A/N: okay, i thought i should let it be known that in this story, Shuichi is living with Hiro due to some problems at his house(though never mentioned). just to fill you in when you read this. also i just got bored so i started writing this...i think it's pretty good actually. hope u like.
Track 1
It was spring and the night was cool. Shuichi had decided to take a walk to get inspirations for a new song he had to write, since staying inside was doing him no justice. He was walking through the park and stopped at the lake to look at the water.
"Nothing. I have nothing. Why can't I write a song?"
He stared at his reflection in the water and then attempted to come up with a song.
"Looking at the reflection I see. Could the person there really be me? It's almost hard to think it true, but I'm not complete, because of you." He looked at the lyrics he wrote down and sung it back to himself again quietly. "WHAT AM I THINKING! This sucks. I can't turn this in. If K sees it, he'll kill me. This writing music thing is harder than it looks."
He walked over to the bench and sat down. He folded the paper and put it in his pocket. He thought that he could possibly use parts of those lyrics and combine them with something else to make a song to work. He stood back up and walked through the park some more. Nothing was helping him. He couldn't come up with anything. He had officially given up on writing the song. He'd rather be killed by Mr. K for not writing a song than to be killed for writing one that sucked as bad as these.
He decided to leave the park and head to Hiro's house. He was hoping that he could help him out. As he was walking out of the park, he felt someone touch his shoulder. He panicked and looked back to find no one was behind him. He just ignored it and continued to walk. As he did, he heard footsteps and breathing coming from behind him. He turned around and, again, saw no one behind him.
"Alright who is it? Is it you Hiro or is it Mr. Sakuma. Who is it?" Shuichi asked to thin air. No one answered. "Fine then. Play tricks, but I'm not scared."
"Oh really now?" a deep voice said.
"Who…. who is that? Who's there?"
"No one. Just me. It's just you and me."
"Who's me?"
"No one."
"But someone has to be there! I mean, if I'm talking to someone you have to be there, right?"
"You're right and you're wrong. I am here, just not in a place you can see me. If you look hard enough, you may find me, but if you don't try, you won't."
Shuichi panicked. He looked around and then stopped. He calmed himself down. "Alright, now I know it's you Hiro. Just come out now. You got me."
"I'm not this Hiro that you speak of. I told you, if you look hard enough you will find me and see that I am not one of your little friends."
Shuichi panicked even more and started to walk. "I'm leaving now. I don't want to be here anymore."
"Why are you leaving me? I just want to talk to you and be your friend." The voice said, sounding different.
"No. I'm leaving now."
Shuichi ran out of the park as fast as he could and ran to Hiro's house. The voice looked down and laughed.
"How sad. I lost a friend. He'll be back. I guarantee it."
When Shu made it to Hiro's house, he told him the whole story and dragged Hiro to the park with him to look for the person. Hiro insisted that it was just his mind playing tricks, being as he was overworking himself about this song. Shuichi just insisted that it wasn't. When they got to the park, he took Hiro to the exact place where he was when the voice started talking to him.
"Hello? Mr. Voice person! Are you there?" Hiro stood for a minute and then turned to Shuichi, "See, like I said. There's no one here. It was just in your little pink head." He said tapping on his head.
Just then, the voice answered back. "Oh, I can assure that I'm not in his head. And I do have a name you know."
"What the…" Hiro jumped. "Well then, why don't you tell me your name so I can address you properly?"
"I won't tell my name to you."
"And just why not?"
"It's because it's not you I want. I want to talk to the pink haired one."
"So why can't you just say it so that he can hear?"
"Because I want to talk to him in private. I want to be alone with him. That means you must leave. I will not come out of hiding and I will not show myself until you are gone."
"Why do I have to leave. What if I want to protect my friend."
"I can assure you that I will not harm him. I have no intention on hurting him in any way, I just want to talk to him is all."
"How can I be so sure?"
"Just leave already. You are getting on my nerves and if you don't leave, I think I might be forced to hurt you!"
"If I leave, I'm taking Shuichi with me."
"So that is his name." The voice said in a low tone.
"No, Hiro. I'm staying. I believe him. I know that he won't hurt me. Just go home and I'll meet you there when I'm done talking to him."
"Don't worry about me. Believe it or not, I can take care of myself. I'll be fine."
"Alright, but call me if he hurts you."
Hiro left the park, still regretting not dragging the boy with him. After Hiro finally left, the voice began to talk.
"So, Shuichi, now that your friend is gone, I will show myself to you."
Suddenly, a shadow leaped from the top of a tree and landed, gracefully, on the ground. When Shuichi looked at the man, he saw that he had wings. They were black and looked almost like bat's wings. He had a black outfit on that made everything else seem to stand out. The man had gold hair and shining gold eyes. When Shuichi looked at them, he felt as though he lost all feeling in his body and all control of his actions. He tore his eyes away from the man standing in front of him and looked at the ground.
"So you are the voice…. person I was talking to a minute ago?"
"Yes I am. I wanted to talk to you only because I have been waiting for you."
"Waiting? For me?"
"Yes. I have been waiting for someone who looked like you to walk past so I could be able to get them as my own."
"Get them as your own?"
"Make them mine. My slave, my servant."
"Yes. But not just anyone. They had to be young, they had to be," the man grabbed Shuichi's face and held it, licking his lips, "cute. Someone I could look at and be proud to say they belong to me."
Shuichi was paralyzed, not by the man's touch, but by his eyes. He just stood and looked at the man. When he tried to move or speak, he just got weaker.
"I want you. I want you to be my servant. I have been waiting. For you." He let go of the boy's face and smiled revealing fangs. "Do you understand now?"
"You're… you're a… a… vampire!"
"Yes. This is true. And you will be one soon." He grabbed Shuichi's face again and tilted his head a little, "Just as soon as I bite you."
