Chapter 1 Before Something Wicca Came

Surely Prue wouldn't be mad at her. It really wasn't her fault that the tire had blown out. Piper stood there looking at the car. The fact that when it did blow, she hit a small street sign, now that might actually make Prue pissed. She stood there, cell phone in hand, debating on whether or not to call. This was the first time that Prue had ever let her borrow the car, and what was worse was that Pheobe was on her way home from New York. She couldn't let her and Prue be alone right now, not with how pissed Prue already was with Pheobe. She saw headlights coming from up the road. She moved closer to the car sot that she wouldn't be in the way.

"Need some help." Piper could see the man inside was older, in his thirties maybe. "Looks like it's just a blow out."

"Yeah, I'm not real sure how to change it." I knew I should have just taken the Jeep. Piper thought to herself.

"No problem." The man opened his car door and slowly walked up to the car. "You might want to switch the engine off."

Piper turned around and grabbed the keys to turn the ignition off. That was the last thing she did before the man reached around from behind her and firmly pressed a white cloth over her mouth. Piper fought to get free but it was no use. Her body ceased to move as she went limp in his arms.

"Piper!" Prue called out. She was already aggravated with the fact that she had to take a cab home from work, now her sister didn't even have the decency to even bring her car home. She walked into the kitchen. She had made her mind up that she was going to make a pot of coffee and wait on her sister to show up. As she started pouring the water she heard the front door open. Without a second going by she jumped to her feet and headed for the front door. "You better have a good explanation for making me….." Her voice trailed off.

"She didn't tell you I was coming, did she?" Pheobe's bag slid off of her shoulder and onto the floor.

"No. What are you doing here?" Her voice was cold.

"I'm back. This is my home too ya know." Pheobe walked past her big sister and started for the stairs.

"Well you sure as hell haven't been around to help with it." Prue followed closely behind Pheobe.

"Where is Piper?" Pheobe turned quickly to ask Prue. So quickly that Prue ran into the back of her.

Piper. Prue checked her watch. It was nearly eleven o'clock, she should have been back by now. "That's a good question." Prue turned and went for the phone. She picked it up and started dialing Piper's number. The phone rang five times before voicemail picked up. "Something's not right." Prue turned to look at Pheobe, the concern was now pretty vivid on her face.

"Did she say where she was going?" Pheobe asked.

"She was leaving a job interview when she called me earlier, but that was like two hours ago."

"Well, her Jeep's outside, do you have a key?"

"Yea." Prue went and grabbed the keys from the kitchen. "Let's go."

Piper open her eyes, her head felt like it would spin off of her shoulders. The room was so dark, she squinted her eyes to try and look around. She could see a door to her right, the room didn't look to be very big. She tried to move her arms but realized something had a hold on them. She looked up to see the rope that had her hands bound to a head post. She tried to snatch her arms down, but the knot was too tight.

"Hello sleeping beauty." She heard a voice call from behind the headboard. She tried to turn to look, but noticed that her feet were tied down too.

"Let me go!" She demanded.

"Now that wouldn't be any fun, would it?" She could tell by his voice that he was coming closer to her. He slowly let one hand run from her hands down to her neck. Piper shivered at his touch. It made her skin crawl. He reached just below her chin and grabbed her face tightly in his hand forcing her to look at him. It was the same guy that she thought was going to help her change the tire. "I think we're gonna have a lot of fun." She could see his crooked teeth as an evil smile crept across his face. He took his hand from her chin and ran it down the front of her shirt. He slowly unbuttoned the first button and worked his way down.

"Please." Piper pleaded. "Don't. Just let me go, I won't tell anyone." Tears were beginning to form in her eyes.

"No. I have a better idea." He said these words as he snatched her shirt open, revealing her skin to the warm stale air in the room.

"Somebody help me!" She screamed. "Please!" You could hear the tears in her voice now.

"Scream all you want. No one can hear you." He unbuttoned his pants and let them fall.

God please help me. Piper pleaded in her mind. Please don't let this happen.

The man was now undressed and preceded to pull down Piper's slacks. She closed her eyes and tried to make her mind go somewhere else. Anywhere else but here. The tears fell from her now closed eyes. She tried so hard to block out the pain, the fear. She wished someone could hear her. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed one last time before she felt the tape cross her mouth.

