This is the final chapter of The Divine Guardians. I know this story has been in the works for almost a year now believe it or not. Regardless, even after all this time, this story, my first story ever on fanfiction, has now come to a close. Everyone who has reviewed for this as well as my other stories, I love you all from the bottom of my heart, because unless you are an author yourself and written stories and gotten reviews and praise for your writing skills, then you have no idea how fantastic I feel right now.

I never expected to get this far on fanfiction, and thanks to so many of my friends and fans, I have now convinced myself that I have a true future in writing.

I would like to thank you all and dedicate my final chapter to every single individual that has read this story and enjoyed it as much as I have writing it.

Yami-chan (Kunoichi2006), Kitten-sama (Black Egyptian Dragon), you guys are the ones I give the highest dedication for you guys have loved this story from the start. Yami-chan, you have helped me so many times on this fic, I could never be able to repay you for all you have done, Kitten, you are the one that helped me through some of the times and helped me continue on just as Yami-chan has done.

I love you both, and now I give you the final chapter of The Divine Guardians!


Last Time: After a while, after they had calmed down, they took one last look at what remained of the place of the Final Battle, and reluctantly began heading back to Domino, with their creatures close behind them, along the way their monsters faded back into their power crystals to keep them safe and looked after.

The Gods and Beasts remained at the site until nightfall, and then after looking to one another began heading back as well, heavy loss and heartache still weighing down on them all.


Chapter 20: The Fallen Shall Rise

The flight back to Domino was a sad and silent one.

The tear stained faces of our four young heroes flew through the sky wishing that none of this had happened.

If this dragon had stayed locked away or even targeted another universe instead of their own, then maybe, they would still be here with them.

But then again, if the Demon Dragon had never rose up from its prison, then the Guardians would have had no reason to make themselves known in the first place.

Without the Guardians, Marik and Bakura would not have become friends with Yami and Yugi, they would still to this day be trying everything in their power to take Yugi's Millennium puzzle away from him.

Yugi started shedding new tears as he remembered that day, the day that he knew he had finally lost and he was going to lose his puzzle, and the day he was sure he had lost Yami in that explosion at the school.

But when he was targeted and cornered on the school grounds by Marik and Bakura, before they could even lay a hand on him, he remembered how he heard the most beautiful yet challenging voice of the most powerful of the Guardians.

He remembered how Tyr had transformed back from human to demon in the blink of an eye and in plain sight, not caring who saw, just to tackle Bakura into the ground for even contemplating of harming Yugi.

Then he remembered how Marik almost fled in fear if it had not have been for Tyr raising a wall of fire, preventing their escape.

Yugi almost smiled at that thought, but it quickly dissipated as he remembered that she was no longer with them, and neither were Tyren and Tai.

They were approaching Domino fast, and all anyone could think about was the final pain-filled cries of the guardians when they were struck down by the Dragon's most devastating attack.

New tears made their way down our warriors faces as the familiar area of Domino came into sight, the park where they had spent the day and received their power crystals, the school that was still being rebuilt from Bakura and Marik's prank, and even the Game Shop where they all stayed during this.

Yami, Bakura and Marik were heading back to the Game Shop when they saw Yugi fly off towards the park, and after a silent moment, they soon followed.

It was very late in the night, so not a soul besides them was around, and so there were no concerns of being seen in their battle forms.

None of them wanted to change from their forms yet, because it reminded them too much of the ones that bestowed that power upon them.

Yugi walked over to the swings and sat down but didn't move, he just sat there, reflecting.

Yami saw the saddened look on Yugi's face and just walked up behind him and embraced him firmly yet gently, burying his face into the back of Yugi's neck as they both started crying again.

Bakura and Marik saw those two crying again and just stared on in silence until Marik walked over to the pond where Tyren had created the power crystals and Bakura followed because he did not want to be alone.

They both sat down at the edge of the water and stared out at its smooth clear surface, and reflected themselves.

They even remembered what brought them together, being captured by Kalzar was not exactly Bakura's way of meeting his soul mate, but he would not change what happened between him and Marik for anything in the world.

Marik took Bakura's hand in his and pulled him onto his lap and held Bakura close while he in turn just cuddled closer to Marik's chest seeking comfort from this loss.

As the two couples sat in their places trying to rise past this, there were some faint almost invisible sparks coming from all of their power crystals, and without being noticed as they all had their eyes closed or buried somewhere from sight, some very faint red runes lit up over the crystals and then fading from sight, and then some gold runes lit up on the other side of the helix pattern crossing over the red ones, and then very slowly the blue crystal began glowing ever so slightly, until the glowing stopped altogether without any of it being seen by our distraught heroes.

The wind began blowing very softly and then began picking up, but none of them noticed, a little breeze in the night was not enough to break them from their thoughts.

The water in the pond began shifting very slowly at first and then began forming small wave-like motions toward Bakura and Marik who saw nothing and didn't care at the moment.

Finally, besides the wind and the water being a little weird, they all noticed that the temperature picked up some, and rose their heads up looking around, and saw that the wind was blowing harder and the waves were becoming more frequent and rougher.

Yugi felt his white angel wings being blown in the breeze as his hair was being ruffled some, and looked around and saw that Bakura and Marik had moved from the water's edge so they would not get soaked, and Yami felt that it was getting warmer regardless of the weird weather conditions.

They all stood up and gathered around each other as the wind was picking up, the water in the pond was now crashing against the edge of the pond and it was getting even warmer, and none of them could fathom an idea of what was going on.

They were keeping their wings pressed against their backs to keep from being blown away by the ever rising wind, and were starting to get worried, this was the weirdest thing they had witnessed since the battle, and so soon?

What if the Dragon wasn't really gone? Were they really prepared for another fight?

