
AN: Okay, first of all I'd like to thank every one who did and will review my stories positively. I appreciate it a lot. Random thing: I'm listening to Frank Sinatra…. Hey, he's cool! I'd like to hear you sing better than that!

Chapter One

Naruto looked down at the profile in his hands and read over the details, although he knew everything about the Kunoichi. Her name was Sakura, she was 22, an ANBU captain, although the file didn't mention she was one of the prettiest Kunoichi in Konoha, after Hinata of course. The blond Hokage leaned back and grinned while thinking of the blue haired Hyuuga, now Uzumaki. He shook his head and went back to the file in front of him.

He decided that his old teammate would be perfect for the job. She was smart, so if anything went wrong she could get out of there plus she was dependable. He rang a bell and a genin ran in. "Yes Hokage-sama?"

"Bring me Sakura. I want to have a word with her."

"Yes my lord." He disappeared in a flash.

A few minuets later Sakura was standing in the room quietly while the genin was panting loudly behind her.

"Thank you, that'll do." Naruto said, waving his hand. The less experienced ninja backed out of the room and went to his desk. "Sakura-chan, enjoy that break I gave you."

"Yes and no. It was relaxing, but became boring after a while." She sighed. "But thank you for asking."

"Good. I'm ready to give you a new assignment." Sakura's eyes brightened when he spoke. "Calm down. This is an undercover mission. The Daimyou of Tea country is having a masked ball. We have reason to believe that the Akatsuki is sending a team there, also undercover, to take the 6 tailed snake out of one of the ninja attending. We don't know who it is yet, but we are searching. We have gotten a letter from the Daimyou himself to send ninja over to keep an eye on the guests. If you accept, you would need to make a team of 3 other people to go on this mission."

"Yes, yes, yes!" She cheered and pumped her fist in the air. Naruto smiled.

"Eh, really?"

"Hell yes!" She jumped up. "I need to get the other ANBU members to choose from right away." She started contemplating her choices. She would probably need one more girl and two boys. She snapped her fingers and disappeared down the hall leaving a stunned Naruto.

Naruto shook his head and went over to the microwave in his office. The water for his ramen was done boiling.

Sakura looked over a list of the top ninja she wanted with her. For women her first choice was Kurenai. She had a feeling that the woman wouldn't pass up the chance to go to a party, even if it was undercover. For men her top choices were Neji and Konohamaru. They were both efficient and easy to work with.

She took her list to Naruto. He looked over it and nodded. "Alright. All these people are here in Konoha right now and would go. I'll send out notices for them immediately. You leave the day after tomorrow."

"Hai." She responded.

"Also," Naruto smirked. "We have to get you fitted for a dress."

Sakura groaned. She knew Ino would be in charge of finding a suitable kimono for her and she wasn't looking forward to the shopping trip even though it was being paid for the government.

Almost on cue, Ino burst into the office with a large smile on her face. "You called Naruto-sama?"

"Yeah. Can you find Sakura-chan a formal kimono? She requires it for a mission."

"Of course!" Ino said. She never got tired of shopping even if it was for other people. She grabbed the collar of Sakura's shirt and dragged the pink haired woman out of the office. "We'll be back in a few hours!"

Soon as the door closed behind them Ino let go. Sakura fell onto her backside with a grunt. She stood up and tenderly patted her lower back. "You could have been a little softer." Sakura grumbled.

"No pain no gain."

"How is that relevant to this situation?" Sakura grumbled, but her blonde friend gave no answer. "Whatever. Let's just get going." She stretched her arms above her head while Ino fiddled with her hair. Ever since she had stopped being a ninja and dedicated her life to running the flower shop she had never worn a pony tail. She claimed that it was unnecessary and gave her headaches anyways.

The pair hurried through the damp streets afraid that clouds above them held rain. Ino dragged the pink haired ANBU member into countless shops but she seemed unable to find the "perfect" kimono.

The odd pair was beginning to walk home when the rain began. The closest shelter was in the abandoned Uchiha complex. Since nobody lived there anymore they walked in after Sakura forced the locked door open. When Ino slammed the door the rain became a light tap on the roof and although the complex was cold it was dry.

The once elegant building was starting to deteriorate. Spider webs hung everywhere and there were small chew marks on the wood of the walls. Ino hurried her down a random corridor until they found themselves in a set of living quarters. Their once magnificence was clouded by the dust lying on top of all the surfaces. When Ino opened a closet a small cloud of something descended on her. The blonde coughed while waving it away.

"Ino what are you doing?" Sakura asked.

"Snooping." She replied bluntly. After a few minuets of 'snooping' she finally found something successfully. Two sets of women's clothing. "Here. Ger out of those wet clothing." She tossed the red yakuta to Sakura while she kept the white one for herself. They turned their backs to each other and changed in silence. Once they finished they turned back around.

Sakura admired the material of the cloth. "Whoever owned these was very wealthy." She noted and Ino nodded.

"Yeah." She twirled around. "I feel like a princess."

Sakura grinned. "You look like one too." She assured her. "While we're here lets look around a bit. I've always wondered what this place was like."

They silently split up. Ino went right while Sakura headed left. The green eyed Kunoichi wandered the halls aimlessly occasionally peeking into a room or two. She noticed that the rooms seemed to get fancier as she pressed forward. When she got to the end the most magnificent bedroom appeared. Sakura looked around in awe. She was amazed at the wealth of the Uchiha clan.

She decided that this was the room she wanted to look around. Perhaps she would find something interesting. She walked over to a large closet and shoved the heavy door open. She gasped when the beautiful clothing came into view. She stroked the cloth and inspected them. There was one that specifically caught her eye. It was a white kimono with pink sakura blossoms embroidered across it. The belt was black but had the same blossoms embroidered on it. The second thinner belt was bright pink, to match the embroidered flowers.

After making sure she was completely alone she quickly changed into the beautiful kimono. She was too caught up with tying the second belt that she didn't hear Ino wander in.

"Sakura!" Ino gasped.

Sakura jumped. She turned to glare at Ino. "Don't scare me like that!"

Ino didn't hear her. She was amazed by the beauty of the kimono and its wearer. "Sakura, it looks like we found your dress."

"What!" She gasped. "Isn't that stealing?"

"The owner is dead and the last two Uchiha's are S class criminals and outcasts of Konoha. I doubt that anyone will really care." Ino pointed out. "Its amazing that you found that though. It looks like it was made for you."

"It's really beautiful, but I'm not sure-"

"Sakura. You're taking it, and that's final." Ino declared. "Get changed into your normal clothing. While you were busy dressing the rain stopped and our clothes are dry." Ino stepped out and Sakura sighed. She wondered how she ever made friends with such a pushy woman.