As the vampire moved in, he pulled away. "No! Don't touch me! I don't want to be a vampire!"
"Well, don't think just because you said no, that I won't go after you anymore. I am determined to get you, and I will get you." The vampire opened his wings and turned, before he flew away, he looked back at Shuichi, "Just bare this in mind. My name is Yuki. Do not forget it. You'll need to know it later on."
Then he disappeared. Shuichi just sat on the bench and took a deep breath. He didn't know what just happened or how it happened. All he knew was that he wanted to get to Hiro's house and fast. After he caught his breath, and convinced himself that none of that happened, he walked to Hiro's house. He walked in and sat on the sofa and grabbed his pad and started to try and come up with songs. Hiro looked at him and decided to ask.
"So what did he do? Did he hurt you?"
"No. He didn't. I told you that I can handle myself. Now could you just please help me come up with a song so that Mr. K doesn't kill me."
"No, he did something to you didn't he? Or at least he tried."
"I told you that I just need you to help me write a song. Don't talk about it anymore. Please."
Hiro sat down and looked at Shu and then went into his room. The boy was just sitting there trying to come up with songs. That whole incident that just happened inspired him. He sat the pad on the table and began to write. When he finished he ran over to Hiro, who was in his room practicing, and started jumping up and down.
"What is it Shu?"
"Read this. I just came up with it. Tell me what you think of it."
He handed the lyrics to Hiro and waited. He just nodded and handed the pad back. "Good job. Just one thing."
"Why isn't it finished? I mean, you have a great start, but why isn't it finished?"
"That's because I still need a little more inspiration. Trust me, it will be the best song you've ever heard when it's done. It will put our band high above Mr. Sakuma's." Shu said with a huge smile.
"I'm sure that it will. No doubt about that." Hiro said with a small smile.
Shuichi left the room and went into the living room. He laid down on the couch and replayed all of today in his head. It was weird, why did the vampire want him so badly. There were other people that he could have bitten and made his slave, what was so special about him. It couldn't have been the fact that he was a star, he didn't even know the boy's name until Hiro said it. What was so special about him that Yuki found it important to bite him? He couldn't figure it out.
As he was replaying the day's events, he came past the last thing that the vampire said. 'Just bare this in mind. My name is Yuki. Do not forget it. You'll need to know it later on.' What could he have meant by that? He knew sort of what it meant, but it could have been something different. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. When he woke up the next morning, he heard Hiro in the room practicing. He walked in to see what song he was working on and found out it was the one that he had just wrote.
"Oh hey kid. I just figured I'd get a head start on writing music to go with this song. I made it somewhat of an upbeat sort of thing, you know, but I still kept it sort of soft. For that love song affect, you know."
"Yea. So how's it coming?"
"Pretty good." Hiro looked at the notes on the paper and then looked back at Shu, "To be honest, it sucks. It's the cream of the crop, the crème de la crème of suck. I don't know where my talent went but I can tell you where it's not."
"It's okay. Just take a break. I'm going to write it some more later. So don't stress yourself."
"Alright. Well we have to go to the studio."
"Thoma wants us to go. He said that we have to show up even if we are just writing a song. And then K threatened me that if any part of Bad Luck doesn't show, I'd never show my face in any concert, not like I could."
"Aw man. That's not cool! I don't like this! I don't want to go and you can't make me!" Shuichi said crossing his arms.
"Look, I don't wanna die! So I don't care how much you don't want to go, I'm getting you there. I don't care what I have to do to get you there, but you WILL show up!"
Shuichi just pouted. He went into the bathroom and changed his clothes. When he came back out, Hiro had his guitar and Shuichi's notepad. He handed it to him and pushed the boy out the door. Shu complained the whole time about going to the studio and wasting time of his life that he's never going to get back and how he could write a song anywhere. He complained that Thoma and K weren't fair and didn't care about them.
When they finally got there, Shuichi sat in a chair and pouted even more. Ryuichi sat next to him and looked at him. He inched Kumagoro near him slowly.
"What's the matter Mr. Shindou? Are you hurting?"
"No. I just don't want to be here. I think it's pointless to be here and I can write a song just fine at Hiro's place."
"Well it's good that you come here. You can get help from some of us. Maybe even Ryu can help you."
"Kumagoro, thanks for showing concern and offering that advice, but I can handle it. I have something going that I started and I need to finish it alone and by myself."
"So you don't need Ryuichi's help or mine?"
"No, but thank you anyway. If I do need help, I'll come to you."
Ryuichi moved the bear and looked at Shuichi. He smiled brightly and began to talk, "Just know that I'm here when you need me okay. I can help you with whatever." He looked at him and became serious, "And you know I mean that."
No less than two seconds later did he go back to the childish form he was in before. K just stood at the door and looked at him.
"How Nittle Grasper is still sane with him as lead singer is beyond me." he muttered.
Everyone was trapped in there until ten o'clock at night. When they finally got out, everyone went home. Everyone but Shuichi that is. He walked back to the park where he met Yuki and sat there. He pulled out his notepad and began to write again. Just then, someone appeared behind him and started singing the lyrics that Shuichi had written down.
"What the hell is that?"
"It's a song thank you very much. And I wrote it myself."
"Well it stinks. It couldn't be any worse. And the worse part about it is, that it's about me."
Shuichi looked shocked. "No it's not!" he blurted, "It's about someone I knew as a kid."
"And he, for reasons unknown, looked like me?"
"It's coincidence!"
"That he had, as you put it, wings of darkness filled with beauty and grace?"
"Yea…. I doubt it. Look, if you're going to write a song, especially about me…"
"Like I said, me, at least make it something that doesn't make me want to walk directly into the sun."
"Thank you very much." Shuichi said sarcastically.
"Look, let me help you with this." He reached his hands around the boy and grabbed his hand. He started guiding his hand and changed the whole song. "Now here, you take this line, and you move it there, you change this to this and you've got something going. Now read it and tell me it doesn't sound better than what you had?"
