Finally, with the fiendish beast destroyed, afterlife in the judgement Bureau could continue much like normal. Both Hisoka and Tsuzuki were offered a small vacation to recover from what happened, but much to Konoe's surprise, both refused. Tsuzuki was currently in his office since Hisoka had been interviewed before him, separately.

"Tsuzuki, you've sure been through a lot lately. Why wont you accept the offer?"

"Well… I guess it's just not necessary."


"Thanks for the offer, chief, but I've got a lot of work to do!"

Tsuzuki bowed his head and quietly left, stopping just outside the door to think to himself. Then, Hisoka cleared his throat, leaning against the wall next to him. Tsuzuki was somewhat surprised to find Hisoka eavesdropping, but it was rather funny, too.

"Hi, Hisoka. Did you hear?"

"Yeah. Glad to see you're taking responsibility and not pushing all the work onto me for once!"

"Ha ha! Ah… well, you know- once in a blue moon!"


"Oh, and I heard your apartment is finished. Good for you!"

"Thanks. …You could, um…"


"You know. You can come over and check it out, any time."

"Thanks. I'll be sure to do that!"

He smiled at his young partner before walking, heading down the hall to their office. But, there was no other set of footprints following him. He decided to walk a little slower, since Hisoka did tend to step rather lightly sometimes, but still nothing. With overflowing curiosity, he turned on his heel to question him, and was met by open arms. Without any warning at all, Hisoka had walked up to him and threw his arms around the elder's neck. This was very startling, and Tsuzuki was struck stiff. When Hisoka didn't move back quickly, flustered and red, Tsuzuki began to wonder.


"Tsuzuki, I know what you did…"

"What I…?"

"When I had forgotten everything… you were there beside me. Even though it hurt you, you didn't leave me alone. And even before then, I said I couldn't forget you, but I…"

Getting what his partner was talking about, Tsuzuki smiled again and set a hand on Hisoka's back for comfort.

"If it was your choice, or mine, or anyone's, this wouldn't have happened. I'm just glad to have you back, Hisoka!"

"Thanks… Say," Hisoka started again, still clinging to his partner.


"Did you mean what you said? That you'd still be with me if I couldn't remember anything?"

"Of course! Hisoka, you're the only one out of all my partners who has understood me, and I wont be going anywhere anytime soon!"

Hisoka smiled. Finally, things were getting better, and no matter what other perils either faced, the other was sure to be there. Hisoka finally broke his embrace and the two walked down the hall together.

"….Tsu? Can I stay at your place again tonight? "

"Sure! My home is your home."
