Mwhahahahaha…. I'm on a roll…. (for having 2 reports, 2 essays and about 5 vocab sheets done in three weeks, anyway. :D on top of updating stuffs…)
I don't own Dynasty Warriors.
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New Allies, old enemies
Xing Cai struggled as Zhang He pulled her along through the huge castle. He Fei was larger than any castle Xing Cai had ever seen, and it made Bai Mai look childish. Servants worked in every corridor it seemed, either washing the already spotless floor or carrying large food trays fit for an emperor. They all bustled about, and each one they passed bowed their head at Zhang He.
"Don't mind the servants, they're just doing their job." Zhang he said, noticing where her eyes were tracking. Xing Cai wondered if they were slaves or if they were truly happy doing their jobs here. None looked quite happy at work, but no one was looking sad or complaining either. "We're almost there," Zhang He said with a bit of enthusiasm. Both warriors rounded a corner and Xing Cai almost gasped at the archway. They were no longer inside the castle, but rather outside, walking along a path to the side of the castle with large arches keeping the roof over their heads. It was magnificent, made of beautiful white marble and pale stone. Xing Cai thought it must've taken decades to sculpt and build.
Zhang He, still holding a death grip on her wrist, pulled her through the archway and almost started jogging to the other end. It makes you wonder where his energy comes from, Xing Cai thought. Once at the end of the archway, Xing Cai spotted a door, which Zhang He opened hastily. They were in another part of the castle, probably the most beautiful, in Xing Cai's opinion, and it most likely housed the royalty that lived here.
She scowled at the thought. Since when did she call that monster Cao Cao royalty? A short spurt of anger overcame her emotions, and she almost yanked her hand from Zhang He and said she wanted to go back to the dungeons. But Zhang He beat her to it, and stopped the both of them at a magnificently carved door. Xing Cai stared, until she felt Zhang He's eyes on her.
"Do you like the castle?" He asked cheerily. Out of shame and embarrassment at being caught staring, she blushed and nodded. "I think it is very beautiful too." Zhang He then knocked a few times on the wooden door, and it swung open a few moments later. A pale woman's face poked through the door, eyeing Zhang He first.
"Ugh, it's you. What do you want?" She was very pretty, Xing Cai thought, with her hair styled the way it was and the make-up to exaggerate her face. However, coupled with her seductive voice, she seemed intimidating suddenly.
Zhang He beamed at the lady.
"Why, Zhen Ji, you look marvelous today. Would you care to lend a few articles of clothing for this young lady here?" Xing Cai couldn't believe he was doing this. She was embarrassed even though she wasn't the one asking. The lady named Zhen Ji suddenly was aware of Xing cai's presence, and looked her up and down. Scrutinizing her with a poker face. She then arched a fine thin eyebrow.
"Wait a minute, aren't you that prisoner from Shu?" Before Xing Cai could answer, Zhang He was on the job.
"Yes she is. Beautiful isn't she? But she's in those dreadful bloody clothes, and needs a bath also. Would you care to-"
"I heard you the first time, idiot." Zhen Ji snapped. She turned back to Xing Cai and looked deep in thought. Then she miraculously opened the door and motioned for Xing Cai to come in. Zhang He tried to follow, but Zhen Ji stopped him. "Only her. You can stay and wait outside." Zhang He pouted, before turning to walk away, muttering a 'fine'.
Xing Cai entered the extravagant room, and jumped when Zhen Ji closed the door. The woman then walked to a small table in the middle of the room and sat down, motioning for Xing Cai to do the same. Xing Cai hesitantly sat, fingers playing with the bottom of her outfit.
"Tea?" Zhen Ji asked, taking a sip of her own cup. Although quite thirsty, Xing Cai refused. She'd heard of tales where the enemy poisoned the drinks of Shu soldiers and killed them. Zhen Ji put her cup back on the table in its previous spot and smiled knowingly. "I swear I won't do anything to it. That's not my style. If I wanted to kill you, I'd ask for a duel. Are you sure you don't want any? I know how they feed you in the dungeons, and it's not exactly first rate food." Xing Cai bit her dry lip, and answered quietly. She really was thirsty. The last time she had some decent tea seemed like years ago.
"Yes, please." Zhen Ji smirked and stood, wandering over to retrieve a second cup. She returned a few seconds later, holding a cup of warm tea for Xing Cai. She placed it in front of her.
"It's herbal green tea. My favorite. I hope you like it." Xing Cai gave a small smile and took a sip for good measure. The familiar taste tingled her senses and felt good against her parched throat.
"It's really good," Xing Cai commented, taking another drink. It was definitely a fine brew; it must have taken some backbreaking work to get it to taste this good. Zhen Ji also took a drink, before getting down to business.
"You look familiar. Other than seeing you carted into the dungeons half-dead, I can't help but think I've seen you somewhere." Xing Cai put her cup of green tea down, trying to remember if she'd seen Zhen Ji from somewhere. She shook her head.
