A/N: Okay, so my initial chapters aren't usually this short. Sorry, stuff happens. And the spot where I ended it was a very natural break, since I was shifting POVs.

Anyway, this story is the bastard child of my own fic Sunset Sherbet (go read it!) and Dirge of Cerberus (go play it! It rocks!) After I finished my play through of the game, I started thinking to myself about the fun things that I could do with the 'new' cannon established in Dirge and my plotbunnies spent three days in round table discussions before I started on this. I know, basically, where its going but the whole is not as completely planned out as Sunrise was.

I hope you all enjoy it; I'm having a lot of fun writing it.


Disclaimer: i own nothing even vaguely FF7 related except my copies of the games. i'm also not out to make a profit from this fic in any way.

Chapter 1—So Much for Our Happy Endings

"Reeve! Hey!" Yuffie beamed as she pulled open the door to reveal her friend. With a grin, she gave him a hug before inviting him inside. "Why didn't you tell us you were coming?"

"I was just in town on business. But it seemed like a good idea to drop by. I hope you don't mind."

The ninja shook her head. "No, not at all. You wanna stay for dinner? We were grilling with Cloud and Tifa tonight."

Reeve smiled. "That sounds nice, if you're sure its not imposing."

Yuffie rolled her eyes. "Please. Do you really think that Tifa would let you leave Midgar without at least having dinner with us all?"

The former Shinra exec chuckled. "No, I suppose not. How have you all been?"

"Oh, you know. Same as ever." She led him into the kitchen and offered him a seat at the island in the center of the room. "You want some tea?"

Reeve nodded as he sat down. "That would be nice."

Yuffie filled a kettle with water and set it on the stove, then sat down next to him. "The guys started on the expansion the day before yesterday. Cid says that if everything goes as planned and nobody slacks off, then it'll be done before I even start showing."

"That's great. But I don't hear any work being done." Reeve glanced in the direction of the bedrooms. "Where is everyone?"

"Cid took Vincent to get supplies, Rude and Reno are out getting stuff for dinner tonight and Chaos is upstairs taking a nap with Anessa. I threatened to kill them all if she missed her nap, so they cleared out." She chuckled, remembering how quickly they had found things that needed to be done. "What about you, Reeve? How are things going with you?"

"Everything is going pretty well. Things in the WRO have finally stabilized enough that I can leave most of it alone for a few days. And most people are actually welcoming our help in rebuilding and power source conversion. Everything is actually going more smoothly than I'd dared to hope."

"Looks like we get our happy endings after all, huh?"

"Oh, I don't know about that. Look what happened with Kadaj and his gang a few months ago."

"You're right." She stood up and began gathering her tea-making supplies. "But everything is so great right now. Its hard to believe that anything's gonna change that."

Outside, a girl screamed. In response, the Galian Beast roared from his spot on the porch and Reeve drew a handgun from his suit coat and stood up.

"Looks like you spoke too soon."

"Looks like." The ninja reached over and turned off the stove.

For those of you who haven't played DOC yet, the WRO is the World Regenesis Organization. This is a group that Reeve formed to help heal the planet and put people's lives back together after the Jenova War. (The name of the Sephiroth Crisis there is cannon—that's what its called in Dirge). The WRO is a cannon organization, though Reeve hasn't been running it in my fic as long as he has been in the game.