Chapter 1: A Boy And His Corruption

Prologue: In some religions, children believe that when you die, you either go to Heaven or you go to Hell; depending on whether you've been good or bad in your past life. They also believe that Heaven is a nice place full of fluffy clouds, angels and other bright things and that Hell is an awful fiery place full of fire, lava, devils and other demonic creatures. But then again……some religious beliefs are just full of shit. The truth is that we humans do not and never have known what Heaven and Hell really feels and looks like. However for one kid…that unknown truth is about to be revealed; he just doesn't know it……but he soon will…………………

Let us begin this story in a seemingly quiet mountain town by the name of South Park in Colorado, America (Earth). The time now was February 16th 2007 and everybody in the town was getting along with their lives; just as they always did previously. Everything was running smoothly in life for the townsfolk. But it was especially positive for four young boys who had already seen out 10 years of their young lives already.

For Stan, Kyle and Cartman, having finished school for another day seemed normal and alright to them; even though deep down they all hated going to school just like all typical kids. But then there was the forth boy; Kenny. For Kenny, life hadn't been such a walk in the (South) park. Having died numerous times and then suddenly coming back to life, he had the feeling that he was having some kind of weird level of both good and bad luck at the same time. But that wasn't the only problem. Over the years, Kenny started to feel isolated from the others; as if he was becoming more and more repelled from his friends and even his family. He couldn't explain it but it was as if his own trade-mark orange parka jacket was the very tool of his own social isolation.

Every day he would find himself a quiet shell of his own-expected self; saying nothing and allowing his two best friends Stan and Kyle to do all the talking whilst he stood there counting as 'the third' or even forth boy at times. Kenny couldn't explain or understand this problem, but he knew he couldn't talk to anybody about it. I mean it's not as if there was anybody else who had the same life as he had.

On that very Friday afternoon during the beginning part of the 3rd hour of the afternoon, the four boys were walking home from school. Kenny as usual was the one who had to settle to being the boy who was walking right at the back of the pack.

"So whose house should we stay at tonight? All our parents are going away for the whole weekend so we best decide now before we get all confused or sumin." Kyle spoke; breaking the silence that had surrounded the four boys for quite a while.

"Well we can't stay at my house dude; my sister will just beat us up all night long." Stan spoke; worrying about that very possibility.

"Yeh I guess that's true; so anybody decided?"

"Hey guys, how about we stay at my house!" Kenny spoke; expressing a great deal.

"Peh…your house Kenny?..." Cartman began. "…Sorry guys…but me and poor people's houses…just don't mix."

"Shut up Cartman, it's not that bad; at least it's a place I can call home."

"Cartman's right dude…it is a pretty crappy house."

"Oh come on guys…we're never staying at my house; just let me be the kinda…host, just this once."

The other three thought for a moment.

"Hey guys, why don't we stay at my house…I just got the latest DVD box sets of the first series of 'Lost'. We can watch them tonight on my dad's new HD TV." Kyle spoke; at which Stan strongly agreed and Cartman fairly agreed with it.

"Kick ass dude, your house rules!" Stan replied.

"Oh god dam it, why is it that Kyle always has to get something cool before me…it's so unfair."

"Shut up Cartman…I only got those things because we can actually afford them and we actually went to the store and bought them."

As Kyle and Cartman broke into one of their typical arguments with Stan stuck in the middle of the two, Kenny stopped for a minute; staring at the three boys with a saddened look hiding behind the thickness of his orange jacket. He sighed and fastened the top bit of his jacket up right to its highest point; resuming his walk and catching up to the others. The weather in South Park had got a lot colder and snow was once more starting to descend from the greyish white clouds in the sky.

Meanwhile, not too far up above the ground, two strange balls of light were hovering in the air; about 100 feet above ground level. One ball of white light surrounded in light blue and the other of black light surrounded by dark purple. Both balls of light were made up of some kind of strange glowing energy that gave off a very warm and comforting feel. They were about the same size as any of the four boys and were completely spherical in shape.

"Is that him?" The black ball of light spoke.

"Yeh, that's him; the one in the orange jacket now walking behind the other three boys." The white ball of light replied.

"Oh thank goodness, I didn't want to look like that fat kid."


"What? I'm just saying I'm glad it's someone who doesn't look like him."

"Divelia, I know you're not 'human'…but you could at least act like it whilst we're here and show these beings some respect."

"Sorry Ageliss, it's just……well it's been 9 years since we first came to this planet searching for him and we've seen quite a few strange beings on this planet during that time. Anyway…what does this kid look like?"

"Well from what I know, he's a 9 year old boy who has hazel-coloured eyes and scruffy blond hair."

"Blond hair! Nice, I like blond hair, now I know I'll definitely look good in human form whilst we're here."

