Okay... This is it...THE END
I hope you all enjoy the long journey (very long).
Im so happy with the response I have gotten and I hope you will appreciate this; I had to end it somehow. I am so thankful with all the hits and reviews, and I hope to edit and evolve this story in the future.
Okay, here it goes curtains open
The Last Chapter
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Braig walked down the sunken dirt path, hidden under a canopy of large achient oak trees. The setting sun glowed red through the trees like bright flames, come to engulf him, and rush him away. Swiftly, gloriously, and left with smoke and ashes. He felt as about worth the dirt he was kicking on the ground.
Braig realized he grown attached to him. Did Braig really love that man? He thought as he traveled slowly down the long path to town square.
He sat and watched the people walk bye. They kept walking, smiling, and chatting, and he felt they were innocent. He could not smile like that, not even with him. At least not anymore, he no longer had a smile life had stripped him of that. He felt the whole inside him, growing.
He walked slowly under the blooming trees, passing the young children coming out of school, there mothers coming and walking them home.
He had a tough life, no life of luxury. He worked hard, endlessly, he persevered thinking the void inside him, and the emptiness would fill. His had succeeded, his dreams had come true, but nothing, no emotions, when he kissed him and it was like...Nothing. He remembered the passion they had, but now, it was like sand, falling through his fingers, the felling there for only so long, and the lingering quick, and empty.
He pulled out f his cloak a glistening flask, and took a swig of amber liquid.
It was as if, he thought, he had no heart, and he watched the young children run under the blossoms. He took another swig, and began to laugh. The whole inside him, began to engulf him.
"So, why did you want to see me dear?" Xehanort was walking onto the plush hill surrounded by craggy boulders; he brushed off one with little moss, and hopped onto hit, rocks, and moss crumbling down the side.
"I thought we should just... ya' know... talk." Braig's hazel eyes gazed over the horizon. "We have been so busy for so long, we barely talked." He struggle don the last word as he clambered up the large boulder. "Geez, how did you get up here, everybody is right," he said playfully. "Your way to young for me!" They both laughed and Braig slipped an arm round Xehanort.
"So..." Xehanort stretched and slipped into Braig's arms, "what do you want to talk about?" Xehanort pulled back, and looked at Braig with a gleam in his eye. His blue eyes shone out and reflected back Braig's blank expression. Braig quickly cracked a smile.
"Oh whatever you want," he said pulling into a hug. He stared at the desolate canyon before him, and empty whole, and he felt it resonate with him. "Whatever you want sweetie."
"Yes, Xehanort?"
"Braig, I was just wondering..."
"Yes angel?"
"I've just been thinking about An- I mean Masters plans."
"... Promise me," Xehanort said lightly just above a whisper, "...Promise me, you'll never leave me".
"I promise, Xehanort,"
"Why would I?"
As they embraced again, Xigbar thought of the emptiness inside him growing, and how that sacred promise, had already left his mind.
"What are you staring at?" Xigbar whispered to himself, letting the sand fall through his fingers.
"I would say your eyes," a sudden deep voice said, as Xigbar whipped himself around. A figure in black was standing behind him, his hood pulled over him as Xigbar, but each new the other. "However, I cannot see them. " And he walked through the sand and sat next to Xigbar. "And I haven't," he sighed", for a very long time." Xigbar merely looked forward, and merely kept his head down. "It is strange how things work. The heart is curious, and so is life. We may be nobodies, and we may not exist without hearts, but if we don't exist," he said slowly. 'How are you and I sitting," he droned making a sweeping hand gesture here", right here?"
"I really do not know, you should tell me." And Xigbar gazed at Xemnas. "Why are you talking about this? Why are you here?" He waited for an answer.
"I loved you very much." Xemnas said softly, trying his best to make it feel real. "I loved you beyond words and thought, but I could not bring you the same feeling, the same joy, as you brought me." He looked over, and removed his hood, his silver hair blown forward be the light breeze. "My heart, Xigbar, is gone." He looked blankly forward. "I had a heart though Braig, once we all had hearts, all of us nonexistent creatures. However seeing this and everything that has happened I wonder Braig..." and he turned to face Xigbar with his whole body, the sand rustling under him. "Did you lose yours?"
"No, Xehanort." He continued to look forward. "Think I did. Sadly..." He thought for a moment, taking in the seaside breeze, "I have one again though, I think."
"So you now as well as I, what our fates are." Xemnas said with a drop in tone.
"I know what must happen." Braig looked forward. "If I go onward, if we succeed, I will only have my heart taken away, and yours restored." He started to play with the sand. "We cannot love each other. Not at the same time. So, I have decided."
"That I will not exist."
"That is insane, how-"
"Xemnas. Please. Don't make me choose to just follow you, don't make I or yourself be cursed." He pleaded with him. "We will just continue in this viscous cycle, it is our punishment, I know it. My heart was taken in preparation, for the things, the things we would do. But if one of us doesn't challenge life, if we just accept..."
"No Xigbar, you are foolish." He said quietly. "If you do not exist, then you will go on forever, and then when I pass you will be alone!" he became loud, and menacing, standing up briskly, pulling Xigbar up with him. "And when you finally return to the darkness whence you came, we will be in different eternities, different fates. You will give up mere mortal years for an eternity," he said and a spark lit in his dark eyes, "An
eternity without me." and his voice lowered, and he become calm again.
And they stood there in he eternal night. "So, we keep going. Your saying, we keep going through this agony. It isn't fair; you'll have to live without my heart twice, Xehanort." He said softly, putting his hand against Xemnas cold cheek, brushing his lips.
"Ill survives. I cannot imagine, the terror I would be in, you not find you when sleep for the last time. I may not have a heart, and I may not be able to feel it, but I know I love you." He said, and he smiled, genuinely. His eyes fluttered shut, and he did not protest to they sudden absence of space between them. He felt the warm lips against his, and fell into it and let it overwhelm him. Xigbar pulled back slowly, his eyes shone bright and warm, they seemed almost green for a second to Xemnas, but in a flash, they were yellow.
"Anything?" He asked, waiting for a response, holding Xemnas by the shoulders.
"Im afraid not." Xemnas said, "But I know I enjoyed it".
"I guess, we should...go back." He said quietly. "I will go first...So this is it?"
"Oh, im sure you can wander in to my office," he said loudly as Xigbar created a dark portal. He saw the man before him, and suddenly, he was standing on cliff, watching the man before him glow and smile, Braig, the man he once knew. He was flushed in light. Then he was back in the desolate land, seeing the man before him, surrounded by darkness. ", whenever you want, Braig." And he watched as a loving smile came from Braig's face.
"I love you Xehanort." And they were back on the plush cliffs.
"No more than I, no more than I." But, he was alone, standing looking out at the sea, as he had done so many times, as both of them had. In fact, for a second, he felt that spark. He felt the pure light in him strike once, and the pleasurable smoke floated through him. He felt the love he had always promised, they had always promised. And as smoke, it disappeared.
"Time, time is my friend." And the mask flew back in place, as he walked down the black beach, the moon following him. "I have a promise to keep, after all" And he stepped into the dark portal before him.
Okay I hope you liked it, Im think I may actually have a plot (That's where I went wrong...never had one...) So I have been making this up as I go along. I will try and get all my regulars the news that I finished it, and I will be doing, much, much more!