Title: Australian Summer

Rating: T-M

Pairing: PDLD, Logan OC, Steph/Colin (Those two need a name...)

Summary: "Um, well, my grandparents took me to Australia with them. I met a boy, I fell in love, and I had my heart broken. That's a boring version."

Disclaimer: I own, Amelia, Riley, Aryn, and the rest of the Morgan/Rothschild families. As well as my plot, mostly.

Inspiration: Other PDLD's I've read recently. Mostly Michaelover01's. Great stories btw. Thanks for the inspiration!

Dedication: Starcastic. She doesn't even know I'm writing this. But, yeah, I finally got around to writing it, so I'm dedicating it to you Deb! If you even read it...

AN- I know. I know. Go write Nightmare... but, that's a Trory... and I wanna write a PDLD. Be thankful! I was sooo tempted to turn that into a PDLD. But I'm not! Thats why we write this! It might get bumped up to M if you guys want it to. I'm already invisioning a rain storm/a pool/a dripping wet Finn/a bed. So, if you want it M, I will definitely give you M. BTW, this is my first PDLD. We'll see where it goes...

AN2- Okay, so this is how this is going to work. This first thing... not even important. It's a set up. To move you into the story. Seriously, you really don't even have to read it. Its only 800 words, but it sets up the story. The first chapter and so forth will be sorta like the essay I guess. Then once the 'summer' is over, it'll go back to real time, and the story will end shortly after.

Also, I'm looking for a beta if anyone is interested. Please? Im not that hard to beta for, I don't think I dunno. Thanks in advance!

Okay, I'm done now.


I lied, Reviews are very much welcomed. Flames and all, but please, if your going to critize me, don't flat out bitch, tell me what i should fix. I've very open to constructive critism. I live off it. Thanks! Okay, now I'm really done.



Australian Summer

By Breanne

What I did this summer. Your typical back-to-school essay that your teachers assign to get you back into the swing of things. Only, This is Chilton and my new teacher, not typical. She lives on creative writing. So, we were told to take our summers, and make them unique. She didn't want to hear about laying around sleeping all day, partying all night. Our stories had to have substance, plots, twists, and characters.

"I want romance, mystery, adventure. I don't want, I went to parties, got shit faced, slept with half of my class, and went home and passed out until the sun went down. I want, Every night, it was same droll thing. I partied, I drank, found a bed partner for the evening. But then, one night, she walked in. I'd never seen her before. She was beautiful. She wasn't dressed like most of the girls there either. Her skirt was actually covering her ass, and her shirt actually covered a disappointing amount of cleavage and mid drift. She was with my friend, so I immediately made a beeline for him, captivated by this creature accompanying him." Ms. Shadis said walking through the rows of desks. She was an amazing story teller. She had all of us captivated. "Now," she said breaking the spell, "I'm going to call on you, one at a time, and you will share a synopsis of your summer. The boring one. Then we will brainstorm on how to make these boring stories into good creative writing. I despise order, so whomever's name I like first gets to go first. Hmm..." She scrolled down the list. "Lorelai. That's pretty." Rory wanted to crawl into a hole. She could either lie, and say she stayed home and ate junk food with her mother, or the truth.

"Ms. Shadis? I prefer to be called Rory."

"Really? That's unique. How does that derive from Lorelai, or is it your middle name?"

"I'm not sure how, but its my nickname. My mother and I have the same name, so. Everyone calls me Rory."

"Alright, Rory. Now, tell us about your summer."

"Um, well, my grandparents took me to Australia with them. I met a boy, I fell in love, and I had my heart broken. That's a boring version."

"I'm intrigued. That a boring version or thats the boring version?"

"That's the boring version. It's actually a very in depth, interesting story. I only say this because I've had to tell my mother and friends many times over already."

"Well, you must still be subjected to the brainstorm. Any ideas anyone?" Louise raised her hand. "Yes, Miss... Grant?"

"Actually, Rory's story will be fine once she writes it." Louise said very matter of factly.

"Mmhmm. I totally envy her. And my god, the Australian is so hot." Madeline added. Rory blushed, both at their comments, and remembering said Australian.

"Really girls, why don't you give us a synopsis of Ms. Gilmore's story." Ms. Shadis said smirking slightly.

"Small town girl with rich grandparents get whisked away for three glorious months to the Land Down Under." Madeline started.

"Beautiful, smart, witty. No one can resist her. Only, she's oblivious. Totally innocent." Louise adds.

"They'll be staying with friends of the grandparents for three months on the Australian Coast."

"Their friends' granddaughter will be spending the summer as well to keep the girl company."

"There was a 'miscommunication' error on her grandmother's part." Madeline says, with air quotes. "Rather than a lovely young lady when they arrive at the house,"

"It's a downright sexy young man. Tall dark and handsome is an understatement."

"With the body of a god and the characteristics of a playboy, he's every girl's dream."

"Well, most girls. Not the innocent young woman. She finds him arrogant and conceded, but playful and cute."

"But he's a society boy, everything her mother ran from. But he's also everything she wants."

"Can he woo her and capture her heart?"

"Or while the summer end with broken hearts?" After a moment of silence, Ms. Shadis acknowledges they were done.

"That was very good girls. Rory, was it accurate?"

"Yes." She mumbled, her face buried in her hands.

"Does this boy have a name?"

Rory smiled fondly, staring of in a dreamlike state. "Finn. Finnegan Riley Rothchild, the third."

The bell rang some time later, but Rory barely paid attention the rest of class. She was lost in dreams of Finn and the Australian Summer.