A/n: Okay so I was totally writer blocked to my last two stories…Sorry…Another Moliver, I just can't help it. They just make a cute couple naturally, what can I say? Also I don't know how to spell Becca, so I guessed. If it's wrong please ignore it. A/n is going to be in bold, Regular dialogue like this, Notes or Thoughts in Italics
Disclaimer: No, don't own Hannah Montana, do own mutant poking Elmos that will continuously poke all those who lurk until they review!
: Chapter One :\\
So I lied? Does that mean that I should still be filled with these feelings…
"Miley? Earth to Miley," a familiar voice said as she waved her hands in my face, interrupting me from my thoughts.
"Oh. Sorry Lilly, I guess I just spaced out again" I said, as I watched him approach hand-in-hand with Becca, green with envy is the best way I could put it.
"Hey Miles" he said with a smile as he and Becca sat down on the other side of the table, "Hey Lilly"
"Hi Oliver, Becca" I said trying to avoid his constant stare.
Does that mean I will never be able to rid my thoughts of him…
I poked at a determined not to be eaten piece of lettuce covered in thick white ranch dressing before stuffing it in my mouth with a cherry tomato.
Chewing it slowly I watched as the others began to chat about classing or something like that.
Maybe I should be paying attention, they could be talking about me for all I know
A somewhat familiar looking girl stood by Becca whispering something in an excited tone in her ear.
Becca blushed, briefly pecking Oliver's cheek before excusing herself to do…Well only she and her friend will ever know what…
So I lied…Maybe I do like…Oliver…
"You seem happy," Lilly said at the smiling fool that is Oliver.
"I am. Becca's great right?" he asked, running a hand through his long brown hair.
I tried to cut off my groan,
God do I wish I could do that, just once run my hand through his hair…I hoped they didn't hear
Biting my lower lip, nope, no one noticed.
"Yeah, sure thing Smokin' Oken" Lilly said with a grin.
"She has to be if she got the only ticket on the Olley Trolley" Oliver joked.
They both began to laugh, but Oliver stopped short as he noticed I hadn't been laughing with them.
"Miley? Are you okay?" he asked and I could hear concern in his voice.
"I'm fine. Just trying to remember everything for the quiz we're havin' today in Science" I said, chewing on my lower lip, as I combed my hair with my fingers out of a nervous habit.
Lilly kicked me, the pain shooting though my body.
Lilly's known since I confessed my undying love, ha, for him after Truth-or-Dare at one of our study sessions a few weeks ago
"Ow" I hissed, rubbing my ankle.
Oliver raised an eyebrow,
"You okay?"
It was better when he was following her, well, me around everywhere. At least he cared what I really thought…Now it's all about 'Becca'
"Fine and dandy" my accent thickening somewhat.
"Sure…Look I have to go, Becca said she wanted me to walk with her to walk with her to class, so I need to go get my books early. See you later Lilly. Bye Miley" he said as he dumped his unfinished lunch into the nearest trashcan and made his way down a hallway to his locker.
Lilly sighed,
"You really should just tell him, Miley, before it really is too late."
Miley sighed but nodded,
"I'll tell him tonight, I promise."
Preview for the next chapter:
"I think we should break up"
"Oliver? You okay?"
"So did you tell him?"
Tune in for more-For the entire chapter's content. Please R&R! Much appreciated!