Hello people.

Ed:Aghhhhhhhh its the crazy person about to write another fic. RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!

Did i forget to mention your the star of this one.

Ed:Crap great now I've got to be nice to you.


You are not off to a good start. Now shut up and do the disclaimer.

Ed:Miathewateralchemist does not own goldensun or fullmetal alchemist thank god.

Okay backgrond info on and for this story.

First off I dont think ill be updating any of my other stories soon but Fullmetal Alchemist and Goldensun are my two obsessions so yeah hopefully that will give me enough motivation to keep writing.

Second this story takes place in future Weyward 'bout 400ish. People still use swords and guns do not exist for my writing purposes.

Third: In relevance for is taking place in fullmetal alchemist its based on the anime but i didn't really get into un til the final season and have only seen the final season and what they've showed on cartoon network so far. I have however read 1-9 of the manga and can piece together what they changed in the anime. Basically Genereal story-mainly anime. Quotes-manga. Movie, not in consideration. Seems weird but you probably won't even notice. Oh and if you've never read Fma, I suggest you go to your nearest bookstore,because its one of the best, if not best manga series of all time.

Fourth-I'm doing this on wordpad because i just got this new computer so words not installed yet, and my grammar sucks.

Lastly-please review, reviews inspire me and i can write more often if i'm inspired. Please no flames, but even if you did I really wouldn't care. Weird thing about me there are billions of people in the world and if one insults me i don't care, but i guess I've got a big head because if someone praises me I feel like I could fly.

Now on to the story, prophecy whatever.

The Golden Alchemist

On the magical land of Weyward It is said that when the world was in its darkest hour, Eight people would rise from the ashes to beat the great evil and unleash the seal on alchemy. Eight completly different people from different places would band together for the future of Weyward. But however in the shadow of the lit lighthouses people completely forgot about the second prophecy. It states that centuries after the rebirth of the world the evil would rise again, and that the ancestor of the ones who vanquished the evil the first time would have to unite together again. But however very few remembered the second prophecy, and those that did regarded it as fiction seeing as the original eight heroes had seperated long ago and scattered across different worlds. The reason why they did still remains a mystery, however even though the reason why still remains a mystery, records show that this was fact. So now in the year A.S.442 people enjoy their everyday lives not knowing of the fierce evil that lurks right around the corner.


Darkness blinded Ed as he fell through the door, slowly his life flashing before his eyes. Suddenly he snapped out of it as he hit a patch of solid ground.

"Ow, damn Envy."

"Huh, where am I? This isn't what I remember Germany looked like."

Beautiful scenery surrounded Ed, It seemed that he was on an island in the middle of nowhere that looked to be divided into two sections with approxiamtly 16 square feet each and a staircase seperating them. The lower section was a field of flowers with towering columns on the edge near the water with beautifully done intricate designs that seemed to compliment the circular formation. The Upper section held a beautiful fountain of flowing water that spanned most of the grass on the section, near the back of the upper section there was what looked like a magestic towering mountain over a windy plain.

Suddenly a mysterious silver haired figure appeared in the fountain.

"You are Edward correct?"

"Huh, who are you, where am I?"Ed responded startled at the figures sudden appearance.

"The person nor the place matters, You are Edward correct, the heir of alchemy."

"Yes I'm Edward, but what do you mean by the heir of alchemy?"

"Now, now one question at a time, I am Iris goddess of the rainbow, you are on infinity isle, and the final answer you will find in due time."

"Now it is time to start the quest of redemntion."

The figure slowy started to fade.

"Remember even in the darkest hour you still have light in your heart."

As the figure disappeared a door slowly appeared in the mountain on the back of the island.

"Well I don't see any other ways off this island."

As Ed stepped through the door the second prophecy was slowly taking into effect.


Well short chapter but good I hope.

Remember please review.
