Hello, AuroraStarPhoenix here with another story. Hope this one does better than my first one. In this story, present day Konoha means that the rookie nine are about 16-17 years old, Sasuke's back (let's just pretend okay?), Orochimaru's defeated, and the Akatsuki is still on the loose.

Note: To anyone looking at this story again, any changes will be found in the author's notes at the bottom of the page. Sorry, still new at this.

Summary: In the future, Hinata and her husband sends their daughter, Hoshiakari, to the past, in this case present day Konoha, on a mission. Unfortunately, everyone is more concerned with finding out who the father is. Now bets are being made, gossip and rumors are flying about, and there is one question on everyone's mind, "Um…who's the father?"

I think that's it for now. Hoshiakari, could you please do the disclaimer?

Hoshiakari: Alright! AuroraStarPhoenix does not own Naruto, the manga or the anime. They all belong to Masashi Kishimoto-san. But she does own me!

'Pats Hoshiakari on the head' : Good job!

Hoshiakari: arigatoo!

Oh and special thanks to my brother for being my beta-reader!

"normal speech"

"spoken by everyone in the area"


"thoughts of the other people in response to the previous speaker"


Sometime in the future…

Two cloak figures stood outside of a circle filled with inscriptions while the third finished writing out the seal under the light of a full moon.

"Is it done yet? Is it done yet?" asked the smaller one excitedly.

"Yes, just finished." came a masculine reply as he moved to stand next to the taller female. The two then turned their gazes down to the third person.

"Did you remember to pack everything you'd need?" asked the female.

"Hai, I even double-checked!" chirped the small one showing off her backpack.

"Now do you remember all that we told you?" the other one asked.

Nodding her head vigorously, she replied, "Uh huh, uh huh, always stay with okaasan and listen to what she says."

"Hai, that's my girl." He chuckled proudly. "And do you remember the rules for this mission?"

"Yeps! Can I go now, can I pleeease!" She begged jumping up and down, showing puppy-dog eyes.

The female giggled, "Slow down, this won't take long, you're so excited. Put on your sunglasses and remember to keep them on. Okay, I don't think we forgot anything. Now, be careful, it is very important that you remember what we told you, and never take off that bracelet or…"

"Or I won't be able to finish the mission." Finished the girl "Don't worry kaasan. Everything's gonna be okay." She said as she gave the female a hug.

"Alright" said the resigned female.

Then after hugging the male figure as well, the little girl walked to the center of the circle. The two taller figures took their positions standing directly across from one another, preparing to do their hand jutsus as the small one stood silently. As, the two performed a series of various hand seals, a whirl of wind starts to rise on the boundary of the circle and the inscriptions start to glow. In a few moments, the little girl vanished in a blinding flash, and the two exhausted figures collapsed. Taking a few seconds to catch his breath, the male then slowly crawled over to wrap his arms around the other figure.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Just worried. Do you think it was the right thing to do?" She asked.

"Yes, it was the only way, and don't worry, she is a very bright little girl. After all she's our daughter." He assured her.

"I know, but what if something happens, what if she makes a mistake? Besides, it's not easy finding out you have a child at 17, what if you change your mind about us?" she questioned worriedly.

"Who wouldn't want a sweet child like her, and you're the most perfect wife anyone could wish for! That includes the younger me." Came the biased reply. 'Wait that didn't sound right, those guys better stay away from my wife!'


Present day Konoha at the team 8 training grounds…

Hinata stood in the Hyuuga fighting stance as she prepared for Kiba and Shino's attack.

"Okay Hinata-chan, here we come!" Shouted Kiba.

Shino sends out his kikaichu bugs to surround Hinata. Leaping out of the way, Hinata quickly throws a stun tag into the swarm knocking out the bugs. Kiba and Akamaru then performed their Juujin Bushin and began the combo only to be stopped as Hinata threw a handful of shurikens at them. Landing in front of Kiba, she tries to use Juuken on him, only to be jumped from behind by Akamaru. Hinata quickly flips Akamaru off her back onto Kiba, and leaps away, but not before throwing down a …stink bomb.