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I've ever seen you before. Perhaps you are mistaken me for someone else?" Zhen Ji closed her eyes.
"Maybe. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Say, I forgot to ask you name. Obviously, mine's Zhen Ji, as fruitcake said." Xing Cai laughed quietly at the nickname for Zhang He. It seemed to suit him well.
"I'm Xing Cai." The nervous feeling Xing Cai had for Zhen Ji was starting to disappear. It seemed Zhen Ji was right somewhat when she said she might have met her before. Xing Cai found she could talk to her easily, as if they had been acquainted before…
Zhen Ji stared at Xing Cai's clothes with distaste.
"Tsk, tsk. Fruitcake was right; you do need a bath and new clothes. Tell you what, I'll have the maids prepare a bath and have them wash your clothes. In the meantime, I'll pick out some new ones for you. You need a new look. That clothing makes you look too cute for a warrior." Xing Cai looked down at her old clothes. Zhao Yun said he liked the outfit though…. Zhen Ji made a motion with her hand. "Li Jun? Cai Mei? Come here!" Two maids scurried out from behind a room, and bowed their head to Zhen Ji.
"Yes milady?" The one with blonde hair said.
"Give this young girl a bath please, and wash her clothes in the meantime."
"Yes milady," The Red haired one with freckles said. Both maids were off in an instant, and not a few moments later, the redhead came back, and bowed to Xing Cai. "Let us go, milady. The bath shall be ready in a few moments." Xing Cai stood, and gave one last look at Zhen ji, who was smiling encouragingly, before following the maid to the bath.
The water was lukewarm, and Xing Cai sat in the exquisite tub, occasionally blowing a few bubbles out of sheer boredom. It was very nice of Zhen Ji to do this, but, through all this hospitality, Xing Cai couldn't help but think there will be a price. Zhen Ji didn't look like a charity woman, and for a Shu officer to be bathing in the castle of Wei, well, there was something wrong with this picture. Why were they being so nice suddenly? What did she have to offer them? She was broke, and to be executed tomorrow. Was this their form of sick entertainment?
She brushed a few strands of fine black hair out of her face. Tomorrow… What was she going to do?
"Milady, forgive the interruption." Xing Cai jumped at the sound of the blonde maid's voice. "Lady Zhen Ji had informed me to tell you that she has picked out a new set of clothes for you, and they will be placed on the steps for you when you are done washing." She bowed and left before Xing Cai said thank-you.
Xing Cai finished washing a small while later, and picked up her new clothes. Surprisingly, they fit well, and Xing Cai stared at her reflection in the water. She wore a deep V-necked blue top, and pants to match, along with high heels that almost looked like boots. She looked much older, and more mature. Xing Cai decided that her old outfit really did make her seem childish. How she must have looked silly on the battlefield. But, outward appearances don't really matter in battle…
Xing Cai sighed and made her way out of the bathhouse. Zhen Ji was waiting for her back at her room, and smiled with glee at the outfit.
"I knew I picked a good one." Xing Cai smiled back sheepishly.
"Thank you, for all you've done Lady Zhen Ji." Zhen Ji scowled.
"Drop the 'Lady' part, and you'll be fine. I don't like being reminded of my title." Xing Cai nodded. "Say, aren't you hungry? I am. Why don't we go get something to eat in the dining hall?" Xing Cai looked flabbergasted.
"Oh, b-but I couldn't I'm just-"
"Look, I could always send you back to the dungeons if I wanted to. But, I don't want to. You seem to have an interesting character. Come, I want some food. Ugh, listen to me, I sound like that fat oaf Xu Zhu." Xing Cai had no idea who that was, but her stomach kept her quiet. Those annoying butterflies came back, and the nervous feeling nagged her at the back of her mind.
"You want her to join Wei?"
Xu Huang silently nodded at Sima Yi, who was currently sitting behind a pile of war scrolls and maps. He was in Sima Yi's private study, which was exceptionally dark being the farthest room in the castle. The darks shadows gave Sima Yi an eerie look, as if he wasn't scary enough in broad daylight…
Sima Yi looked thoughtful, and stroked his chin like he was making one of his big battle-turning decisions. He suddenly stood, and walked around his desk and picked up a scroll from atop his countless shelves. He dusted the scroll off and opened it.
"It will not be easy for you to convince her to join Wei. You know that right?"
"Yes," Xu Huang answered flatly. "But given some time with us, I'm pretty sure-"
"Pretty sure doesn't cut it when it comes to giving up your life," Sima Yi cut off. "We'll have to ensure she's with us one-hundred percent. And on top of that matter…" He put the scroll back in its place among the others, and picked up another close to it. He opened it, and scanned its contents. He smirked. "…On top of that, we'll have to test her strength." Xu Huang started to open his mouth to say something, but Sima Yi shot him a look that said 'I'm not done yet.' "We'll have to show her to the other officers as well, and prove to them she is worthy of keeping. I, myself, am skeptical of the girl."
