Chapter 363: Well It is a Like A Labyrinth…

Magellan was finally getting news about what was going on… Considering how he was distracted by Hancock (and to a lesser extent Yugito).

They were scrambling to figure out what happened.

But something was decided that if they were somehow to beat the Minotaur, then Magellan would handle them himself.

Back with Luffy, Bon Clay and the Kyubi Possessed Naruto they saw indeed there was a minotaur.

The Kyubi possessed Naruto couldn't help but to stare at the Minotaur.

"Wow… I know it's a threat but that thing looks dumb…" said the Kyubi possessed Naruto.

It should be noted that the Minotaur that small beady eyes with tiny adorable eyelashes.

"That thing is dangerous!" said Bon Clay,.

"I know! But you have to admit it looks so dumb!" said the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

"Yeah… it kind of does…" agreed Luffy.

That was when suddenly it slammed a giant mace into Bon Clay sending him flying.

"Bon!" yelled Luffy.

"Okay I'll take him seriously…" said the Kyubi Possessed Naruto considering the thing was fast and seemed to disappear.

That was when it tried to attack Luffy thanks to its speed Luffy barley saw it coming but he managed to dodge in time.

It was then tread to attack the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

Tried is the key word.

The Kyubi possessed Naruto who was still in full demon form glared at it and lashed out with its tails.

IT was clear that the minotaur developed a fear.

So it once again turned its attention to Luffy hitting him with his mace.

"Damn it…" muttered the Kyubi possessed Naruto.

It was about to attack him again.

However Bon Clay called out to Luffy and then attacked the Minotaur.

However this left Bon Clay open for an attack as the Minotaur gabbed him.

However the Kyubi Possessed Naruto tackled him, but the Minotaur got up and glared at him realizing it couldn't leave him alone.

However Luffy took advantage of this and activated Gear 2.

Gum Gum Jet Bazooka"! he yelled out launching the Minotaur somewhere else.

"Bon! You okay?" asked Luffy.

"I thought I was going to die." Said Bon Clay, "I saw a field of queen flash before my eyes."

"Heh…" chucked the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

"You are sure strong." Said Bon Clay seeing it was lunched away ,"It's probably still alive. But I'm sure it's hurting right now."

"Please if I was able to be the one…" muttered the Kyubi Possessed Naruto as Bon Clay whined about what he needed, "Really?"

"What I do need this things…" said Bon clay who mentioned cosmetics, ballet slippers, booze and tears.;..

"The only thing I get is food and ballet slippers…" muttered the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

"You're no fun…" said Bon Clay.

"I could use food though." Said Luffy.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have used Gear 2…" muttered the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

Luffy pouted when he said that.

"I really want to keep going." Sighed Luffy.

"Don't worry it's really easy to get there from here." Said Bon Clay , "It's Insanely Easy…"

"Really?" asked Luffy.

"Just climb that wall over there." Said Bon Clay pointing to a certain wall.

They got to the wall and Luffy tried to climb it however he couldn't even touch the wall because of how hot it was.

"This is hotter than a boiling pot." Computed Luffy.

"You tow climb on." Sighed Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

They climbed onto the possessed teen and they were on the wall.

They stared at in shock at the large plume of smoke coming up.

"The heat and smoke is crazy!" yelled Luffy ,"I can barely stand here!"

"That's because of what's blow us… Inferno Hell." Said Bon Clay.

Bon Clay explained what the level below was like, namely a pool of boiling blood and a lake of fire.

"Every time I learn more about this place the more I'm disgusted." Muttered the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

"You weren't just messing with those guards were you?" asked Naruto.

"You can try to jump down if you want… but if you land the wrong place it will be more than just burns… you'll gambling your life." Said Bon Clay.

"You said that there was someone you wanted to see." Said Luffy, "Who is it?"

"People call him a miracle worker." Said Bon Clay, He was arrested on trumped up charges! His name is Iva and he is the Queen of the Kambaka Queendom. The Pink Paradise of the Grand Line…"

And on a side note where Sanji was sent to…

"The Queens of the of the world look up to him as the World's greatest drag queen." Explained Bon Clay.

"I bet he's a sweet transvestite." Said the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

"Why do you seem so proud of that joke?" asked Naruto.

"Trust me it works on many levels." Thought Kyubi.

That was when they heard screams running towards them.

They turned and saw Buggy and Mr. 3 running towards them. Being chased by the Minotaur.

"Really?" asked the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

And soon it started chasing all of them.

"Hey! Why are you leading him back to us! I thought you were trying not get out of here!" yelled Bon Clay.

"Because they're moron." Muttered the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

"I knew it you did want to come with me!" cheered Luffy.

"I don't' want to go to hell with you! We were hiding when that thing came after us!" yelled Buggy.

"I've had enough I want to go back to jail…" whined Mr. 3.

"The Minotaur is going to kill! You know what I'm going to show you something special." Said Buggy.

HE turned to Luffy and the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

"Hey! Do you remember that cannon Ball, the Buggy Ball that I used to blow up the town?" asked Bugg.

"No…" Luffy answered bluntly.

Buggy became a sad clown at that fact.

"If it helps since we saw you we faced off against two War Lords, a wanna be god, one of Roger's nemesis and an government island… so don't be too sad." Said the Kyubi Possessed, ":Also I don't know the story with Luffy dealing with the a third one…"

"I see…" said Buggy. "Wait… two war lords and a wanna be god?"

"Yeah…" said the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

Buggy stared at Luffy.

"Is this true?" asked Buggy.

"Wait wanna be god?" asked Luffy.

"Guy trying to destroy Sky Island." Said Kyubi possessed Naruto.

"Oh that guy…" muttered Luffy.

Buggy just stared at Luffy and sighed.

"The Buggy Ball is a powerful cannon ball. It's sort of my trade mark weapon" Said Buggy.

"You must have a lot of confidence in it if you named it after yourself!" said Mr. 3.

"That's right! I have confidence in it! I even made it small enough to conceal it on myself while it contain it destructive capabilities!" said Buggy, "IT's my new weapon! I call it the Muggy Ball!"

"It's no longer named after yourself?" asked Mr. 3

"Chew on this!" called out Buggy shooting it out of his shoes.

It hit the minotaur and caused a massive explosion.

"Awesome!" said Luffy.

"Okay… that is pretty impressive." Said the Kyubi Possessed Naruto.

However the Minotaur was still conscious.

"Hey 3! Can't you use you Wax Wax Powers?" asked Luffy.

"Anything will melt in three second." Said Mr. 3.

"Good that's just enough time!" said Luffy.

"I'll distract it!" said the Kyubi Possessed Naruto, "Just in case!"

"So will I!" said Bon Clay.

He performed a ballet like kick hitting the Minotaur hard.

About by the Kyubi Possessed Naruto jabbing it with its tail.

That was when Luffy however was ready with a thing of wax attached to his hand.

"Gum Gum Hammer Riffle"! yelled Luffy as it was solid long enough to connect with the Minotaur's face knocking it unconscious.

"All right! We did!" cheered Luffy, "Now we can go down to Level 4."

That was when the Kyubi Possessed Naruto got a bad feeling.

Something really bad was going to happen.

And he was right… Magellan was ready for them…

Next Time: They make their to the next level... however the madness The Kyubi Possessed Naruto get separated from Luffy... what will happen? Find out next time!