Shuichi read it and couldn't believe it. Yuki was right; the changes made the whole song sound better. "I guess it does sound better."
"There. Now here, let's finish this song shall we? Now that we have the whole beginning, we just need an end and it doesn't have to be that long. Just write what I tell you okay."
"Uh huh."
Yuki began to tell the boy everything to write, and he wrote it. He realized that everything he was saying, was making the song better. He continued to let Yuki tell him things to write. After five minutes, the song was finished. They both read over it and approved.
"There, now that's a song I can be proud of knowing it's about me. Now isn't that better than what you had?"
"Yea, I guess it is. I couldn't have come up with that."
"I know. I saw what you had before. Look, when you write more songs, come to me and I'll help you. Got that?"
"Uh huh."
"Now I have to go. I have somewhere to be shortly." He reached around Shuichi and grabbed his hands and held them. "Promise me that you'll show again tomorrow."
"I… I… I'll try… I guess."
"Don't try, just do." He grabbed Shuichi's face and kissed him and then disappeared. "You will be mine."
Shuichi just sat there in shock even more than before. Did that just really happen? Was it true? He couldn't, no wouldn't, believe what just happened. He got up and walked back to Hiro's. When he came in, he plopped down on the couch and didn't say a word.
"What's wrong now?"
"Nothing. I'm fine. I finished the song." He said zoned out.
"Let me see."
He handed Hiro the notepad and he read it. He nodded and smiled, "I think K and Sug will like this song a lot. Where'd you get the inspiration for it?"
"A friend." He said smiling faintly.
Hiro just looked at him and smiled. He wasn't going to ask anymore. He sat the pad on the table and went into his room to practice more. Shuichi sat in the living room thinking. He picked up the notepad and read the song over and over again. The more he read it, the more he realized that the main character of the song changed. It wasn't only about Yuki anymore; it was also about himself. He looked at the pad and smiled thinking about how he didn't know the whole time. He put his feet up on the couch and finally went to sleep.
The next morning, he was up before Hiro. He got up and walked into Hiro's room to wake him up. Hiro was still out cold. He was worn out from the giant fight that him and K had. He walked over to the bed and tapped him.
"Hiro. Hiro. Wake up. We have to go to the studio. I have to show Mr. K and Mr. Sakuma my song."
"What about Thoma?"
"He can hear it when I sing it. I want them to be the first to hear it or see it or whatever. Come on!"
"They're not even at the studio yet."
"Well call them and tell them to get there. I have to show them the song I wrote."
"Fine. Just wait a minute."
"No. Now! Call them now!"
"God. Can I get up first?"
"Oh, sorry."
Hiro rolled over and picked up the phone. He called Ryuichi and told him to go to the studio and to tell K to come. Then he called Thoma and told him to come and bring Sug with him.
"There. Satisfied. Now this better be worth it."
"It will be. And when we get there and Sug gets there, we can start writing the music to go to it. Okay?"
"Yea, yea whatever. Just let me get ready so we can hurry up and leave. I want to make this as short and sweet as possible." Hiro said getting out of bed.
"Okay. I'll be waiting in the living room for you."
Shu bounced out of the room and into the living room. He didn't even sit down, he just kept bouncing. He was excited. He'd get to show his song to everyone at the studio. He knew that they'd all like it. It was a great song; at least he thought it was. When Hiro was finally ready, Shu bounced to the door and then out to the car. Hiro sighed heavily and prepared to be yelled at by K again.
When they made it to the studio, everyone was there. They were all half-asleep, except for Ryu and K, and waiting to see what they were all woken up for.
"This better be worth calling me at nine o'clock in the morning for. I have things I've gotta do." K said standing at the door.
"Kumagoro said he's tired. He wants to sleep."
"I'm sorry for waking you up, but I have a song that I just finished and I want you to hear it."
"Just hurry up so we can get home please." Thoma said sitting at the table.
"Yea, I wanna go back to sleep." Sugaru complained.
"Okay. I'm only going to sing a little of it though." Shu stood up and took a deep breath in. He relaxed and then began to sing. "Kawaita tsumori ame ga tsuzunaku katari kakeru. Namida wa seijaku ni...samayou yoru ga akeru. Karada o tsutau ame ni furueru awai omoi. Guren no yuuwaku ni...samayou yoru ga akeru. Mabushii kiseki o irodoru smashing blue. Hajimaru make me true. Kieyuku tsuki wa silent. Kimi no koe mo iranai smashing blue. Suhada ni nokoru. Kiramekimaru de twilight" He stood and smiled at everyone, waiting for a response. "So, what do you think? That's only a small part of the whole picture though. Do you get what I'm trying to say in it though?"
Everyone just sat looking at him in a half-daze. After a little time, someone responded.
"Alright, put music to it and it can go on the next CD." Thoma said looking at him.
"Can we go home now? Kumagoro's getting fussy. I don't think he wants to be up anymore. He isn't happy when he doesn't get enough sleep. And if Kumagoro isn't happy, Ryu won't sparkle."
"You can go home now. I just wanted you to hear this and I couldn't wait. Thank you for coming though." Shuichi said still standing in front of the desk.
"Alright people, don't think that coming here early means you don't have to come later. I still want to see everyone here at one. Got it?" K said walking away. "And Hiro, I want to talk to you later."
Hiro just put his head down. He knew that he was going to get his head bitten off for what Shu wanted. Everyone sighed and went home. Shuichi went out to Hiro's car and sat there waiting for him. When Hiro finally came out, he was dragging his feet and his head was down.
"Why don't you and Mr. K get along anymore? You two were a…"
"Were, we were. We've been fighting with each other for three months now. And neither one of us know why." Hiro said putting his head on the steering wheel.
"Didn't you two break up three months ago?"