"Yeh, but remember what we're here for; we're here to help this kid. You do realise he still doesn't know the kind of thing he faces ahead of him."

"Don't worry…I'm sure he'll be alright about it."

"Let's hope so."

The two balls of light started travelling down towards the four boys; and more precisely, towards Kenny. Ageliss; the white ball of light and the Divelia; the black ball of light, were targeting Kenny for one specific reason; a reason of unnatural proportion.

"OK so it's settled, we're staying at my house tonight then."

"Cool…should I bring round my Wii?" Stan asked at which point Cartman broke down into laughter. Kyle and Stan looked at Cartman with slightly annoyed looks on their faces.

"God dam it Cartman, it's not funny anymore. It was funny when it was first heard but it's not now."

"OK OK…I'm sorry you guys. I just can't believe you'd really want to play with Stan's Wii." Cartman broke down laughing again. "Here's an idea you guys…at Kyle's house tonight…we can eat, drink, sleep and play with our Wii." He continued laughing.

Stan and Kyle started ignoring Cartman's failed humor. "Sure dude, that Nintendo Wii thing kicks ass. Make sure you bring round that shooting and sword game too; that game's killer!"

"Which one?"

"How about both!"

"Hell yeh."

"Hey guys, should I bring anything around too?" Kenny asked; trying to get himself back into the conversation.

"No dude…I think we have enough dust at home already." Kyle and Stan started laughing at which Kenny became slightly annoyed. "Ah come on dude, we're only kidding. Come on, let's go."

As soon as Cartman had picked himself up from all his own laughter, the four boys walked off down the path; with Kenny still at the back of the group.

Ageliss and Divelia meanwhile we're closing in on their target.

"Alright brother, you know what to do?"

"Sure Ageliss. All I have to do is bond myself to him, go into his body and then start to do all that energy-related stuff."

"Yeh, but remember, be gentle with him. It will hurt him, but make sure you don't kill him."


"Alright, let's do this!"

The two balls of light quickly flew down like birds of prey down towards Kenny. With sights of their surroundings flying past them at both corners of their visions, the two balls of light quickly stuck to the back of Kenny's jacket; covering his entire back body with a mixture of light and dark light. Kenny felt a slight pinch all over the back of his body and he fell down to his knees as he felt a strange pain start to radiate all over his body. The two balls of light oozed themselves past Kenny's jacket and quickly into his body. What they were going to do remained unclear. Kenny started feeling dizzy and slightly drained of energy.

Stan and Kyle looked back and spotted Kenny on his knees as if he was hurt.

"Kenny…you alright dude?" Kyle asked; helping Kenny back up onto his feet.

"Yeh…yeh I'm fine." Kenny replied; slightly lacking breath.

"What happened to yer'?" Stan spoke.

"I dunno…I started feeling kinda dizzy and then I guess I must have tripped."

"Well come on dude, we have to get home to get packed for tonight."

The four boys walked off; with Kenny now unaware that he had two strange 'entities' inside his body.

"Soon it will be done……by tomorrow, his feeling of existence, power and thinking will have completely changed."

"Let's hope so brother…let's hope so."

The two entities remained silent in their thoughts; speaking only telepathically to one another as they began their first job on what they were doing to Kenny.

Later that night, the four boys were all now at Kyle's house; having packed what they needed for what they hoped would be a long weekend without their parents. As each of them was getting final hugs and kisses from their parents; as usual, they were getting the traditional endless lists of jobs to do and tips on what might happen; just to be on the safe side.

"Now Stan remember, you take care of yourself OK? Don't be getting into any trouble or anything like that."

"I won't mom…I won't."

"Yeh Stan, and remember, your sister's always here with yer' as well."

"Yeh thanks dad, I'm really glad of that." Stan spoke; secretly being sarcastic about that.

"Kyle, you make sure nothing bad happens to the house or anything else alright while we're away."

"Don't worry about it mom; I'll keep everything tidy and clean just like you said."

"That's my boy…now you and your little friends enjoy yourself while we're all away."

As all the parents made their way to the cars to begin their short journey off, the four boys stood in the doorway waving out to their parents. The cars drove off and the four boys walked back into the house. The house stood silent for a few seconds and then all four of them jumped up in celebration. Having all four of their homes (well nearly all four) to themselves for a whole weekend without any parents or adults.

"Dude, this is gunna be so much fun."

"Hell yeh, come on let's play that new sword game I got for the Wii."

As Kenny started to walk forward, he started to feel pains in his chest and other certain parts of his body. He pressed his hand up against where his heart was and limped forward in slight pain.

"Dude, you alright?"

"Yeh…I think so…it must be something I ate."

"Dude Kenny, you've been feeling like this since we got back from school. Did you eat that expired piece of meat that we were told not to eat during lunch today."

"No…now why would I want to do that?"

"Because you're poor."

