A/N: So is this chapter 5? Whoa I'm impressed, by myself, and those of you that reviewed. Oh, and x Ella x, you don't have to kill me HaHa I'm going.
Summary: DRAMA, need I say more? Betrayal, loss, heartache, backstabbing. It's all coming up. But, for those of you who want to see what I think Rob's on probation for, read this chapter. Then, review. Please and thanks.
Disclaimer: Okay, everything you recognize from any 1-800 book is Meg Cabot's. However, Rob is now going to admit what he's on probation for. What sucks the most is that, when we discover what Meg decides he's on probation for, that's what it is. There's no other possibility because it IS her book. In a chat Meg says that Rob is on probation for something that pretty much every guy used to do in Indiana, and all pretty much got in trouble. She ruled out plenty of possibilities by saying what it has nothing to do with. This was what I came up with…(have you seen Big Daddy?) It does ruin our imagination when we find out the truth but for now, here it is…
Rob pulled over to the side of the road.
"Mastriani, maybe now we should decide on a destination."
"Oh, yeah, right. Um, let's hit a hotel in Paoli. That way we are close if Ruth's around this area, but far enough away from Krantz."
"Okay, let's go."
We got on the bike and started towards our destination. Rob pulled into the parking lot of a non-descript, but clean enough, motel. I let him go in to check us in.
Our room was small with only one queen sized bed. I blushed when I saw it, because I was only picturing the really hot guy and me sharing it. Of course, I was still worried about Ruth, but if I'm going to be distracted, what better way than by a six foot something Hottie standing there in front of me?
It turns out, Rob wasn't thinking about me in any compromising situations that night, except one that he imagined me with a knife to my throat (never happened) Or, he was really good at resisting any carnal urges, which he has. Urges, I mean. Because, sometimes, as I've said before, I can wear him down. Well, if THAT wasn't going to be happening, which it became clear IT wasn't when he pulled out a cot, I'd make good use of my time.
Yeah, nice reply from someone who is supposed to love me. Maybe it was taking all his effort to not jump me so he could hardly speak. Hey, it could happen.
" Tell me why you're on probation. If you love me you will, or I swear I am leaving right NOW!"
Maybe it was something in my tone; maybe he was just sick of avoiding it. Or maybe, he knew I was stubborn enough to never let him get away with avoidance. Whatever it was, he turned, and out came the story.
(A/N: story/memories)
Rob, Wendell, Wylie, and even a few Townies were walking through the snow. It was late at night, but people were still out eating and shopping. The boys all went right up to the side of the building and just started…urinating. They were cracking up as they made writing in the snow and on the sides of buildings. The people around them were making disapproving sounds and looks. The boys laughed harder, until the flashing lights came through the street. Everyone scattered. Rob and a few other guys were caught, a few got away.
Court wasn't a joke, and it wasn't fun. The judge was used to this case. All the boys seemed to love doing this; it was harmful but fell under the category of Disturbance of the Peace. All the 'hooligans' as the police and judge referred to the boys were given probation. Each was given a probation officer. If any illegal activity was reported, they'd find their butts back in that court faster than the sentence dealt out would take. Jail. This being the second time for Rob this meant one more strike and he could find himself in jail.
The other boys never mentioned their probation to anyone but the direct friends and family. It didn't matter to them. However, it mattered to Rob. He couldn't go to jail. He couldn't leave his mom like his dad had. He couldn't go to jail like his dad had. He'd clean up his act and stop this foolish nonsense. But, then he met Jess. It had nothing to do with why he was on probation but he was an adult and she was a minor. That's unlawful right there, not counting the probation… What's a guy to do?
A/N: Yes, it was short, but I wanted to get this out before the first day of school. I've been busy at work the last three days straight. Sorry, for the wait. And, peeing on a building. Ha Ha, couldn't resist. Sorry, for the short chapter again. Review, what did you think?