"Yea we did. And a week later K tells me he wants to talk to me and then he bites my head off for no good reason. What could be the matter?"
"Well who broke up with who?"
"He broke up with me. Why?"
"Did you ever stop and think that he might be doing this because he's mad at himself for letting you go?"
"No. I never thought that could be a possibility. But I doubt that's the reason."
"It might be. You don't know that for sure. Later when you talk to him ask why he's been so mad at you lately and see what he says. He'll tell you."
"I'll try it, but he might bite my head off for asking him a question."
"Don't say that he'll do something until you actually try it. Now promise me you will." Shu held out his pinky to Hiro.
He did a pinky swear and then started the car. When they got home, they began putting a beat to the song. It was harder than they thought. Usually they'd have a song and a beat in two days, but this one proved to be a challenge. Neither one of them could find the right beat to it. They started out making ones from scratch and then went to the alternative, taking beats from other songs and splicing them together. Nothing worked and they wanted to give up. Somewhere around twelve thirty, they finally gave in. They couldn't come up with a beat to put to the song no matter how hard they tried.
"Look, we'll just have to wait till we get to the studio so that maybe Sugaru could help." Hiro said packing up his guitar.
"Yea, I guess you're right. Let's go to the studio."
They packed up their things and walked out to the car. They got in and left to the studio. When they got there, there were only two people there. They were Sugaru and Thoma. They were there for an hour before Shu and Hiro got there. When they asked why, they just said that they didn't have the energy to leave. They got to the front door and turned around. There was no way they were making it home. Shu and Hiro just nodded.
"So, did you come up with a beat to the song yet?" Sug asked.
"No, we've tried everything. We tried to create new beats and that didn't work. Then we tried splicing beats together to get a new one and that didn't work. We just gave up ten minutes ago. We came here in hopes that maybe you could help us come up with one."
"Yea. We thought that if we had the whole band here, we could come up with something. So can you help us Sug?" Shuichi said sitting down.
"I could try. I don't think I can really come up with anything right now, but it's worth a shot." Sugaru sat down next to Shuichi and picked up the pad, "Let's see what we've got here. So what do you want this to sound like?"
"I want it to be just like any of our other songs, an up beat. But I also want it to be sensitive like a love song. Do you think we can do something like that?"
"We can try. I mean if Ryu and his band can do it, I'm pretty sure we can."
Everyone got their instruments ready and started to put out beats that could go. Everything they tried didn't fit. Either Shuichi didn't like it or it just didn't go. When K and Ryu came in, they found the whole band sprawled out on the floor crying. K walked over to Thoma to ask what had happened.
"Well let's just put it like this, they're in a sort of creative slump right now. They can't make a beat to the song Shuichi made."
"Maybe because they're going about it the wrong way. Maybe if they tried making the song around the beat then it could work." K walked over to the remnants of Bad Luck and sat down. "Look Hiro, Sug, why don't you try making a beat first and then having Shuichi sing to it. That could possibly help."
"Yea. I guess we could try that." Sugaru said.
"Anything's worth a shot at this point."
"Okay. But what should I do while they make a beat?"'
"Just relax. You've done enough just coming up with the song." K looked at Hiro and then stood up, "Hiro, could you please come with me into the hall. I have to talk to you about something."
Hiro sighed and then got up to follow him. When he got out there, he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. "What is it?"
"I wanted to talk to you about the fighting. I'm getting tired of fighting with you for no reason at all."
"But you always start it. I just sit there and you call me into the hall, like now, and then you just spaz out at me. I don't even know what's wrong."
"That's it. I don't want to yell at you anymore. It's just the fact that how everything ended. I was pissed off about something and I took it out on you. Then everytime I tried to apologize to you, I get mad again and start screaming. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry."
"If that's all it was about, then why did you break up with me in the first place?"
"I thought that you were the cause of all the problems and stress I was having, but you weren't. When I fought with you, it was because I was mad that I was wrong. I was mad that you weren't the cause of the anger and hatred I was feeling. I needed to take it out on someone so I took it out on you. I didn't mean to so now I'm saying sorry."
"Well I'll forgive you under the one condition that you don't bite my head off just because anymore."
"That works." As Hiro was walking away, K grabbed his arm and pulled him back, "Do you want to start this fresh and forget about everything. You know, the fighting and everything."
"Sure. That works for me."
"Then tonight you're coming over my place. We have some catching up to do."
Hiro just smiled, he knew what that meant. Hiro walked back into the room first with his head down and K followed shortly after. Everyone looked at them as though the world just ended because of those two. Hiro sat back in his chair and picked up his guitar and started playing around. He created a beat and didn't even know it.
"Hiro! That's it!" Shuichi shouted.
"What's it?" he asked confused, still playing.
"That's the beat! That's the one I want for the song!"
"What? This? I was just playing around with my guitar. Are you sure you want this as a beat?"
"Of course I'm sure! Now Sug, play something filled with a pop beat to go with it."
"Okay." Sug didn't even question him; he just started playing what came to mind.
"THAT'S IT! THAT'S THE BEAT I WANT!" Shuichi screamed jumping up and down.
"Kumagoro even likes it!" Ryu said making the stuffed bear dance. "It's sparkly!"
"I have to admit, it's catchy." K said smiling at Hiro.
"Yea, that's a beat that will really stick." Thoma said looking at them.
"Start that from the beginning, I want to put the words to it."
When they started over, he began to sing. The words fit perfectly. Thoma stopped them and made them go into the recording booth and recorded it. For the first time, it only took one take to get it right. After they finished recording, they came out of the booth. Everyone was happy, especially Shuichi. His song was the way he wanted it and he was happy. They stayed for a few more hours and recorded some more songs. By the time they finished, the sun was setting. Everyone finally decided to leave. K drove Ryuichi to Tatsuha's house and sped home to make it in time to meet Hiro and make up for lost time. Thoma and Sug went home to catch up on some lost Z's they had missed out on earlier. Shuichi just walked to the park to meet his new friend.
