Disclaimer: I don't own Black Cat... but I do own Sarah Winters.

Are You My Mother?

Train and Sven were seated outside a café, waiting for Rinslet to get back with Eve. The girls had gone on a shopping trip for "something to replace the black" clothes, which Rinslet insisted "didn't suit an angel." She'd made such comments constantly since Eve had developed her ability to grow wings.

"Hey, Sven, how long d'you think they're gonna take?" Train asked, having finally eaten his fill.

Sven looked at his watch. "Hasn't even been an hour. We've got time."

Train got up. "Well, let's stop sitting around and go do something!" he said. "C'mon, Sven, what's the point in waiting? You know Rins, this'll take ages."

Sven reluctantly called a waiter and paid the bill, but flat-out refused to leave just yet. "Tell you what. You call Rinslet, tell her we'll meet them at the fountain in the square at three, and then we'll go."

Train jumped back. "No way! Nuh-uh! She finds out we're free, she'll rope us into helping!"

Sven grinned and lit up a cigarette, standing. "Wouldn't put it past her," he agreed, "especially not after the dinosaur party incident."

Train grinned back. "So c'mon, Sven! Like you said, we've got time!" As Sven hesitated, Train realized the problem. "Eve'll be fine. She's a tough kid, and anyway, Rins can find us no matter where we go."

With that, he grabbed Sven and started walking. "Let's go! It's not like we have forever before they finish—no, wait, it pretty much is."

Sven followed reluctantly, but stopped dead after only half a block. Train turned back. "Come on, Sven! What's the problem now?"

Sven's mouth opened slightly, just enough that the cigarette fell from his lips. He pointed. "Train… look. Doesn't she look like… Eve?"

Train turned and scanned the crowd. Soon enough, he saw a familiar face. The woman had blond hair and eyes shaped like Eve's. She was, granted, much taller, and had filled out, but her eyes were even half-lidded with the same half-conscious look, her hair curling in the same patterns.

When she noticed Train's attention, she looked between them, from the tattoo on Train's chest to the patch over Sven's eye. She approached them, suddenly seeming hurried.

"Excuse me," she said when she reached them, "but are you, by any chance… Sven Vollfield?"

Sven looked thrown. "Maybe," he said cautiously. "Who're you?"

The woman grabbed his arm. "My name is Sarah Winters. They said, if I came to you, I could find my daughter… Is it true? Do you have Eve?"

Yay! Black Cat fanfiction! Okay, so... please review. I need feedback.