-Long string of curse words- My computer crashed! I'm sorry for not updating yesterday. Comp crashed and it wasn't fixed until today.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


He admired her. The girl was everything he wasn't. Strong, brave, caring… He had only heard her name once or twice. Tifa. That was her name. Demyx really wished he could be like her. He was a weak fighter; she was a strong martial artist. He ran from battle; She raced headfirst into it.

She talked to a lot of people, so…He decided the next person she would talk to would be him.

"Hi!" He said, smiling, walking into the place she was training that day.

"Um, hello." She said, turning to face him and smiling slightly.

"I've seen you fight once or twice, you're pretty good. I uh…Well..." Demyx trailed off. He wanted to ask so badly, but he wasn't sure how to.

"Yeees?" Tifa dragged out the 'eh' in yes.

"Train me. Please. I can barely fight and in this world, that's not the best thing."

"Erm…I guess I can help you a little bit. Sure. The names Tifa, who are you?"

"Demyx. Call me Demyx."

"Okay Demyx, lets get started then."

Half the things she taught him, he used in the battle against Sora, yet he still faded.


Crazy, but I can see this pairing actually working out. O.o