"Aaargh! Hey, that's not playing fair Hinata!" yelled Kiba as he and Akamaru tried to escape the stench.

Giggling, Hinata replied, "S-Sorry Kiba-kun, but I wanted to test it out!"

"Oh it's on now!" Saying this Kiba commanded Akamaru to use dainamikku maakingu on Hinata.

Unfortunately, Hinata, expecting this and not wanting to get sprayed, dashed over to Shino.

"Uh…Sorry Shino-kun!"


Shino then sends a swarm of kikaichu bugs over to Kiba.

"Hey, I said I was sorry! Besides you should have moved out of the way!" Kiba yelled defensively as he ran from the swarm. "Hinaataa-chaan! Say something!"

"S-s-s-sorry Kiba-kun!" was all the laughing Hinata could say.

"Aw, come on, we're suppose to be training!"

"…I am training." Shino coolly replied before he walked off to wash his face and replace his jacket.

After Shino's return, team 8 resumed their training for another hour.

"Gatsuuga!" Kiba screamed as he and Akamaru did their combo.

"Aaaaah!" yelped Hinata flying off into the bushes.

"Oi, Hinata-chan! Daijoubu desu ka" called out Kiba and the two rushed over to check on their teammate.

However, before they could hear any reply, a disturbance occurred in the air behind the two boys causing them to turn around. The two shinobi watched as the air rippled before them, and out jumped a small figure. Wearing a full-length white cloak with the hood on, and having the face nearly fully covered by a pair of black sunglasses with a white strip of cloth over the mouth and nose, it was difficult to tell whether it was a girl or a boy. But the fact that there were light green vines covered with pale lavender flowers embroidered along the bottom and edges of the cloak, and that there were some strands of chin-length indigo hair that frame the face, it was most likely a girl. The three stood there, staring at each other in silence until the little white figure started fidgeting.

"Um…k-konnichiwa." She hesitantly said in a soft, childish but feminine voice.

"Konnichiwa" replied the two stunned shinobi.

"Um…" the child began as she twiddled her fingers beneath the cloak. (Well, she is Hinata's daughter) "Would you be Shino-san and Kiba-san?"

Silence loomed for a few seconds before Shino finally replied, "Hai, I am Shino and this is Kiba. What is your name?"

"Oh, gomenasai! I am Hoshiakari!" she said bowing, "Is my okaasan here?" she asked while looking around.


But before the boys could voice their question, Hinata finally came out of the bushes while dusting her jacket.

"G-gomenasai, Kiba-kun, Shino-kun," apologized Hinata, "My jacket got cau…"



Okay everyone, that's it for now! It took a long time. Already finished the next chapter, but still need to edit it. What do you think? Please review!

Oh, and I'm gonna have a little vote where you can vote for Hoshiakari's father is. Just a few rules though:

1. No sensei (Sorry, this means no Kakashi, or any other adult teachers)

2. No dead guys (I'm not going to bring back any dead guys, this includes Haku and Zabuza)

3. Don't even think about Neji.

4. No Orochimaru, lets just say he's dead for this story, okay?

5. Can't write a Kankuro, he hates kids and Hinata's the youngest there.

Other than that, knock yourselves out, but remember, I'm gonna try to keep them all in character.

Note: thanks to H.L.F.S.K.T Kaoru for pointing out that Hoshiakari called Shino and Kiba "san". Actually Hoshiakari will be calling all the guys ojiisan (uncle) to keep her father's identity a secret. So it's okay to vote for them. : D

More information on the story and the results of the votes so far can be found on my author's profile :D


Some Japanese phrases/words/moves used:

Hoshiakari – starlight

Kaasan/okaasan – mother

Juujin Bushin – man-beast transformation

Juuken – Gentle fist (Hyuuga fighting style)

Dainamikku maakingu – The first part of a combo move by Kiba and Akamaru where Akamaru urinates on the target(s)

Gatsuuga – also known as the 'fang-over-fang' move

Daijoubu desu ka - Are you alright?

Konnichiwa – good afternoon/ hello

Gomenasai – excuse me/ sorry