Prompt: #001 Beginnings
Title: New Kind of Strange
Word Count: 232
Rating: K
Author's Notes: This is my first attempt at anything fanfic-ish. Or writing anything for fun, period. I hope this is at least halfway decent.

In the beginning Katara knew he was wrong and she knew he had to be defeated. It had all been so clear. The Avatar had finally returned after one hundred years and they were the good guys. The banished prince was the enemy. He wanted to ruin Aang, and along with hi all hopes of peace between the nations. All because of his own selfish desires. Back then, everything made sense.

A sign escaped her lips as she sat up. Sleep eluded her as her mind twisted itself into knots over her latest conundrum. It made her mind ache and all other thoughts dissolve. Her eyes tiredly made their way around camp, falling on each member of their ragtag group. Aang and Momo to her left, Sokka to her right, Appa in the distance and, finally, the newest member, Zuko. The fallen Fire prince slept directly across from her and something about it did not sit well with her. He made her feel strange when he was around. Not the good kind of strange, either. More like that odd feeling you get when you eat the wrong kind of berries, not good at all. What was he doing here? He was their enemy.

Prince Zuko stirred as her eyes lingered on him. Katara watched in fascinated horror as his yellow eyes opened and locked with hers.

Suddenly, she wasn't so sure anymore ...