When he got there, he walked to the water and smiled at his reflection. He was happy and proud that he made a song that was going to be a big hit. He looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was still setting. He waited for a little bit. Soon enough the sun would be down and Yuki would come. He had found himself to be slowly but surely falling for him. It was something about Yuki that made him feel this way. After the sun finally set, he looked up to the tree where he usually was and didn't see him. He looked back at the water and looked at his reflection and the moon's light shining on it. Suddenly, he felt someone put their arms around him. He looked at the water for a reflection but didn't see one. That's when he realized who it was. He spun around and looked the vampire in the eyes.
"Hello there my dear Shuichi. So glad you could make it." he said smiling.
"I had to. Besides, I needed to take a break. I was getting stressed."
"Is that really the truth or are you lying to cover up the truth?"
"Why would I hide the truth?"
"Because that's what you would do."
"I wouldn't lie. I don't lie if that's what you're trying to say." Shuichi said getting defensive.
"That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that you hide your emotions toward other people. Especially those you really care about. Or even possibly love." He said hinting at something.
"What is that supposed to mean? I don't love anyone. Everyone at the studio is my friend. I don't have any feelings beyond that for them."
"Go beyond the studio."
"What? Just because I'm staying with Hiro for a while till things cool down at my house doesn't mean a thing."
"Not that either."
Shuichi looked at the water and thought. That's when it occurred to him what Yuki was getting at. "Are you trying to say that I have feelings for you?"
"Not trying. I am. You can't hide it Shuichi. I can see straight through you. You couldn't hide your feelings in a paper bag if you tried hard enough. Just admit it already and you'll feel better about everything."
"But I don't. I just met you and I can only see you at night, which leaves me no time to get to know you. So how am I supposed to have feelings for a person I don't even know?" he said trying to cover up the truth.
"Easy. I barely know you, but I know that what I feel toward you isn't friendship. I'm not afraid to admit what I feel. Why can't you?"
"Because… because…" Shuichi put his head down and looked away, "BECAUSE I JUST CAN'T OKAY!"
"It's alright. All you have to do is let time take its course and everything will fall in place. In due time."
"Are you sure."
"Trust me. It already fell in place for me; it should do the same for you. If not now, later. But don't rush it or anything. Don't force yourself to get on one track and you're not supposed to be on it."
"I guess you're right."
Yuki let go of Shuichi and walked away. "You go home and rest. You've had a hard day."
"I did?"
"Yea, at the studio. You spent the whole day recording, you need the sleep."
"You saw me?"
Yuki smiled a little and turned around. "Yes I did. And I have to say I'm proud. You did my song well. I thought you were going to ruin it, but you didn't."
Shuichi smiled and laughed a little, "Thanks."
"Anytime. Now go home and rest. You need it."
Shuichi turned around and walked back to Hiro's. He smiled the whole way there. When he got there, he saw that Hiro still wasn't back. He checked the messages to see if anyone had called. There was a message from his sister telling him to come back home and another from Sugaru wondering where Hiro and Shu were. He had something that he had to show them. Shuichi called Sugaru back to see what it was that he had to show them.
"You'll find out when you get here. Just tell Hiro to come over too okay."
He hung up the phone and dialed K's number. When K picked up the phone, he was almost breathless.
"Hello Mr. K. I'm sorry for bothering you, but is Hiro there?"
"Yes he is. Hold on."
When Hiro got on the phone, he sounded like he was in worse shape than K.
"Yea Shuichi, you better make this good."
"Sugaru just called a little while ago. He said that he wanted me and you to go over to Thoma's so he could show us something."
"Did he say what it was?"
"No. He just said that we'd find out when we get there. After that he hung up and I called you."
"Alright. Give me about twenty minutes and I'll be over so we can go. I think I'm going to kill Sugaru later."
"Don't do that. Then we'll have to find another synth player for the band."
"It shouldn't be that hard."
"But to find someone that good. And also I don't think that Thoma would like that very much."
"You have a point. Well look. Just give me twenty minutes like I said and then I'll come and get you and we'll leave from there. Got it?"
Shuichi hung up the phone and plopped down on the sofa. He turned on the television and flipped through the channels to see what was on. He saw nothing that would interest him. He continued to flip through more when he found one of Bad Luck's concerts on. He was excited to see one of his own performances. He watched the whole concert before Hiro got in, which was two hours.
"Sorry I'm late, ready to go over to…" Hiro looked at Shu and laughed, "I guess Sug can wait till tomorrow. He'll understand if I told him you fell asleep."
He put a sheet over the little boy and went into his room to go to sleep. He laid down on the bed and smiled. He had the best time of his life over K's house. The last time him and K did anything like that was when they first got together. He was surprised that he was still able to walk after all that. He wasn't going to argue with the fact that he was in terrible pain, being as it was all worth it in the end.
In the living room, Shuichi was tossing and turning on the sofa. He was having the worst dreams possible. Suddenly, something caused him a big enough shock to wake him up. He shot up on the sofa and looked around. He looked at the clock above the television and saw that it was going on midnight. He shook his head and laid back down, going at another attempt to sleep. No more than five minutes later, he shot back up again.
"Why can't I sleep? Usually I'd be out cold by now, but now I can't even sleep?" Shuichi stood up and walked to the door, "Maybe if I go talk to Yuki I could fall asleep easier."
He walked out the door and went to the park. He stood by the water again and looked in. He didn't think that it was possible for him to look worse than he felt, but he did. He walked over to the bench and sat down.
"Yuki, if you're here, I need to talk to you. Could you please come out to talk?" Shuichi said looking around. He was hoping that he was there. "Yuki?"
"What do you want?"
"I want to talk to you."
"I can't go to sleep and I need some help. I'm getting nightmares."
