Chapter 1 A Friend in Battle

Disclaimer: Since there comes a point in every person's life that they have to say something that they would rather not, I'll go ahead and say it now…

I do not own Inuyasha!

Shocking, I know…

Please don't sue me…

I've got less money than the hobo, cause I gave him the dime that I've been saving….

On with the show…

(In this story, it has been a few years since they defeated Naraku. Sesshomaru is still taking care of Rin, who is now twelve.)

He walked in the village with no intention to stay. He was just passing through with his imp Jaken and his human child, Rin, who was riding on Ah' Un's back. He walked a few steps ahead, leading the way through the paths. Things were strewn around and houses were in shambles.

The man with the long silver white hair smelled the sent of resent blood, and that excited him.

Deeper into the mountain based village he saw actual pools of blood and the resent dead.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" the green imp exclaimed. "Something has happened to these people!"

The man walked on, pretending to ignore the imp.

"Lord Sesshomaru, something is happening ahead." The girl with black hair and a sincere face exclaimed.

"Quiet you insolent child!" the imp said. "Don't you think that Sesshomaru can see that something is going on?" disregarding the fact that he hadn't noticed until she said something.

"Stop it Master Jaken. I wasn't talking to you." The child folded her arms and turned away from Jaken, snubbing him off.

"Why you…!"

In the past few years, after Naraku was defeated Rin had grown into an older version of her childish self. She was about twelve now and was beginning to grow into a woman.

But she still had many years to go.

The group passed through the body littered village. As they neared the squabble that they had seen in the distance, they saw that the village had been attacked by two weak demons who were about to finish off the last of the villagers.

The attacking demons had cornered four of the villagers against the wall of a stable. It was a mother holding a boy no older than six in her arms, along with a man who might have been her husband, and an old woman. They were begging for their lives.

Rin was accustom to watching others die, but even she turned away when a demon with a reddish orange hide ripped the man's throat. The demons stopped in their advances when they noticed Sesshomaru and the others.

One looked like he was going to say something, but held his tongue when he noticed that the demon was not only more than a hundred times stronger than him, but was going to pass by without any action.

The demons turned back to their human prey.

As Sesshomaru walked pass a house a young woman of seventeen ran to him from her hiding spot. He stopped and glanced at her with no sign of interest.

Her long black hair hung all the way down her back. She wore only an expensive pale silk slip that was covered in grim from the battle. She reached no taller than his shoulder and looked up at him with blue, spring water eyes.

"Sir demon, please help me." She asked, in her hand was a broken broom that she had been using as a weapon.

Sesshomaru started to walk again, still three houses from the stable that he would have to pass on his way out of the village.

"Wait! I have money! I can pay you and thing that you want. I am the heiress to my father's fortune, what ever you ask is yours." She told him, offering a bag of money, and following him pass the next house.

"How dare you think that Sesshomaru would be interested in helping a human such as you!" Jaken told her. Rin refused to look her in the eyes.

At the stable, the demons were finished toying with the three remaining humans and the red one reached back his arm to deal a heavy strike.

Sesshomaru heard coins jingle as they hit the ground when the girl dropped the bag of money. Her arm brushed his shoulder in a swift movement and he watched as she rushed pass him with her stick.

She shoved pass one of the demons, one with green skin and a furry head, and put herself between the red attacking demon and the last three of the villagers. Her stick was tilted to the left to block the demons claws. Her eyes showed no fear. The stick was broken by the demon's attacks, but the blow was slowed enough so that the claws that hit her only opened the skin of her shoulder instead of ripping through her.

She fell to her knees right in front of the two women and boy and the demon backed two meters away.

"Leave us alone." The young woman said through grinded teeth as she tried to ignore the pain in her shoulder. She was on her knees now and threw her arms out to protect the ones behind her.

"So you're begging as well." The demon said, stepping back on his right foot to prepare to attack again.

"No, I'm not begging." The demon stopped, "I'm telling you, leave my village and I'll let you live." She spoke boldly to the one who was about to kill her.

Sesshomaru was stopped in the gap between the last house and the stable.

She was young, no doubt, but as he looked into the woman's bright blue eyes, he saw a look of stubborn and hard resolve. Her anger showed in her eyes along with her sheer will to live.

She was not begging, she was giving an order, even from her disadvantaged position.

Sesshomaru felt a twinge in his stomach as he saw those eyes. He knew he had seen that look somewhere before, that pure determination. He had seen that look so often in the eyes of his half brother, Inuyasha. The one that said she wasn't going to quit.

As the blow came down, the woman closed her eyes for a second as her body tensed up. She heard the sound of the demon's claws hitting hard against something. She opened her eyes, not having felt a blow.

She looked up to see the side of the demon man's face, with two red marks on his cheeks and his long silver white hair that blew in the wind. As she looked up from her place on the ground the sun's last lights hit the handsome demon, and she saw an iciness in his eyes along with something else. She thought he looked like a vengeful angel.

Sesshomaru had cut through the other demon to step in front of the attacking one. The red demon was surprised by the opposition and was stunned for a moment, looking at the stump where his hand had been a moment ago. Sesshomaru wasted no time in stabbing his blade through his opponent and gutting him.

Sesshomaru didn't even look back at the woman he had saved, "Come Jaken." Was all he said.

"Yes Mi lord." Jaken hurried after him with Ah' Un following with Rin….


(I hope that you don't hate it.

Okay, I lied, I don't care.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't review.

See the button that says 'go' in the left corner? Push it!

Now I have you all under my mind powers! Mua ha ha ha!

FYI: This is my first FanFic, sorry if anything is misspelled.)