"Well, there's my car." Prue pulled the Jeep over behind it. The door stood open and the headlights were still on. She got out and walked over to see the flat tire on the back. She looked around to see if she could see any trace of Piper. Nothing.

"Do you think she went for help?" Pheobe asked as she looked inside the car.

"I don't know." Prue suddenly got the feeling that something was horribly wrong. "Why didn't she just call us?

Pheobe started to walk around the car, but the crunch from beneath her foot made her stop. She reached down. "Prue." Fear had now filled her voice.

Prue turned to look at Pheobe who was now holding up Piper's cell phone.

"This was beside it." Pheobe held up a small white piece of cloth. "I think we better call the cops."

Prue raced back to the Jeep and dialed 911.

Fifteen minutes later the street was filled with flashing lights. Policemen with search dogs were walking all over the nearby intersections and woods.

"I'm lieutenant Morris." A tall man stood there in front of Prue. "Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

Prue started to explain the day to this Morris guy while she leaned on back on the hood of Pipers Jeep. He had a small book and looked as though he was writing down every word she said. "Ok Ms. Halliwell, I promise we'll do everything we can to find you sister.

Another cop car pulled in from the end of the road. The man got out and walked up to what was now being called the crime scene. He watched as two officers stood with clear plastic bags placing evidence in them. "Hold on a second." He walked over to them and took the small cloth. Holding it up to his nose he knew what it was. As he looked up he saw Morris making his way to him through the crowd.

"Where were you?" Morris sounded aggravated.

"I was checking a lead on another case. What happened here?" He stood and listened as his partner started filling him in with all the details.

"The two sisters are over there." He flipped through his small notebook. "Pheobe and Prue…"

Before he could say another word, the man answered for him. "Halliwell?"

"That's right. How'd you know?"

He didn't answer as he quickly walked over to where the Jeep was parked. "Prue!" He shouted.

Prue and Pheobe turned to see him standing there. "Andy?" Pheobe called out. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Prue followed behind her hugging just a slight bit harder.

"It's Piper." Prue said, trying not to let the tears fall.

"I know, Morris filled me in. I'm gonna find her." Andy stood there holding the two sisters close to him. He grew up with these girls. One he loved like a sister, the other he loved more than anything else. "You two need to go back home. Someone needs to be there in case she calls."

"Andy.." Prue started but was cut off.

"She was like my sister too Prue. Don't worry, I'll make sure we bring her home." With that Andy turned and walked back to car.

"I'll drive." Pheobe helped Prue into the Jeep. "Maybe when we get home she'll be there." The two pulled out and headed back to the manor.

Piper slowly opened her eyes as she could see daylight pouring through the small cracks in the ceiling. This is a basement she thought. Her body ached. She tried not to think about earlier. She didn't want that in her mind. She lay there with her skin still exposed from last nights attack. Please let my sisters find me. She thought to herself as she started trying to shake her hands loose from the ropes.

Several hours of this proved to be painful. She could feel the blisters that started to sting on her wrists. Exhausted she slowly drifted off to a teary sleep. She let her mind wonder thinking about Pheobe and Prue. She was more worried about how their meeting together went than she was about herself.

Back at the manor two sisters sat in silence. They had been there at that table staring at the phone all night. Four pots of coffee had help to keep their eyes open. The didn't see the two women watching from the doorway. Nor did they hear them. After all, not everyone can see ghosts.

"We have to help them." The younger woman said.

"What can we do? There's no way for us to communicate with them."

"Mother, for once could you just help me." The woman walked from the doorway and stood there by her oldest daughter. She placed a transparent hand on Prue's shoulder.

"Prue broke her stair from the phone and looked at Pheobe. "Do you smell that?"

Pheobe crinkled her nose up. "Smell what?"

Prue took in another breath just to see if she was really smelling the fragrance. "Jasmine."

"Jasmine?" Pheobe looked confused.

"Mom use to wear it." Prue looked around the room.

"I think I have an idea Patty." The older woman walked up to her daughter and granddaughters. "Just follow my lead."