"About what?"
"I don't know. All I know is that I keep having them and I can't go to sleep. Can you please help me?"
"Of course I can." Yuki walked over and sat next to Shuichi, "So what do want to talk about?"
"Anything. I just need to get to sleep."
"Alright. Let's talk about the things you like. Your favorites. Does that sound good?"
"Okay, so what's your favorite thing to do?"
"Sing, and perform in front of people."
"Okay. What's your favorite song?"
"Anything that Sakuma-sama sings. He's the best. I really look up to him."
Yuki looked at Shuichi and smiled a little. "That gives us something else to talk about. Why do you look up to Mr. Sakuma so much?"
"Because, he's the greatest. He and his band have so many hits and they're so popular. Their band has sold more records and had more concerts than I can count. His band will be famous till the end of time."
"Do you think your band will get that good?"
"Maybe one day. If we practice enough, maybe we could. I mean, I couldn't see why not."
"Hm. Well that's good that you believe in your band. One day I hope to see you on the top of the charts and on every channel. Then I can smile and say that I got to talk to a famous pop star before he was famous."
"He, he. I guess that would be cool to say."
"Alright. So what do you do for fun?"
"I like to hang out here and just look at the sky. Especially at night. I also like to hang out with Hiro, he's cool. And I like to hang out with Mr. Sakuma. That's what I like to do best."
Yuki looked at Shu and saw that he was close to falling asleep. "Here, why don't you lay down? You can put your head on my lap if you want."
Shuichi was too tired to disagree with anything. He put his head on Yuki's lap and his legs up on the bench. He curled up into a little yellow and black ball and started to drift off to sleep. Yuki just continued to talk to him until he fell asleep. When he finally did, Yuki just looked and smiled.
"It's amazing. You can be completely serious and mature when you sing, but when you're out of the studio, or sleep, you are the most childish person the world could hope to see." He rubbed Shuichi's head and smiled more, "But I have to admit it's adorable."
He grabbed Shuichi in his arms and carried him. He walked him all the way to his house. When he got in, he walked Shuichi to his bed and laid him down. Yuki looked at the boy again and smiled. He walked over to a chair and sat down and ended up falling asleep. The next morning, Shuichi woke up and started to go about his day like he was at Hiro's. He walked into the kitchen, got a glass and some water, walked to the living room and sat down, and then walked to the shower. He took his shower and came out with Yuki's towel wrapped around his waist. He looked and Yuki huffing and puffing. Yuki just looked up at him with his arms crossed.
"Where am I?"
"You're at my house."
"Because I don't know where you live. So I couldn't take you home."
"Why didn't you tell me before I got in the shower?"
"Because I wanted to see how long till you realized yourself." Yuki stood up and walked over to the boy, "By the way, that's my towel." He said walking past him and snatching the towel from around his waist.
"GIMME THAT BACK!" Shuichi screamed putting his shirt in front of him.
"Just why should I give you back my towel?"
"Well that's just too bad. Now isn't it?"
"I need that!"
"You got clothes, put them on."
"But I need the towel till I get to the room."
"Better run."
"You're mean!"
"Not mean, I'm just telling the truth."
"Just gimme the towel."
"Why should I?"
"Because I need it so I'm not standing here naked."
"Well you don't have to stand then." Yuki walked back over to Shuichi and grabbed him around the waist; "How about you lay down."
Shuichi panicked and tried to pull back but couldn't. "What are you talking about. Let me go."
"Why? You know you want this. Why are you going to fight?"
"Because I don't want it."
Yuki just looked at him and then let go, "Your loss then." he said walking away.
"Can I get the towel now?"
"Not evil. Just dark, a dark vampire."
"I hate you!"
"Then get out of my house."
"But I'm naked."
"Sucks for you then."
Shuichi's hands dropped and he looked at Yuki. He growled at him. Shuichi wrapped his shirt around his waist and waddled into Yuki's room. As he was pulling his pants up, he felt someone wrap their arms around his waist. Then he felt kissing on his neck and shoulders. He stopped and spun around to see the vampire standing there.
"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing."
"Trying to rape me."
"If that's what you're into."
"I'm not into rape and I'm not into guys either. So can you stop."
"I can but I don't want to."
"Will you?"
"When I'm done I will."
"Just stop!"
"Give me one good reason to and I'll take it into consideration."
Shuichi stopped and thought. "Because if you don't stop, I'll kill you."
"And just how do you propose to do that may I ask?"
Shuichi looked for a minute, "I'll…I'll…."
"Just as I thought. You don't have a single idea. Look, before I take advantage of you, I'll be nice and give you another try. If you convince me enough to stop, then I will. If not, I'll follow through with what I was going to do."
"If you don't do anything to me… I'll make sure that all the credit for the song goes to you."
"I don't want to be in the spotlight."
"Then I'll give you a big present."
"Unless it's you I don't want it."
"I'll give you anything you want that's not dealing with me."
"I'm telling you now, there's nothing that I want more than you. Just give up."
"I'm not going to. I know that something will make you change your mind about doing anything with me."
Yuki looked at Shuichi and paused. He took a deep breath and then finally replied, "No."
"What do you mean no? There has to be something."
"Not a thing."
"I'm still not giving you what you want." Shuichi said looking up to him.
Yuki grabbed the boy's hands and pulled them behind his back, holding them by the wrist with one hand, with the other, he grabbed the boy's face and pulled it up to his. "My dear Shuichi, I don't think you have much of a choice."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Just what I said. You don't have a choice on if you're giving in to me or not. It's my decision. Not yours."
Next thing he knew, he was on the bed and had the vampire sitting on top of him. His hands were still behind his back, so he couldn't do anything. He started to squirm and move around to get free, but it wasn't working. Yuki looked at the boy and smiled.
"What are you smiling about? And stop!" Shuichi said still squirming.
