Dukes of Hazzard

Title: Like Father, Like Son

Author: Numb3rsfan

Beta: Anakin's Girl 4eva

Rating: PG-13

Warnings: None

Authors Notes: The charactor of Tyler was originaly thought up by myself and Bo Schneider

Disclaimer: I don't own the charactors, wish I did though. LOL.

Summary: Events mount, landing Bo in the hospital, but this turns out to be a good thing.

Chapter One

It was a typical day in Hazzard, with the sun shining through the tree tops, the animals all munching down on plants or berries, and the General Lee being chased by none other than Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane.

"Come on cousin, do somethin' fast, or you ain't gonna live to regret it!" Bo said to Luke, who was driving the General.

Luke sighed and urged the General to go faster, even though he didn't want too.

Ever since the last jump, the General had been acting real funny. Cutting out and dying whenever it wanted too, or overheating in most cases.

Luke, Bo and even Cooter Davenport, the mechanic in Hazzard had looked over the General, but none of them could find out why the General was griping.

The General coughed and sputtered, threatening to go out.

"Come on General, not now!" Luke said, looking down at the dashboard for any warning lights to flash on.

Several flashed on at the same time. The low coolent light, the oil light and the service engine soon light.

"Cousin, I hate ta say this but..." Luke began, seconds before something exploded from under the General's hood.

Smoke poured out from under the hood as Luke hurriedly pulled over and slid out, with Bo following quickly.

As Luke and Bo looked at the General, Rosco pulled to a stop behind them.

"We are up duck creek without a paddle." Luke finished his sentance as Rosco 'kew kew'd' and came over to them.

"Alright you Duke Boys, yer under arrest fer grand theft General Lee, an de..de.." Rosco, paused, trying to think of the word.

"Destruction?" Luke asked.

"That too!" Rosco replied, taking out his gun and cuffs.

"Rosco, fer the last time, me an' Bo paid the impound money, an everyone knows that the General belongs ta us!" Luke said.

"See, see that's where yer wrong, naughty, naughty. See, Boss Hogg never accepted that impound money, so the General Lee still belong's to Hazzard County." Rosco replied, reciting what Boss had told him.

Luke sighed as he looked at Bo.

"He's got us there, Bo." Luke said.

"I know it." Bo replied with a groan.

"Kew, kew, I love it, I love it!" Rosco said as he slapped the cuffs on Bo and Luke and put them in to the back of his patrol car.

"Alright, got any bright ideas on how ta get us out'a here?" Bo asked, looking at Luke.

"We can't go anywhere till' Cooter fixes the General." Luke reminded Bo.

"Yeah, but if Uncle Jesse has ta pay to bail us out, again, he won't have enough fer the mortgage payment." Bo shot back.

"I know it." Luke replied with a sigh.

Meanwhile, Rosco had gotten in to the driver's seat of his patrol car, and after contacting Cooter to come tow the General to his shop, Rosco contacted Boss with the good news.

To say that Boss was happy was an understatement. He nearly blew out the speakers on the CB as he sang Rosco's praise in finally arresting the Duke Boys.

"Alright, get em' over to the jail house, an make sure they don't escape." Boss said to Rosco, via the CB.

"Uh, that's a big 10-4, fat little buddy." Rosco replied as he laid the CB down and started the car.

The drive over to the jail was short and sweet, and locking up Bo and Luke was even sweeter, in Boss's opinion.

He could not resist the urge to rub the fact that their bail was going to be so high that they'd be old and grey before they got out, in their faces.

Bo and Luke were placed in one of the cells downstairs, but thankfully they were placed in the cell with the barred up window, so they could at least see what was going on outside.

People milled around, which was normal for Hazzard, course, one thing that wasn't normal was the fact that there were federal agents roaming around the streets.

"Wonder what's goin' on." Bo stated, as he looked at the cars as they drove by.

Luke, who had been sitting on the cot, looked up at Bo, who was standing by the barred window.

"What's goin' on out there?" Luke asked as he stood and moved over to the other side of the window.

Bo glanced at Luke for a second, before returning his gaze to the streets of Hazzard.

"Well, we got federal agents in town." Bo said, running a hand through his hair to smooth down the edges that were sticking up.

"How can ya tell?" Luke asked, taking a peek out of the window.

"Well, their out'a state lisence plate fer one, an the make an model of the car. Fed's always choose them kind'a cars." Bo replied, gesturing to the unmarked, blue car that drove by.

"Cousin." Luke said, wrapping an arm around Bo's shoulders, "Jus because their from out'a state and drive a slow car that sticks out like a sore thumb, don't mean that their feds."

"I guess yer right, but still...that's who they remind me of." Bo replied.

Their friendly chatter continued on for several more minutes before the voices of Uncle Jesse and Daisy were heard along with Boss Hogg.

"Now, J.D. you know them boys in there paid that impound money!" Uncle Jesse roared.

Jesse Duke was mad. After being informed by Enos that Bo and Luke were in jail, Jesse had stopped tending to the farm animals and had rushed over to the jail, with Daisy hot on his heels.

"Uncle Jesse's right, Boss. You ain't got no right ta hold Bo an' Luke!" Daisy said.

"I got the right, on account'a, their impound fee was never accepted!" Boss replied, taking his cigar out of his mouth.

"J.D.!" Jesse roared, half tempted to smack the fat marshmellow into the middle of next week if he didn't release Bo and Luke.

Boss just put the cigar back into his mouth and glared at Jesse.

"Where are ma boys?" Jesse asked, in a tone of voice that would make most men and woman quiver with fear.

"Down there." Boss said, pointing to the wooden stairs.

Still giving Boss an angry look, Jesse walked down the stairs to see Bo and Luke, with Daisy hot on Jesse's heels.