Title: On a night with no moon.
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Sasuke/Naruto
Summary: The one reason Sasuke would come back to Konoha for, only to disappear again.

On a night with no moon, he sits by his window.

With his arms folded over the sill, he rests his chin on them and watches the last of the villagers just about to tuck away into the warmth of their homes and families. Watches as the few night owls patrol the streets after hours to keep the village safe and savors the feel of the night breeze washing over him, cooling his anxious self.

The village then falls into a quiet slumber with no signs of any shadows coming his way.

But one does show up, a tall and dark figure with broad shoulders and Sharingan-laced eyes that glow an angry red, empty of any feeling or emotion other than what he craved for, the only reason why he would come back to Konoha when he was a wanted man.

And when he does come home no words are ever spoken and nothing else is ever heard other than the sound of lips and tongue smacking against one another, limbs racing to get anywhere and every where possible. And then are carried over to a single bed in the apartment, where their flushed bodies are rubbing and melting into one another as soon as their clothing come off, or in some cases, ripped off.

No time is ever wasted because come morning, he is gone again.

And the next morning Naruto is left to wake alone, to emptiness and loneliness once again, to the feel of a void so heavy in his heart that not even the pain in his lower back and bottom could be felt. His cold sheets are twisted around him so tight, as if to stop him from ever chasing after him again. Not that he would, Sasuke always knew where to find him instead.

He leans over and caresses the dents in the pillow where the other's scent still lingers for a long moment, before ungluing his legs, sticky from the night before, and prepares for another day, another mission.

Until he comes home to wait for him again by his window.