"First off, I'm not stopping. And the reason why I'm smiling is because I like it when my prey fights back. It makes things more interesting. If you catch my drift." He smiled again, more devilishly, and licked his lips.
Shuichi didn't care what he meant by that last statement, but all he knew was that he didn't like what was happening. Yuki looked at the boy, who was now shivering from fear, and laughed lightly. He reached over on the bed and picked up the boy's shirt. He pulled Shuichi's arms above his head and tied them together with the shirt, then put them back behind the boy. Shuichi was panicking so badly that he couldn't move. He was paralyzed and the only thing he could really do was shiver. He was about to be raped by a person…creature… that he didn't even know. He didn't even want to guess what was in store for him.
"Like I said Shuichi-kun, you haven't' a choice in the matter. You see, I always get what I want. It may not be when I want it or how I wanted it, but I get it either way."
He leaned down and started to kiss the boy, forcing his tongue into Shuichi's mouth. Shuichi just laid there, bound and in shock, closing his eyes. He figured that if he closed his eyes tight enough, and wished himself away long enough, he would eventually disappear. No matter how hard he tried, no one would disappear, him or the vampire.
At this point, Yuki was making his way down the boy's torso, kissing every square inch of skin that was exposed. He sat up and took his own shirt off, showing every muscle. Shuichi couldn't help but notice. Every last muscle was defined. There were faint, almost nonexistent, lines that separated every last muscle that was on his stomach. This was making Shuichi think things out differently.
"Maybe getting raped by him won't be as bad as I'm making this out to be." He thought to himself, trying not to smile, "Maybe if I just pretend to fight, it might get better for me." then he thought again, "What am I thinking! I don't want him raping me. I don't want him on me let alone raping me! Who am I trying to kid?"
He looked back at the vampire, who was now working on taking off the boy's pants. After Yuki unzipped them, he started to pull them down. Something inside of Shuichi made him panic and he squeezed his legs together tightly, to prevent them from going any further.
Yuki looked up at Shuichi and laughed. "You think that's going to stop me from doing what I'm going to do? It's only going to make it a little harder because now I have an obstacle to work around, but I'm going to get it. Better yet." Yuki placed his hands on the boy's thighs and pulled his legs apart, then continued to pull his pants down, following suit with his boxers. "See, I found a solution to a problem you were trying to create."
He smiled and then leaned down, beginning to kiss the boy's torso, moving down slowly. When he finally got to his target, he grabbed onto it with one hand and started to play around with it. Shuichi was panicking even more. What Yuki was doing felt so good, but he didn't want to like it. After a short amount of time, Shu found himself responding to this torturous foreplay the way Yuki wanted him to. He felt a moan building up in his throat. He bit both of his lips so hard to keep it from coming out that he started to bleed. Yuki looked up and saw the blood and smiled. He moved back up and grabbed the boy's face, not removing his hand from his desired target, and kissed him, sucking the blood off his lips.
"Are you enjoying it this much?" he said smiling sarcastically.
Shuichi just shook his head frantically. Of course he was, but he wasn't telling him that. All he wanted was to get out of there and go to Hiro's house. Yuki just shrugged his shoulders and went on with what he was doing. Eventually, Yuki got tired of toying with his prey. He undid his own pants and boxers. He crawled onto the bed on his knees and lifted the boy's legs, making his knees touch his chest.
"Enough playing around. We're gonna get serious now."
"You'll see doll. Just be patient."
Shortly after that was said, he dove in for the kill. He placed himself within the pink haired boy and began to move his hips. Shuichi tried his hardest to hold back the scream that was now beating up his throat to get out.
"Just scream already. I know you want to and you can't fight it much longer." He said still moving in and out of the boy.
"N…n…no…I won't."
"Look, you can barely talk without gasping for air. Just scream already. It'll make you feel better."
Yuki just shrugged again and continued to move his hips. After a while, he came up with another idea. He sat back on his heels and placed Shuichi back on him. He started to bounce the terrified pop star up and down on his dick. Shuichi just continued to bite his lip, holding back piled up screams of delight and pain. Suddenly, Shu felt something that made him scream. Yuki had bit down into his neck while he wasn't paying attention.
"Y…Yuki…What the hell?"
"What? I bit you?"
"I know that…Why the hell'd you do it?"
"Because like I said before, I always get what I want."
He smiled and continued to bounce the poor boy up and down on him, only moving faster and harder now. After a couple of seconds, he started bouncing himself to make it harder for Shuichi to refuse screaming his name. About five minutes later, Shuichi felt himself about to climax. He was trying to hold it all back, but he couldn't. Next thing he knew, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back onto the vampire's shoulder, biting his lip and moaning.
"Yu…YUKI! I give up! I'm done! YUKI STOP!" he cried.
"No way."
"W…Why not?"
"Because I'm getting too much enjoyment out of seeing you cry in pain."
"Who said it was pain I'm crying about?" he said looking back and smiling.
"Oh, so you do like it?"
"Liked it the whole time." when Shuichi smiled this time, Yuki noticed fangs starting to appear.
"You're changing."
"You're getting fangs, you're changing into a vampire like me."
"Yes. But don't worry, you'll still be like you were before. You won't have to change your life style."
"How do you figure that?"
"Let's talk about this later. Right now I have a little matter I have to attend to that's more important."
Shuichi smiled and turned his head back leaning it back on his shoulder. Just then, he pushed Yuki's hands off of his waist and pushed him down. He turned around and looked at Yuki for a split second before his head dropped down. Yuki closed his eyes and prepared for what was next.
Next thing both of them knew, Shuichi was sucking on Yuki like there was water in there. Everytime he came back up, Yuki would push his head down harder, to get more enjoyment out of it. After ten minutes of doing this, Yuki was about to climax. He arched his back and his hips bucked wildly. Shuichi was enjoying this just as much, as he was playing with himself as he did this. Two minutes later, the vampire exploded into cries and screams, shouting Shuichi's name like bloody murder.
