Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom.


Slowly and quietly a 16-year-old girl closed the front door to her mansion and ran. Sam Manson's parents had been fighting a lot lately and Sam couldn't take it. Her life was terrible, she had no friends, no one in her school notices her, and her parents was disappointed in her. She had to get out and didn't care what happen just as long as she wasn't home. Next thing she knew she was in the park sitting by the fountain looking into the water.

She didn't know how and didn't care. "What do I do now," she asked but there was no answer. Not that she wanted one, she just wanted to know and with that she sighed. Now feeling that she was crying, the tears running down her face and into the water of the fountain.

She didn't know how long she was there crying, but all she did was look at the water. Violet eyes looked back, letting out a long sigh she gat up and turned around and ran into someone. She felt that she was falling and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the impact. But the impact never came as a hand clamped around her wrist.

"Are you all right," a voice said pulling her back up. As her eyes opened, she found that she was looking into ice blue eyes. And found that she couldn't speck, but she said, "no." with a sigh.

She didn't know why she said that, but she couldn't look at anything else but those eyes.

A/N: Sorry short. It's my first storey. review and I'll update soon.