"

"Erm…." I replied

"Are you meeting David today?"

"Yeah…" I replied shyly.

"Oh! I'll help you choose one suit."

She picked out a sweet pink spaghetti stripes and a pure white mini skirt and handed it to me. Oh no! She wants me to wear that!

"This is the best! Come on wear it."

"No way! It's not appropriate for me to wear this!"

"You are meeting David. Of course this is appropriate."

And she forced me to wear. Then, she took out a baby blue handbag and made me take it along with me to the date.

Time just passes in the twinkle of an eye and it's 7.30pm. David knocked on the door and we got on the car. We went to Jake's for dinner and before long, my stomach was bloated.

"Where do you want to go now? Movie? Park? Or do you want to go to somewhere else?" David asked with his cute eyes and expression, which he would only do to me, his girlfriend.

"Let's go to the seaside." I suggested.

"Okay, sure."

This is the end of Chapter 1. Hope you've enjoy it!