A/N: Between the last chapter and this, the events of The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, and Lioness Rampant occurred--to the extent that they could considering the differences I made.


Alanna felt as if every nerve of her body was on end; ready to snap. Rispah, Queen of Thieves, kept telling her to be calm, but it had little effect. Faithful agreed profusely with Rispah, but still it had no effect.

"I can't believe I'm really doing this," Alanna told Rispah and Faithful for the thousandth time. "I can't really be marrying Jon, it's impossible!"

"You can," Rispah said soothingly, lacing up the back of Alanna's dress, "and you are. It won't help nobody to keep frettin' over it."

Alanna tried to take a steadying breath, but the ties of her dress were too tight. She wore a lilac shift, with a lilac summer-style gown over the top of it. Gold stitches rimmed the bottom of the skirt, the top of the low-cut bodice, and the rippling sleeves that just capped her shoulders.

Rispah pulled the bodice laces tighter, making Alanna gasp for breath. "It won't do no good unless it's tight," Rispah pointed out, yanking the strings again. "With breasts like yours we got to make it tight, or you're just Squire Alan in a dress."

"I wish I could have been Squire Alan forever. It would've made life so much simpler!"

Rispah cuffed the side of Alanna's head. "Don't forget who you're talkin' too, girlie. I'm the Queen of the Thieves. We Rogues don't take kindly t'those complainin' of life bein' too hard. We like a challenge. And you! You're Tortall's Lioness. I woulda thought you'd like a challenge too!"

Alanna rubbed her smarting head. "I do like a challenge," she protested. "I'm just not sure why I chose to marry Jon."

"Because you love adventure. What better way than to be Queen?"

Alanna sighed. Rispah had a point.

"Just your hair left t'do." Rispah fetched a hairbrush, and began dragging it through Alanna's hair, which went just past her shoulder blades.

"Ouch!" Alanna yelped, raising a hand to her hair. "That hurt you know." Rispah only smirked. "You did that on purpose!" Alanna accused. Rispah grinned wider.

How about you just tell her? Faithful suggested from his perch on the bed.

Sure, Alanna thought wryly. I want to know what would happen if Rispah knew? Knew that half the reason I agreed to marry Jon was because I lost my pregnancy charm and made love with him anyway? And now I'm carrying his child? Wonderful way to make everyone hate me even more! Good idea Faithful!

Alanna knew Faithful couldn't hear her, but she felt better anyway.

Rispah pulled a thin thong from a pouch on her belt, and pulled Alanna's hair into a horse-tail high on her head. Rispah took the horse-tail in her fingers, and twisted it into a bun. Alanna's violently red hair stuck out around the bun, forming a slightly flyaway look. Rispah left them loose as she tied another thong around the bun. She patted it.

"There you go. You're all done," Rispah picked up the lilac veil and slipped it on, pushing it down over Alanna's face. "Now, just look up through your eyelashes. It'll make you look like a modest maiden. We're goin' for the pure, maiden, virgin look."

Alanna snorted with laughter. "What would you know about any of that? We're both ladies of mens' work. Both proud to be."

"Never you mind," Rispah said, lifting Faithful into her arms. "I've had practice bein' someone I'm not. Let's leave it at that."

Faithful purred as Rispah stroked his head. Alanna stuck her tongue out at him. "Some friend you are," she complained.

I know, Faithful replied, rubbing his head against Rispah's hand.

"Let's get goin' then," Rispah said cheerily, rubbing a finger down Faithful's spine.

Alanna made another face at Faithful, and followed Rispah from the room.

She waited behind a set of double doors, listening to the music on the other side. Her nerves were on end, even as Myles droned about some bit of a paper he had found.

The double doors opened, and Alanna clung to Myles' arm as they walked down the isle. Focus on Jon, she told herself. Bad idea, she amended after looking at him for a second. Jon was dressed in black breeches, a white shirt, and a royal blue tunic with silver around the sleeves and hem. His hair was falling gently in his face, masking one of his beautifully bright sapphire eyes.

The music stopped, and Alanna almost lunged from Myles' arm to Jon's, wanting something to hang onto. Jon held her up by the arm as the priest droned on about their marriage and how wonderful it was. No one else thought it was wonderful. Jonathan was marrying the Lady Knight. The Lioness. No one wanted the Lioness as queen. Come to think of it, Alanna wasn't sure she wanted to be queen either.

Too late now, she thought bitterly.

"You may kiss the bride," the priest said.

Jon turned to Alanna, meeting her eyes for a second. In that second she felt as if he had said, "It's alright, Alanna. Being Queen won't be so bad." His fingers shook as he reached for her veil, and pulled it back over her head.

Alanna breathed, trying to stay calm. No one should have to hold her up. But Jon's hands were firm on her waist, and she was grateful. His face came down to hers, and their lips met. She let her eyelids drop, and felt the warmth of his breath in her mouth. His tongue flicked across her lips, and a shiver dropped down her spine.

They drew back from one another. But Jon hovered by her ear just long enough to whisper, "There's no turning back." before the crowd broke into applause, however stilted it was.

Ta-da! That's it. The end. Well, not really. I'm working on the sequel already. It's about Alanna and Jon's children--their twins to be exact. It's called Into the Dark, so be sure to keep an eye out for that. It'll be rated T, probably, but maybe M by the way, so I'm sorry if you don't like that. I hope you liked this! Hope to see you soon! BETA NOTE- I, for one, cannot WAIT for the sequel. If you DO NOT read it, Alanna will be sent to kick your butts.