Disclaimer: I don't own Narnia

Sorry for the wait. I'm gonna try to post this as soon as I can. I'm totally exhausted right now cause I just had surgery (nothing huge) yesterday and it really takes it out of you. Ok… now on with the story…

Chapter 6: Growing Closer

Susan groaned and slowly got out of bed, dressed, and slowly made her way down to the throne room. There she found Edmund and Peter, each sitting on their respective seats. When Peter heard Susan enter he looked up from his conversation and smiled at Susan, making her breath catch in her throat. Susan shook her head and smiled back before striding to her seat and gently placing herself on it.

"What are you two murmuring about over there?" asked Susan with a hint of humor in her voice.

"Oh nothing," laughed Peter, his eyes twinkling. Susan looked at him disbelievingly. He winked at her, making her blush. Edmund surveyed the two older kids with a smirk on his face and said,

"Well why don't I leave you two alone for a while?" He then got up, and strode out the door. Susan and Peter looked at each other, both with blushes on their face. Peter was the first to break the silence.

"What do you think he was talking about?" Susan laughed nervously before answering,

"A haven't an idea. Oh well I think I'll go riding now. It's been so long since I've had a chance to."

"I'll come with you!" exclaimed Peter quickly as he jumped up from this throne. Susan looked at him curiously before shrugging her shoulders. They walked to the stables in silence and saddled their horses. As they rode out of the stables Peter couldn't help noticing how graceful Susan seemed. Susan suddenly reigned her horse and, with a smile on her face, yelled,

"Race you to the river," before she took off galloping. Peter smirked as he urged his horse into a gallop and well. After they both reached the river, with Susan as the winner of course, they both got off the horses and sat down under a huge willow tree. As they sat Peter kept sneaking glances at Susan when she wasn't looking. Her hair was longer now he noticed, and her lips were fuller. All in all she had turned out to be a very beautiful woman.

"You know I have perfect peripheral vision right?" said Susan suddenly. Peter blushed as Susan turned to look at him.

"Just why were you staring at me hmm?" she asked in a singsong voice.

"N-no reason," stammered Peter. "I was just umm admiring how beautiful you've become." Susan gave him a small smile.

"Well you're not too bad to look at either Peter. I imagine girls just throw themselves at your feet." Peter chuckled at this.

"Maybe once or twice…" he said. "But I don't like those kinds of girls. I like girls who are strong, smart, and independent. It's an added bonus if their beautiful too. So far I've only found one girl that fits that description and I'm not even sure that she likes me back." Susan suddenly felt a twinge of jealously but dismissed it as "sisterly instincts".

"Who is it?" she asked in a hushed tone. Peter turned to look at her again and whispered,

"You." and closed the gap between their lips. Susan gasped as she felt Peter kissing her but she soon melted into the kiss and began to enjoy it. After a few minutes Susan reluctantly broke the kiss saying,

"Peter, we can't do this. For most of our lives we've thought that we were siblings. Isn't this a bit strange?"

"Love is strange but it happens anyway." answered Peter. He then pulled her into an embrace and held her to him. He expected her to pull a way and was surprised when she snuggled deeper into his chest. He smiled and held her tighter. They sat like this for hours, neither saying anything because they knew they dint need words to communicate their feelings. For the first time in two years everything felt just right.

a/n: Wow I really haven't updated in a long time but guess what…today I updated all three stories…aren't you guys proud of me lol. I know its short but I couldn't think of anything else.