Disclaimer- Alas, still broke, and no Jason in my bed...

Thanks for all the reviews! I cannot say enough how fantastic you guys are!


Walking into the penthouse, she curled up calmly in the chair, her hand gently stroking her rounded belly. Looking up at Sonny, she told him "He'll do everything he can to ruin you too, Sonny."

Sonny sat across from her, his hands clasped as he leaned forward on his elbows. "Jason is like a brother to me. He asked for help and I gave it." Shrugging, he added "You and the kids are very important to him, Elizabeth."

She smiled softly. "I know. And Jason, he's always been the one that's held my world together when it went bad." She looked up at Jason as he walked in, speaking to Bernie, then looked back at Sonny. "But Lucky, he won't let this go. He'll devote everything he has to going after Jason."

Sonny stood, surprising her by squeezing her shoulder softly. "And Jason knows that. Just- just trust him." With that, he walked over to Jason, telling him he would talk to him later, and left.

A few moments later, Jason shut the door behind Bernie. Walking over to Liz, he sat on the edge of the coffee table, facing her. "Elizabeth, I-"

"Thank you," She interrupted quietly. "It means a lot to me that you would do so much to keep Cameron safe."

He nodded, "Cameron, and you and this baby. But this life is dangerous, Elizabeth. And as hard as I try, I can't promise you that the children will always be safe."

She reached out, cupping his face with her hands. "Your job may be dangerous, but so many of the people in life that I thought were safe, aren't. I know you'd do anything to protect my children. I saw that again tonight. She leaned in, her lips gently touching his, a sweet, loving kiss.


Later, Elizabeth sat up in bed, laughing as Jason handed her the mug of cold milk. "You have no idea how good your coffee smells right now."

He raised his eyebrows, taking a sip before putting his mug down and leaning in to kiss her, his mouth still tasting of coffee. Pulling back, he smiled at her, "Better?"

"Mmmm, much better."

Jason sat next to her, arms draped over his upraised knees. In one hand was an envelope. His voice turned serious as he said, "We need to talk about Cameron."

A panicked look crossed her face, "Is something wrong? I thought Lucky just signed off on him?"

"No, Cameron's fine. It's just- I wanna adopt him."

She gave a relieved smile, something inside her lightening up at the idea that Cam would have a real father, someone who would move heaven and earth for him. "Is that what you want to do?"

Jason nodded slowly. "Yeah. He needs to know he has a Dad that will be there, and legally I don't want there to be any question he belongs right here."

Her hand ran softly down his bare, muscled back. "He would love that, Jason. Thank you."

He handed her the envelope. "Here are the papers for you to fill out."

She began to laugh, opening the envelope to see adoption papers for her to sign. "You don't waste any time do you?" She accepted the pen he held out, perusing the paper, signing where needed.


Robin ran her hand over the soft green on the pool table, "So, when are you going to ask him to get rid of this?"

Elizabeth tilted her head, "Get rid of his pool table?"

"Of course. You could put a great dining table here."

Elizabeth smiled, thinking fondly of the nights spent playing pool, of Jason lifting her on to the edge of the pool table, lost in passion. "The pool table will definitely stay. I think Jason would get rid of both me, and the kids, before he'd let that pool table out the door."

She looked at all her friends, laughing as they discussed a myriad of subjects. The ever abrasive Carly was speaking to Kelly, and Robin and Lainey were laughing with Emily. A mound of Baby gifts were piled on the coffee table, not only from her good friends here, but from the Quartermaines, co-workers, and even one, delivered by Carly, from Bobbie Spencer. Carly had pulled Liz aside, telling her that Bobbie hoped she was doing well, and that Bobbie understood what had happened with Lucky, and didn't hold anything against Liz.

"Hey," Emily gave walked up, giving her a hug. "How do you feel now that the divorce is final?"

"Relieved. I just don't want anything to do with Lucky."

Emily smiled sympathetically. "Well, as Jason said, stay away from him. He hit the roof over how he had to sign those papers. He and Nikolas got in a big fight when Nikolas refused to tell him he had every right to fight the divorce."

"Let's open these, girl!" Kelly hollered, drawing their attention back to the shower.

The women oohed and ahhed over the beautiful clothes and toys Elizabeth received, laughing as they opened Edward's gifts, a little piggy bank of ELQ, and an extravagant lacy pink bassinet.

Emily roared with laughter, telling Elizabeth, "Grandfather is so happy Jason's letting them be involved, and so pleased you're not "some common tramp", he's going baby crazy!"

Elizabeth opened a large box from Carly next, blushing as she pulled out some risque' lingerie. The box was filled with bras, undies, nightgowns. Trying to set the box aside, her friends grabbed for it, pulling out the lingerie, admiring it, and laughingly guessing Jason's response as he saw each piece.

Jason walked in, surprised to see the living room a mess of wrapping paper and boxes, more surprised still to see what the women were holding up. He focused his bright blue eyes on Liz, telling her awkwardly, "I, ah… forgot your get-together today. "

Elizabeth was bright red, trying to ignore her crazily laughing friends. "Yeah, we.. we're opening, uh, baby gifts."

He nodded, backing up towards the door, and grabbing his keys. "I'm gonna go see Sonny. I'll, uh, be back later."

As the door closed behind him, Robin managed to say through her laughter, "Look at the big, tough man now…"


Jason was at the docks, enjoying the peaceful scenery, when he sensed someone behind him. Turning, he was surprised to see Mac Scorpio.

"Mac," he nodded at the older man.

"Jason," Mac replied, stepping towards him. "Robert and I were talking today."


Mac sighed. "He told me you'll be working with him." Mac was quiet for a moment, then continued. "Lucky Spencer is trying to claim you forced him into signing divorce papers."

Jason shrugged, "Does he have proof?"

"You know he doesn't. After Maxie, I can't trust a thing he says or does. But I am saying be careful. You have Elizabeth to take care of now, a little boy and a baby on the way."

Jason nodded, startled by the fact that he was actually having this conversation with Mac. "Lucky thinks he's coming after a mob enforcer. He'll be spending his time trying to frame me."

"And I know that. Robert has your back, and Sonny still does, too. Just be careful."