"Shut up Cartman…he may be poor but he's not that poor."

A little while later, as Stan and Kyle began setting up Stan's Wii whilst Cartman was lazing about on the couch, Kenny was upstairs in the bathroom; still feeling dizzy and getting strange pains all over his body. He took the hood part of hi jacket off his head and folded it back behind. He looked at the mirror next to the sink. He could see that he was starting to sweat and his eyes were half open; as if he was either tired or that he was drained of energy. Splashing his face with some water from the sink, he took a few painkillers; thinking that he could get rid of some of the pain in his body that way. Looking back in the mirror, he took a deep breath and fastened his hood back up. Walking back down the stairs, he walked straight into the living room where he saw Cartman playing some kind of sword game on the Wii.

Cartman seemed to be really enjoying himself; doing huge swings of both the Nunchuck and the controller.

"Ah man, this game KICKS ASS! Hey what's this game called anyway?"

"Ummmm…Made In China…oh no wait……wait……it's called…Red Steel."

"Well Red Steel…kicks major video game ass!"

"Oh hey Kenny, how come you were up in my bathroom for twenty minutes?"

"Really, it was twenty minutes? I must have felt really bad and just lost track of time."

Stan and Kyle looked at one another; slightly worried about how Kenny was feeling.

"Dude…maybe you're not feeling well."

"Yeh dude…you should go and see a doctor tomorrow…you've been acting really strange tonight."

"Alright…I will. Hey can I have a go of that Cartman?"

"No…I'm still playing on it…wait yer' turn."

"Cartman for god's sake let Kenny have a go. You've been on that game for a f---ing long time anyway."

"Alright alright, fine. Here Kenny."

"Thanks Car..."

But as Kenny grabbed hold of the wireless controller, he suddenly dropped it; freezing at the feeling of pain inside him again. He knelt down slightly and pressed one hand against his heart whilst the other was pushed up against his chest. Whatever he was feeling this time, it was a real serious problem now.

"Kenny, what's wrong dude?" Stan asked; now becoming even more worried at Kenny's condition.

"Arghh, I'm…fine guys. Just need to go to the bathroom again…or…something." Kenny limped off back up the stairs; yelling out slightly shouts of pain and somewhat aggression.

But as he made it back to the bathroom door, the energy in his body suddenly started to feel really painful. Kenny fell to the floor; trying to reach the handle of the door to get inside the room. But Kenny could still feel this horrible pain in his body. It was as if some burning and eroding feeling was eating away at his body from inside and doing something to him. Whatever it was, it didn't feel nice and Kenny was starting to worry that he could be dead within the next minute if this kept going.

Realising he couldn't reach the handle; he started crawling his way into Kyle's bedroom just as an instinct to try and solve this painful problem. As soon as he was in, a huge roar of heat engulfed his body. He felt as if he was being burned alive. Kenny leaned up against the bed with what little energy he had left and quickly took off his jacket; realising he was too hot with it on. But the burning and hot feeling was still continuing in and on his body. Wearing nothing but his usual pair of white underpants, Kenny was lying on the bed in pain. The hot and cold feelings of death that he had suffered over the years felt as if they were repeating on him again. Minute after minute, Kenny screamed in pain and agony; he had never felt so much pain in all his life.

Back downstairs, the other three boys couldn't sit about any longer. The screams and shouts of their best friend sent them back onto their feet and rushing upstairs.

"Dude, we have to help him. He sounds like he's f---ing dieing up there!" Kyle shouted.

"Kyle, what do we do? We don't even know what's wrong with him!" Stan replied; waving his arms about in worried fear.

"We have to do something Stan! Kenny's in f---ing pain up there!"

Stan, Kyle, Cartman rushed out of the living room. But at the same time, two others were aware of this.

"Divelia, the three other lads…stop them! If we don't complete this then we'll have no chance in what we came here to do."

"Right, got it Ageliss!"

And within the blink of a second, Stan, Kyle and Cartman stopped as they all strangely started to feel really really tired; exhausted even.

"Oh Jesus, why am I so tired all of a sudden?" Kyle spoke; rubbing his eyes and lacking the energy to move.

"I don't know dude, but I'm feeling really really sleepy!"

"Yeh me too Stan."

The three boys suddenly collapsed onto the floor just below the staircase; all now sleeping and unable to wake up.

Back upstairs, Kenny had already endured minutes and minutes of long lasting pain and agony. And just at the point where the clock turned to 11:01pm, Kenny's screams of pain faded down and eventually out; silencing everything around him. Kenny lay there; now out cold from what he had just felt. And as a small breeze came through the small opening of Kyle's bedroom window and blew across his face and messed up blond hair, Kenny's body had changed; both outside and inside. But what exactly had happened and who were these two entities that had caused Kenny so much pain and agony?

All would be answered soon.