Don't lie to me

Serena Thomas walked briskly into Larson & Co., the very successful and prestigious lawyer firm she worked for. Today above all days she was very anxious to get up to her office to deal with a certain case in particular that she had been expecting to acquire for awhile. As she walked quickly, but hurriedly through the lobby of the building she worked in, she swiftly pushed the elevator button to take her up the twenty-eighth floors to her office. As the doors of the elevator opened to omit her entrance, she quickly stepped in a smile forming on her sensuous lips.

Serena, she thought to herself. They're finally going to take you seriously. By taking this case you're going to set your career in motion!

She couldn't believe it, for five long years she had worked her way up through Larson & Co. trying to make a name for herself as a worthwhile lawyer. First, taking a position as a secretary there while she went to night school and, all the while working her way up the corporate ladder. Eventually she wanted to become partner and she felt that this goal would soon be fulfilled. By taking this new case that was offered to her firm she felt confident that her bosses would offer her the position as partner without even thinking.

Finally reaching the twenty-eighth floor, the doors opened with a ding as she stepped out and greeted the front receptionist with a warm smile.

"Good morning Ms. Thomas," replied the receptionist.

"Good morning Laura," replied Serena as she walked past the reception desk and towards the hallway which lead to her office.

Opening the door, that led to her private office. Serena quickly threw her briefcase on one of the sofas in the spacious room and, proceeded to walk over to her desk to start her days work.

"Ms. Thomas," said Laura as she buzzed her boss's office.

"Yes, Laura," replied Serena a little irritated that she was being bothered before she could even begin working,

"Mr. Larson wishes to see you in his office," the receptionist replied.

"Thank you Laura," responded Serena as her irritation of being interrupted dissipated.

Gathering her things together Serena quickly brushed some lip gloss onto her lips before departing for her boss Mr. Larson's office.

Serena knocked on her boss's door with a swift thump before she heard the word "Enter".

Before she stepped into Mr. Larson's lavish office Serena couldn't help but take in a big breath of air before entering.

"Mr. Larson," said Serena as she entered. "Laura told me you wish to speak with me."

"Ahh, yes," replied Mr. Larson. "Our Firm has recently obtained a new case that will ultimately push our company over the edge of being the most sought after firm in the nation."

"Well that's great news Mr. Larson," replied Serena a genuine smile on her attractive face.

"Well, yes," responded Mr. Larson gruffly. "However, my wife has been planning a two month vacation overseas for us, and if I back out of it now, well let's just say I'm a dead man."

Serena tried to conceal a giggle as Mr. Larson continued on about his wife's vacation planning. She had met Mr. Larson's wife many times during office after hour functions and had actually formed a strong friendship with the woman so she of all people knew how Mss. Larson was about her plans being interrupted, especially when it came to her husband. Secretly though Serena envied their relationship, for however much they disagreed their love for one another seemed to always bring them back together.

"So with that being a priority, I'm going to have to give the case to you Ms. Thomas," said Mr. Larson ending his proposal.

Without hesitation Serena answered her acceptance of the case. She knew or at least hoped that if things went well that the position of partner would be given to her without a second thought.

"Thank you Mr. Larson, said Serena triumphantly. " You won't have to worry about a thing while you're gone; I'll make sure that everything runs as smooth and efficient as if you yourself were working the case."

"I have no doubt in my mind Ms. Thomas," said Mr. Larson confidently. "Your one of our top notch lawyers and I have all the confidence in the world."

"Now, the case is between Shields Architecture and one of their many branches which, I believe is braking off from the main corporation," said Mr. Larson. "Currently all the need to know information is in this folder here," he continued handing her the case file.

Taking the file into her hands Serena sighed, it was gigantic. She really had her work cut out for her on this case.

"One thing though Serena said Mr. Larson, the worry evident in this voice. " I want you to be careful, when dealing with Mr. Shields. He is a very…well, he's a very powerful man."

"I understand," said Serena wondering why Mr. Larson was so worried.

"Well I believe that is all Ms. Thomas, you can return to your office" said Mr. Larson with a smile.

Serena beamed back at her boss, happiness etched onto her glowing face. "Thank you Mr. Larson," said Serena turning to leave. "I'm quite positive everything about this case will be a piece of cake."

"So how did work go today," asked Mina, one of Serena's closest friends.

"Well, I finally got a case well worth my time," said Serena with a smile as she sat down on one of the spinning stools of the bar her and Mina were at.

"It's about time girl," said Mina genially happy for her friend's good fortune. "I know how long you've been waiting for an opportunity like this, so tonight you're in for a treat, drinks on me!"

"Oh I don't know Mina, I have to work tomorrow, not to mention a meeting with the owner of Shields Architecture." said Serena sipping on her virgin strawberry daiquiri.

"Come on Sere," said Mina. "We've got to celebrate your new case and, prospect of being a partner of Larson & Co."

"Well, I suppose if you put it that way," said Serena becoming excited.

"Let's let loose and live it up," squealed Mina as she and Serena both signaled to the waiter to bring them two shots of Vodka, straight.

Four Martini Blues and ten vodka shots later Mina and Serena both seemed to be sprawled out on their bar stools. Laughing like idiots as they scanned the room for some guys to flirt with and maybe scam a couple more drinks out of.