Just as the wind was getting to its harshest stage and the water almost rising out of the pond as well as the temperature almost getting to an unbearable degree...

Everything stopped.

When the area was calm, and it seemed as though nothing had happened, everyone looked around quizzically, until Yugi spoke up...

"What was that all..."

Yugi was cut off as a huge lightning bolt crashed from the sky and within feet of where they were standing, everyone jumped and freaked from the sudden bolt and scattered before another came crashing down between them as they separated and started running for cover before they got struck.

Yugi hid under a covered table area, while Yami fled to the area opposite Yugi and under a tree, while Bakura and Marik both found separate trees of their own to hide under.

Everyone watched as several more bolts came down and then they all saw as the water in the pond just shot up like a fountain and almost blew all of the water out of it.

Everyone was terrified now, what was going on?

Just before the water finished falling to the ground and the lightning bolts stopped, there was a blinding red light that made everyone shield their eyes from its intensity.

The world fell silent again, and Yugi looked to everyone else as they did the same.

As everyone was searching for a probable cause for the weirdness, Yugi felt a presence and looked toward the outer gate of the park and gasped and stood still in shock...

Yami heard Yugi's gasp and looked to him and saw he was looking very intently toward the outer gate and directed his gaze in that direction and did the same thing as Yugi.

Bakura saw that Yami had this shocked expression on his face as Marik did the same with Yugi and they followed their gaze as well, and well everyone had that same shocked expression...

What they saw, was none other than Tyr slowly walking toward them, she was covered in cuts, scrapes, and was bleeding but not enough for immediate attention, she was slowly limping toward Yugi and the others.

As soon as Tyr had limped past the gate, she looked toward the pond and continued staring silently as everyone saw her looking and turned their own gazes and gasped once again as they saw Tyren walking from the pond's now calm surface, he was in the same condition as Tyr, but nothing to worry about.

Tyr and Tyren looked to each other and stared up into another corner of the park and they looked up into the sky as the others looked as well, to see Tai just touching down onto the ground and emitting a pained groan, but other than that, still alright.

As shocked as everyone was, Yugi was the first to scream out...


Yugi yelled happily as he ran towards Tyr and jumped into her waiting open arms, as he embraced her tightly but not enough to hurt her further and began crying all over again, only these were tears of happiness, and Tyr was crying some too, she was so glad to be back and that everyone else was ok.

Tyr was hugging Yugi when Tyren and Tai walked over to them as Yami, Bakura and Marik ran towards them all, while Yami practically tackled Tyren because of his ecstatic happiness, while Bakura and Marik hugged Tai.

No words were said for several moments as they were just drowning in the moment of pure joy that the guardians were back, alive and well save for a few bruises and scars.

"Tyr, we were so scared, we thought for sure that you guys were gone forever." Yugi said sobbing with his voice cracking slightly.

Tyr only smiled at Yugi, "We were thinking the same thing, but yet here we are." She then hugged him close again, smiling and tears of joy falling down her face too.

Bakura and Marik hugged each other as Yami let go of Tyren and let the peaceful moment of reunion continue.

After a few more minutes of silence, Bakura could not help but ask,

"How did you guys come back? We saw that attack hit you all, and where are the Egyptian Gods and Sacred Beasts?"

Tyr smiled at Bakura and looked up and then some low growls were heard, as everyone else looked up too.

Slifer and Uria were hovering above them, as Obelisk and Raviel hovered along side them, and next to them were Ra and Hamon.

Tyren spoke up.

"Your crystals."

Everyone looked to Tyren confused.

"Our crystals?" Asked Marik.

The Guardians nodded, "Yes, your crystals were infused with our power, and with the power of your monsters and the Gods and Beasts, the power brought us back, it did not heal us completely but it gave us enough strength to get back here."

Everyone was satisfied with that answer.

The Gods and Beasts roared loudly as they faded and retreated back into the Guardians marks on their wrists, so that their power would course through them and heal them faster.

The Guardians were glad to be back, and no words had to be said to show just how happy everyone else was for their return.

Yami and Yugi looked to everyone and smiled.

"Come on guys, let's go home." Yami said.

Everyone nodded and agreed, today was the longest, hardest and greatest night ever in their lives.

They all returned to the Game Shop, until they reached the front door, and everyone reversed their transformations and now the seven of them stood there just as they had done that first night they all came together.

Everyone smiled again and quietly walked inside so as not to disturb Grandpa, and no one wanted them to be apart tonight, so they all gathered all the covers and pillows they needed, and everyone just laid down on their makeshift bed right in the middle of the floor of the living room.

Everyone was smiling, they were so glad that the guardians were now here to stay with them, because the Dragon was now a thing of the past and never to come back to harm them or their world.

Tyr laid down and took Yugi into her arms and hugged him again, and then Yami and Yugi cuddled together, while Marik and Bakura did the same, and after some quiet and soft goodnights, The three guardians cuddled against each other, thoughts of victory and triumph now running free.

The next morning, everyone woke to find sunshine and birds' singing happily, as if they knew the world was now safe and free from danger.

The Guardians got up and walked outside with Yugi and the others close behind, as they all watched the sky brighten up and the day continued as any normal day would, now the only problem that plagued their minds now was the same as anybody else who was there the day of the incident.

The school would be rebuilt sooner or later, and while Yugi and the others groaned in annoyance, the Guardians grinned sadistically as they were just looking forward to another round of dodgeball, causing everyone else to cringe in fear.


There it is!!

The end of The Divine Guardians, I hope you all enjoyed this fic as much as I have.

Thank you everyone for your support, I don't know where I would be without all of you, thanks again and leave me an awesome review for my final chapter.

PS, keep an eye out for the sequel somewhere in the future (smiles innocently)

Authoress: Sliferservant, Date Completed: July 6th, 2007