Pices- Please nobody eat me. I've been having a lot of personal issues, which are coming down to a simmer. So please enjoy the newest chapter. And please review!
Kimi woke up early the next morning. Without disturbing Hiei she got out of bed dressed in a plain white long sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans. She went downstairs into the dining room and saw that Jake, Haru and Mark were back.
"How'd it go?" She asked as she pulled up a chair and sat across from them.
"We got your message about the mountain cave and took a look." Jake said with a yawn. "There are three high leveled demons keeping watch at the mouth of the cave."
"Two of them are fire demons, the other one is a water demon." Haru said.
"Are there any flying demons that are taking lookout from the sky?" Kimi asked.
"I took to the sky, but I found nothing." Mark said. "It seemed like a rather light frontal force."
"She's good, I imagine that she is keeping her best close to her. I think that'll we'll leave as soon as possible-" Kimi stopped, her eyes got wide.
"Kimi? Kimi, what's wrong?" Jake asked nervously.
"The baby's hatching…" She ran upstairs knocking her chair over. All the guys looked at each other, then Haru went to get Abby and Roka.
"Hiei!" Kimi said anxiously, he shot up sword in hand. "Why do you sleep with that!" She shouted moving out of reach of the sword. He sheathed it.
"Sorry." He said. "What's wrong?" He asked, seeing her face.
"The baby-"
"What about the baby?" He reached for his sword again.
"It's hatching-" There was a knock on the door.
"Kimi, it's Abby." Kimi opened the door. "Haru told me, the baby's early."
"Is that a bad thing?" Hiei asked.
"Not really, it's only about a week early, there'll be no damage to the child. Come let's take a look." Abby said.
"Is it safe to pull it out of the shadows while it's hatching?" Kimi asked worriedly.
"Yes of course. Come, come now." Kimi walked to the closet, opened it up and pulled out from the darkness a very large, off-white egg and set it on the bed. Abby inspected the egg carefully, Kimi watched anxiously. Abby smiled. "Everything is going well, at this rate, it'll be finished hatching within the half-hour."
Kimi's heart was pounding as everyone sat down in the living room waiting for the egg to finish hatching.
"This complicates things immensely." Kurama said after some time. "Kimi will have to stay with her baby, which means we lose a fighter against the Black siblings."
"I'm sorry." Kimi said. Roka laughed.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. This is a joyous occasion, one which we will celebrate properly." He said. "Trust me deary, you've trained a right good team, the best I've seen in years, you all should have nothing to worry about."
"Roka's right Kimi." Yusuke said. "You just tell us what to do and we can handle the rest." Kimi smiled.
"You guys are the best-" She turned her head to the stairs. Hiei was standing there with a small bundle in his arms. She stood and walked over to him. A pair of little black wolf ears was poking out from the blankets. She looked at the bundle then at Hiei. He gave her a small smile. Everyone was watching.
"Say hello to little Elyas Jaganshi Hoshio." Hiei said proudly, and revealed Elyas's face. Along with his black ears he had a tuft of black hair with bits of ice blue in it and the brightest red eyes anyone in the room had ever seen. He had one tiny sharp little tooth and a black tail that stuck out from the underside of the blankets. Kimi carefully took her little boy from Hiei and sat down on the couch.
"He's beautiful." She said. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama and all the other guys went over and congratulated Hiei while the girls went to coo at little Elyas.
"Wonderful. The child has been born, our plan can be executed earlier than we planned." Mistress Black said, looking in her mirror. The black bird crowed and turned into the little boy.
"Mistress, your brothers are here." She turned.
"Brothers our time has come for revenge." Raphael and Dante smiled evilly. "Go, take Valexanor and give our dear little Kimi a greeting she won't forget. Lead her away from the boy. But don't kill her or her friends… not yet."
"With pleasure. We should say hello to the soon to be new member of the family." Dante said.
"Elyas is a lot bigger than I thought he would be." Ally said as they watched the little demon crawl after Nic and his sisters, it was later in the evening.
"I guess the shadows helped him grow a little faster than normal." Kimi said with a smile on her face. "But what are we going to do about our Black family problem?" She said bringing everyone back to the harsh reality that they weren't safe yet.
"You will stay here." Hiei said.
"Excuse me?" Kimi gave him a hard look.
"Uh-oh. Here it comes." Yusuke whispered to Nick and Kuwabara.
"I have every right to go with and take care of this problem-" Kimi didn't get to finish her sentence because there was a crash outside. Everyone but Abby and the kids went outside.
"Dante! Raphael!" Kimi exclaimed. There the brothers stood with a mysterious girl in between them.
"Thought that would get your attention little Kimiko. We heard there's a new boy in town and we thought we should introduce ourselves to him." Raphael said.
"Over my dead body." Growled Kimi.
"In good time." Dante said stepping forward. "But you can't deny us the child. We're like family."
Kimi's eyes narrowed. "You are not family. Leave now, or I will kill you."
"Aw, now don't be like that. We only came to say congratulations. Oh, and say hello to a new friend of ours, Valexanor." Dante said. "Be warned, we won't play nice after this. Why don't you just hand the boy over and make things easier for us." Raphael said.
Hiei then stepped forward. "Like she said before, 'over my dead body.'"
Dante glared. "So be it. Come after us then, and we'll play our little game." They left in a flash. When they were sure the threat was gone everyone went back inside. Kimi scooped up Elyas.
"We have no choice, we have to go after them." She said quietly, while still looking at her son.
"But what if we fall into a trap?" Mark asked.
"I know we're going into a trap…" Kimi trailed off. "We'll discuss this in the morning. I'm taking Elyas to bed. Goodnight." She made her way up the stairs.
"Night." Everyone echoed. Once Kimi was out of sight they began a more in depth discussion.
"We can't bail on her, she'll find us anyway. She just wants to protect her child." Haru said.
"But she shouldn't be leaving Elyas unprotected. His mother is the best protection he has." Ally said.
"Abby and I can protect Elyas. We've been protecting our children for years now." Roka said.
"I agree." Hiei said.
"You of all people can't be serious. You're actually going to let her come?" Kazuo exclaimed.
"She'll end up coming anyway. Why bother stopping her. Plus she would be protecting Elyas by coming with us."
"He does have a point." Kazuo said. "We might as well finish this in the morning. Night all." He went upstairs.
Legend was hiding out near Mistress Black's hideout, he was waiting for the opportune moment to take charge. Why else would he have told Kimi about it? He wanted to take charge of this operation. But he couldn't do it himself.
"What are you doing here Legend?" A voice came from below him. He jumped down and was face to face with Dess. "Don't you know that the Mistress wants you dead? She found out that you are betraying her."
A smile played at the corner of his mouth. "And I want you to help me Dess."
"Say what now?" She cocked an eyebrow. What is he playing at?
"Come on. What's the reason that Mistress wants the child for? What power does he have that she doesn't already have?"
"Does it matter? It would mean that we have another powerful player in her plan."
"You're like a little pet aren't you?" Legend said.
"Just leave. But the next time I find you anywhere near here, I will kill you." Dess said and turned to continue her patrol.
"Fine, I guess I'll just have to do this myself." Legend said finding a new hiding place.
Kimi was putting Elyas in the crib that Yusuke and Kuwabara had tried to build, but Kurama had to fix. As soon as he was sleeping soundly she fell into a nearby chair, lost in thought. So is Elyas the ray of hope that the psychic was talking about? But why does Mistress Black want him so badly? What use is he when his powers haven't even shown yet? Kimi fell asleep in the chair.
Pices- I'm so very sorry for the wait. But I hope that I've got a god stream of ideas so I think that I can definitely have a new chapter up soon.