"I agree, but what I saw on the battlefield is unmistakable. And I suggested that we let her spar with someone to prove her worth. If she loses, then she can be executed by whomever she's sparing with." Sima Yi looked thoughtful again, and put the scroll he was reading down.
"That might not be a bad idea. But whom shall she spar with? Someone with considerable strength, a little bit of a reputation, and would be merciless in battle… Hmm… Yes, Xiahou Yuan will do."
"Xiahou Yuan? But isn't he a little rough to be dueling with? I heard he plays dirty." Sima Yi smirked.
"Which is exactly why if she wins, she'll be more respected. However… I'm curious to hear how you expect to turn her completely to being apart of Wei, no questions asked afterward." Sima Yi sat at his wooden desk again, hands clasped together, waiting for an answer.
"Like I said, given a little time-"
"Even if she does trust us after your 'time', once we go into battle with Shu, some old scars will reopen. Her friends will do all they can to bring her back. What will you do then?" Xu Huang had no answer. Sima Yi predicted this, and took out a scroll he was reading earlier. "Tell you what, you just get her ready for the duel, let her use whatever she wants. I'll take care of everything that will follow if she wins. If." Xu Huang nodded, turned and left his study.
Sima Yi picked up that same scroll and read it over and over again. A sardonic smile played across his lips.
"Hopefully, this girl is as good as Xu Huang says. I've always wanted to try this old concoction."
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Shu encampmentZhuge Liang folded his hands and breathed deeply. Jiang Wei, on the other hand, was up and about, pacing back and forth with his hands clasped behind his back. Both men were silent, in deep thought. A few minutes passed, and the renowned man known as the sleeping Dragon sighed, picking up a feather pen and scribbling something on a piece of parchment before handing it to a nearby soldier.
"I have a feeling… we should break the news to the others. In the meantime, we'll do all we can to find her, Jiang Wei," Zhuge Liang said calmly. "I'm sure she not dead. She's a very mature young girl-"
"That doesn't mean she's invincible!" Jiang Wei suddenly shouted. Zhuge Liang sat quietly, studying his apprentice's new behavior. Jiang Wei has never been upset about something such as this before, and it must be hard on him, seeing as Jiang Wei thinks the whole thing is his fault, despite the countless times Liang has tried telling him it's not. Ever since the battle, Jiang Wei has not left his tent, and refuses to eat. He's gotten much more moody, and now it's truly showing, because the usual Jiang Wei would have never snapped at Zhuge Liang like this. But instead of feeling mad, Zhuge Liang felt curiosity creep into the back of his mind. He didn't really think Xing Cai and Jiang Wei were that close. But now that he's stopped and thought about it, They are the same age, and they have hit that wondrous age…
He watched Jiang Wei pace the makeshift room again. Maybe there was something he missed? The thought mushroomed, and he was almost about to ask, when he noted Jiang Wei's fists were clenched –no doubt wanting to beat something to death – and he was shaking, all efforts to hide it gone.
The Shu strategist sighed, not wanting to provoke the young man any further, and let his eyes wander to an open map pinned on the table. It showed the Shu campsite, and where the scouts had reported seeing Wei soldiers and other miscreants. His sharp eyes traveled over the mountain range, to an old ancient forest, and finally to where a large castle lay in the middle, next to a river. Liang's gaze lingered there for a few moments. An idea suddenly stuck him.
"Jiang Wei?" The distracted boy looked up from his wallowing long enough to hear the sharp confident tone of an idea roll off the Dragon's tongue. He only used it a few times, but each time he's used it, the idea turned out to be a complete success. "When was the latest Wei soldier sighting?"
"Three days ago," Jiang Wei said flatly. "But even if they had taken her to someplace like Hei Fei, the would have had to take her at least ten days ago. The castle is too far away." Zhuge Liang should have predicted Jiang Wei had already thought of Hei Fei. Nevertheless…
He looked thoughtful and leaned back into his chair.
"Suppose they did anyway," He said whimsically, "they took her, and then half of the forces remained here, while the other half marched off to Hei Fei." Jiang Wei shook his head.
"What would they want from her? She's just a girl! Why march back just for her?" Zhuge Liang closed his eyes and answered him quietly.
"But she's also a soldier of Shu, isn't she? And you said she is of decent caliber, and even I myself, have seen her strong potential." Jiang Wei looked incredibly frustrated.
"But she's still just a girl! She's only 18 years past her birth!" Zhuge Liang's face turned grim.
"All the more reason to keep her."
Jiang Wei went silent, and remained silent. The soldier Zhuge Liang had sent off earlier returned, with another parchment in hand, and gave it to him, bowing politely. Zhuge Liang nodded and waved him off, before turning his attention to the paper.
"It seems we have some damage control to do, and some explaining."
Jiang Wei merely nodded meekly in agreement, before following Zhuge Liang out of the tent, Trident in hand.
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Sorry it was a tad short, but I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer…