A/N: Wow. Chapter ten. Okay, so I just realized that this story will probably only be about twelve chapters long. Sad, I know, but I will have another story out almost immediately seeing as I already started it. And also, sorry about the lack of updating! If it weren't for Jawsies, Alex and Meggie, you all wouldn't even have chapter nine! Thus, I am dedicating this chapter and all chapters to come to me friends above! Sorry for its shortness, I promise a nice, long chapter 11!
I was scared stiff, to be perfectly honest. First off, my fate was in the hands of some vampire I was hardly sure could be trusted. Secondly, the one thing that managed to keep me sane – Edward - was speeding off, in the completely wrong direction, trying to save my life. Not really that comforting. So, I sat in the dining room, a plate of untouched food in front of me, my hands intertwined. One finger absently stroked the cold white scar on my hand, as if the smooth scar tissue was comforting. My eyes stared blankly out of a window, watching as clouds slowly drifted across the horizon. They should be getting here soon, and the thought only scared me further.
Taking a deep, deep breath, I stood and exited the dining room. I couldn't eat, not when I was this nervous. Even the sight of Alex would be comforting right now, but she was leading Felix and Victoria into the trap right now. Sniffing back tears of worry, nervousness, and sadness, I grabbed the TV remote in one pale, shaking hand, and hurriedly flipped the TV on. The sound comforted me, even as I flipped through the channels, finally setting on ABC, which was playing some stupid reality TV show, The Bachelor. It took my mind off of more important things, and allowed my tense muscles to relax.
Finally, I settled down, and, before I knew what was happening, I had dozed off on the couch. I wasn't sure exactly how long it would take for the other vampires to arrive, and the rest was definitely needed.
I think I slept for about an hour, but I couldn't be sure. My sleep had been riddled with horrid dreams, each short, lasting less than a minute, each very, very different. I just remember waking up to a harsh voice.
"Oh, look. She sleeps," It was mocking in obviously feminine. Like Alice and Rosalie's voice, it was soft as velvet, and yet sly as a cat. I shivered awake, weary for only a moment before jumping off of the couch and twirling around to face Victoria and Felix, nearly tripping in the action. I didn't have to act scared, it was genuine. My wide eyes gave most of the cold emotion away, and the goose bumps that dotted my arms gave away the rest.
Both vampires chuckled lightly. They were both menacing, taller than I, and much stronger. I shivered, instinctively, and slowly backed up. "Wh-what are you doing here?" I hissed, trying to keep my voice under control. That was hard, when your life depended upon this very moment.
Victoria looked bemused. "Oh, Miss Swan, I think you know what we, or, I, want. Felix may want to keep you alive, but I definitely don't." Victoria talked slowly, and a small smirk curled over her lips. She lazily stepped forward, from the shadows. "I don't get it. Why do they fight for you? Why would one puny human life matter so much to a vampire?" She asked me lazily. "You aren't outlandishly beautiful; you smell okay, but I would rather just eat you than let you stink the place up," She purred, her eyes, a deep, ebony in color, fixed upon me. "What is it, then?" She asked, her eyes narrowed to curious slits.
Felix nervously danced from one foot to the other behind Victoria. I didn't know if either possessed special traits, as the Cullens did, but I didn't want to find out right now. I just wanted to keep them talking.
"So," I squeaked, nervous of my fate once more, "You think the best way to get revenge is to… to kill me?" I gulped, completely afraid of them.
This question seemed to amuse Victoria. "I, my dear, am simply finishing off something your precious Edward started, so long ago. You remember, right?" She was swift, and in a second, she was by my side, her hand gripping mine, and flipping it over to reveal a pearly white scar. A smirk curled over her lips. "I'm avenging his death. James should never have died. It is, in a sense, all because of you." Her fingers gently traced over my hand. I feared my life, as I had done since the plan had been put in action. Shaking, I waited for her to strike.
It came in a mere second. Her foot struck out in a high kick, hitting me square in the chest. I flew backwards, slamming against the wall. Maybe there were no cameras or mirrors, but it still hurt, worse than the mirrors had. The wall was, after all, pretty hard. The pain seared in both my back and my chest. I inhaled sharply, crying out at the torrent of pain that swirled through my head and blocked my vision. Everything hurt that was above my waist, save my arms.
I wasn't quite sure from where the laughter came. It was horrible, piercing through the pain, and causing me to shudder in fear. Exhaling, I slowly opened my eyes. Victoria was standing right in front of me. Little did she realize, her little game was over. Slowly, Edward, Jasper, Carlisle, and Logan had entered the room. Felix was seized from behind by Jasper and Emmett. He struggled against the two, and soon, he had broken free, swinging at the two vampires, who easily dodged his fists. Victoria was seized by Logan and Carlisle. She shrieked and writhed, trying to get free. She fought with everything she had, but when Alice and Alex entered, and both were outnumbered, they could tell the fight was over.
Edward, on the other hand, lithely hurried to my side. In an instant, he had scooped me up into his arms, and we were rushing from the room. All I could think of was the pain searing through my back. I was only partly conscious, and only slightly aware of anything besides the aching. I moaned as Edward gently placed me on what could only be a bed. His cold fingers gently probed over my head, then down my back. I knew, subconsciously, he was looking for any breaks or cracks or open wounds. My eyes were sealed shut, and my lips were pulled closed in a horrible grimace. "It hurts," I whimpered quietly, my eyes still squeezed shut, but my fingers, weak and pale, felt around for his hand. I found solace in a cool stone hand, which pressed against my hot cheek.
"Everything will be fine, Bella. I promise," Edward whispered as he pressed his cool lips to my forehead. I could hear the slightest trace of a smile in his joyous words.
The plan had worked.