"Look at that one over there Minny, drawled Serena using her friends nickname as she pointed to a big beefy looking Mt. man. "He looks like a keep for sure," she continued as both girls fell into a fit of giggles.

"Ah," exclaimed Mina as she pointed to a skinny bald man. "Now, that right there is a real man." At Mina's statement both girls erupted with laughter not realizing that practically the entire bar could hear their conversation. Including the bald man, who had interpreted they're statements as them being into him and decided that he would try to pick one of then up, or both.

"Hello Ladies," slurred the man. "I' couldn't help but, hear the two of you talking, and just let me say when it comes to you ladies…I'm up for anything."

Feeling that they were in a pickle both girl blurted out at the same time that they had a boyfriend but, since the man was drunk himself and not really listening to their boyfriend speech he continued on.

"We could go back to my place if you want," the man continued.

"Umm…well like I said I have a boyfriend," replied Mina before Serena could even open her mouth.

Undeterred the man turned to Serena "What about you purrdy lady?"

"Sorry Pal," said a strong yet seductive voice. "The lady's already promised she'd accompany me home."

Turning towards the source of her savior, Serena found herself drawn into the deepest ocean blue eyes she'd ever seen. The man standing in front of her was the image of tall dark and handsome. His hair was a dark ebony color that Serena just itched to run her fingers through, and his body was sculpted and tanned, like that of god.

Though heavily drunk, the man hitting on Mina and Serena quickly stepped aside, upon seeing who had deterred him in perusing his decided conquests for the night.

"I don't think he'll be bothering you anymore," replied Serena's blue eyed savior.

"Well thank you so much, we really appreciate it," said Serena a gleam dancing in her eyes ocean blue eyes.

"Yeah," said Mina. "That guy was a real creep! Anyways, would you like to have a couple drinks with me and my friend?"

"Well," said the man. "I usually don't let women buy the drinks."

"Who said we were buying anything, said Serena, a smirk on her face.

The man let out a laugh as he sat down on the barstool next to Serena. "Well, I suppose a couple rounds wouldn't hurt."

Bursting into a fit of giggles, Serena griped the edge of her bar stool, so as not to fall over. Her friend Mina had left about an hour ago as she would have, had it not been for the stranger in front of her. The man had bought her several drinks and throughout the night they had gotten to know one another as best as two people drunk of their asses could.

"Yuckyyyy," slurred Serena as she referred to the cup of coffee that was placed in front of her.

"You should really try to drink some before you head home, said the bartender frustrated. "Because we're closing now! So OUT you go!"

"NO," yelled Serena as she giggled profusely! "I don't want any, as for Hoomie, I…I think I will…"

Turning to her companion, she softly nudged him out of his stupor.

"Oy! Wake up!"

"Huh," was his only response as they both slid of their barstools and out into the fresh night air.

Upon feeling a breeze on her face, Serena woke up a little as she slumped up against her new friend, letting her head rest on his hard toned chest. She closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the feel of him next to her. Suddenly with out realizing it, she gradually let her hands travel up the brood expanse of his chest, caressing and enjoying his well-built body. Feeling him stir from his drunken daze, Serena let herself be pushed into a nearby ally and up against a wall, the man's hands roving over her body.

Serena seemed to melt into him, her body surrendering to his lustful advances, as she put her arms around his neck and jumped up wrapping her legs around his hips. Making the skirt she was wearing ride up to an immodest level.

As his lips continued to ravish her own, Serena could feel him sliding his hands up her skirt to rub her buttocks before slipping his fingers under the straps of her thong as he slowly and antagonizing slid them down. Feeling his bulge rub up against her, Serena quickly unraveled her hands from around his neck and pushed her hands down towards his pants so as to undo his belt buckle. He groaned in anticipation as she slipped her hands into his pant's letting her fingers rove in between his clothing to stimulate yet shed the material which lay between the both of them.

Letting his pants and undergarments fall to the ground Serena tried to suppress a scream of pleasure as the man left trails of butterfly kisses down her neck.

Clutching her bottom in both hands, the man let one hand slide forwards, entering her soft folds as she bit her lower lip at the foreign presence taking supremacy over her body. Arching herself up off of his hand, Serena through back her head into the wall she was up against, feeling herself contract as a tsunami of pleasure swept through her. She screamed out, making the man's invasion of her body all the more relentless as he continued his assault on her. Feeling the waves of passion building onto one another, Serena utterly stopped breathing as she came to her peak.

Calming her body down she panted as she tried to regain her breath, the man softened his stroke on her to a slight rub, which caused her to moan every now and then.

"It's Darien," said the man, once she regained her ability to speak.

"What," sighed Serena?

"My name…" he replied with a smirk. "Thought you should know the name you're going to be screaming for the rest of the night.

Well, isn't he a lil cocky son of a gun! Lol! But that's the way we all like him! Right!

I hope you all liked it! Do you think I should continue? Let me know! I love REVIEWS!

I've really thought about what I'm going to do with this story and I believe you all won't guess it till I come right out and say it! All I'm going tell you is that Darien isn't who he seems to be, or what you think he's going to be. :giggles: Aren't I an evil writer! Well, again I hope you all like it and Please, Please Review and tell me what you think of the story! Also, I'd love to know what you all think is going to happen in future chapters? Love you all!

I'm a struggling writer who lives of the crumbs of REVIEWS! So go leave me some! 3333