An: here's chapter 2!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, Chobits or Inyasha


'Stop it' the woman reprimanded herself trying hard to concentrate on her task. 'Don't do it' she carried on trying to hold in the urge 'Don't' she was berating herself harder this time 'I can't stop it' she gave in

"Kawaii!" she all but screamed as she stared into the cot in front of her, the occupant of the cot just looked at her his bright blue orbs shining and his small spiky brown fuzz for hair just defying gravity as usual.

It had been about a month since Gemma had received a present on her doorstep yet they were still no closer to finding out why, she had finished the nursery now, the room next to her had been converted with the help of Inu and her somewhat modest bank account. The walls were a power blue the ceiling white with little glow in the dark stars painted on its surface, the furniture around the room was sparsely placed but functional and all made from light coloured pieces of wood. The cot to Gemma was the 'piece de la resistance' as she called it, the cot itself was metal high arced and white the top having a light blue drape covering it with light blue blankets and white and blue pillows.

Gemma looked to the corner a large light wooded chair sat there and on it sat Moriyaku or Mori for short Sora's own personal nanny and nurse 'my own personal baby alarm if he needs me as well' she thought remembering the previous mornings need for a bottle. She sighed as she stared back into the cot her eyes blinked once then twice as Sora's face began to go red his eyes screwing up as the loudest scream came from the now crying child. "Argh" screamed Gemma who backed up a second due to the fright.


A soft purring of cogs sounded as Mori opened her deep purple irises moving to the cot, Mori was sound activated and was programmed to respond immediately to Sora's cries but as she also saw Gemma another program kicked in, this was that in instances were Gemma was present that she go back into sleep mode. Gemma cursed this as she moved to the crib; Sora himself was thrashing as he cried, little arms flailing and little legs kicking until Gemma picked him up and began squirming. She cupped him in her arms rocking him gently as she looked over to Mori.

"Mori wake" she called, the persacom's eyes reopening

"Yes miss"

"When was Sora's last feed?"

"About 4 hours ago"

"Thank you" she looked down at Sora "I guess your hungry then" she moved standing next to the dresser she looked at the persacom sitting there

"Ebony please ask Inu to bring me a warm bottle for Sora"

"Yes ma'am"

Gemma moved to the chair next to the cost, it was a old looking rocking chair a contrast in the room as it was made with slightly darker wood and had the name 'Avalon' engraved on the back, sighing she began to rock back and forth trying to get Sora to calm until Inu arrived with the bottle, she hummed a little looking into the watery eyes of the baby in her arms a hand moving to stroke the mesh of brown fuzz on his head.


"Lavender's blue, dilly dilly,
Lavender's green
When you are King, dilly dilly,
I shall be Queen

Who told you so, dilly dilly,
Who told you so?
'Twas my own heart, dilly dilly,
That told me so"

She sang softly as she looked to the boy his cries all but sniffles his face still red and upset; she smiled 'Knock, Knock'

"Come in" she called from the chair alternately pulling a face at Sora to cheer him up

"I've got he bottle you asked for" she looked up to see Inu at the doorway

"Thank you" she spoke as he moved forward and passed her the bottle Sora's eyes widening as he eyed the object in her hands, little hands stretching towards it in hunger. Gemma chuckled as she saw it and moved the bottle a little over his head to her wrist, squeezing it softly to check the temperature. When she was satisfied and much to the delight of the boy she moved it to his mouth were he began to suckle diligently, she chuckled softly and just sat there watching keeping sure that he was able to get as much as he wanted.

After her finished the bottle he sat there gurgling some incoherent noise as Gemma merely watched him, she was startled when the door opened and the squall ran into the room hiding in the cupboard nearest to him, a moment later Ebony called across the room

"Incoming calls from Rinoa miss"


"Miss, miss have you seen squall"

Gemma chuckled more to herself as she noted the whine in her voice "no I haven't check the downstairs living room"

"Okay miss!" she sounded enthusiastic but all Gemma could do was sigh as she still saw squall hidden.

"Ebony will you please contact one of the maids and tell then to prepare the pram by the garden entrance please"

"Yes miss"

Gemma looked to Sora "lets get you changed little one"

The boy in question merely gurgled as he was carried over the room to a small cabinet with a built in mat on the top to place Sora on when he either needed to be dressed or changed, she placed him onto the mat as she moved to the small wardrobe next it. Looking into the wardrobe she held her chin in one hand sighing until she found what she was looking for, a red baby grow and a white jacket, clapping her hands she moved back to Sora pulling faces as she went making the baby gurgle more.


A couple of minutes later both appeared at the gardens entrance, a pushchair sat there waiting for them. She placed Sora into the pram buckling him in she began to walk through the gardens and into the town located next to the mansion a smile on her face as she went the hazy sunshine warming her.


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I wont update until I get at least 5 reviews!