When everything finally stopped, Shu crawled up the bed and up the vampire's body. He kissed him and then put his head on the older man's chest and fell asleep. Yuki followed suit, still breathing heavily.
When they finally woke up, they looked out the window to see that the moon was high in the sky shining bright. They got up and put their clothes on and Shuichi walked to the door.
"I better get home. Hiro must be worried sick about me."
"Alright. I'll see you another time."
"Okay." as he started to walk out, he stopped. "Wait, Yuki, what did you mean earlier when you said I didn't have to change my lifestyle, though I'm changing?"
"Look, feel your teeth. Do they feel sharp?" Shuichi felt his teeth and shook his head, "That's what I meant. You don't change unless you get the craving of blood or lust."
"Unless your body says that you want blood…"
"I get that part. It's the lust thing I don't get."
"I mean this."
Yuki walked over to Shuichi and kissed him, sliding one hand up the back of his shirt and the other down the front of his pants, playing with him. After a little while, he stopped.
"Now touch your teeth."
Shuichi touched them and pricked his finger on a sharp fang, "OW!"
"That's what I mean." He grabbed Shu's hand and sucked the blood off his finger. "So you'll only change if you want blood, or if you're lusting for someone. Understand?"
"Good. Now go home so Hiro doesn't come looking for me. Next time he comes to me trying to boss me around, he might go missing for a good long time."
"Don't kill him."
"Who said I'd kill him. Just make him disappear for a while."
"Yuki don't hurt my friend."
"Fine then, only because you told me not to. And I can't resist taking orders from you." He said smiling.
Shuichi felt his fangs starting to come back again, "Yuki! Stop!"
"Oh, sorry."
Shuichi waved to the vampire and left. When he made it home, Hiro was in the living room sitting on the couch panicking.
"Shuichi, where the hell were you all last night and today? I was worried! I thought you were hurt! You scared me half to death!"
"I'm sorry. I was at Yuki's house. I fell asleep last night and he took me to his house since he didn't know where I lived."
"Who the hell is Yuki?"
"The vampire."
"The fuck? You trusted him to take you to his house by yourself."
"I was asleep. I didn't know until I woke up." Shuichi walked over to Hiro and sat on his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck, "I'm sorry Hiro, I didn't mean to make you scared." He said in a baby voice.
"Get the hell off of me! What did you do that made you stay out all day?"
"Well, we kind of…"
"I know. I'm sorry. He started to undress me and then he started doing things to me and I just…. And then we… and he… well…" Shuichi thought about what him and Yuki did so his fangs could come back for a short while. "See…"
"He bit you? You're a vampire?" Hiro panicked moving away from Shuichi.
"But it's okay! I can still live normally, I only get my fangs when I have a craving for blood or if I have a lust for someone."
"But you're still…"
Shuichi looked at Hiro and his eyes started to water. He looked at Shuichi and couldn't help but feel sorry for what he was doing. He pulled Shu off the floor and sat him on the couch next to where he was. He wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged him tight.
"I'm sorry. It's just that it scared me to think that you were a vampire. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything. I still care about you. You're still my friend." He lifted Shuichi's face and wiped the tears away with his thumb. "I'm really sorry."
Hiro's hand was still on Shuichi's face. They were both looking at each other and looking into the other's eyes. Just then Shuichi pushed Hiro's hand away and got up.
"I'm sorry. I have to go!" he blurted running into the bathroom and shutting the door.
"Shuichi, what's the matter?" Hiro said putting his ear to the door.
"Nothing. I just needed some time that's all."
"Shuichi, are you alright?"
"Yea I'm fine. Just leave me alone right now."
Hiro tiptoed back to the couch so Shuichi wouldn't know he was still out there. When he thought Hiro had left, he peeked his head out the door and then oozed out into the living room. When he got out there, Hiro grabbed him from behind and pulled him down to the floor on top of his lap. He held Shuichi in a bear hug until he talked.
"What's the matter? Why did you run off like that?"
"Nothing! Let me go!"
"Not until you tell me!"
"I'm fine! Let… Me… Go!"
"NO! Just tell me what made you run off like that and I'll let you go!"
"It was you okay! You made me run off like that!" Shuichi said letting his body fall limp.
"Yes you. The way you were touching my face, the way you looked at me, the way you spoke to me. I had to go."
Shuichi parted his lips enough to show the sharp fangs gleaming in the moonlight. "Now do you understand why? And having me sit on you like this isn't helping a bit."
Hiro blushed and let Shuichi go. Shuichi slid over next to Hiro and sat on the floor. He looked over at the red head and sighed.
"I can't do anything anymore without people noticing that I enjoy it."
"But other people don't know what causes that. Other people don't know you have fangs."
"But I know. I'll run off and they'll ask why I ran away and then I'd end up having to tell them from being pressured to."
"But you don't have to. I can back you up."
"That's nice of you, but I can't hide it. It's not going to work for long."
Hiro looked at the little boy sitting next to him and grabbed his face again, this time on purpose. "Well, I think the fact that you get fangs when something excites you is pretty hot."
Shuichi heated up and blushed. Hiro was making everything worse, he was trying to calm down and Hiro just perked him right back up.
"You know, I wanna see your fangs more… I wanna," he put his face closer to the pink haired boy's, enough that even a strand of hair couldn't fit through, "I wanna experience them."
"H…Hiro…what are you…"
"You know what I'm talking about. Don't play stupid with me Shu. I've known you since we were little. I can read you like a book. I know you want this. You don't have to hide it."
Shuichi just looked and panicked. What was he going to do?
A/N: that's the end of track one. track two is in progress. i hope you like it, please review. this is something i wrote when i got bored and because a friend of mine wanted me to write gravi fics. so i hope you like it. again please review. thanks for reading.