The first thing he saw was her hands. Pale, white, soft hands that clutched the microphone like a lifeline.

She shifted her grip slightly and pulled the device towards her to deliver the first sultry lines of her song.

You said I was your everything

You said I was the one

You played me like a radio

You used to love that I had no shame

His eyes drifted from her still tightly clenched hands up her arms to her shoulders and downwards. He didn't focus on her tightly fitting black t-shirt, or the ripped jeans, but on the way her slim body swayed ever so slightly. Hypnotically. Like a metronome; back and forth…

Put my pain into words

Hold my hand to the flame

His gaze snapped up as she reached out with one hand. He followed the hand as it drew back and clutched the microphone once again.

This time his eyes were drawn upwards. To her mouth. Her lips were perfect. Pouty, pink… Time seemed to slow down as he watched them form each syllable to each word as she started in on the chorus.

Tell me you love me like a star

Her nose scrunched up as she started to sing with more passion.

Tell me you want me wherever you are

Her cheeks- pale, alabaster- began to flush with a healthy pink glow.

Tell me you'll breathe me 'til your last breath

Her dark eyelashes fluttered and suddenly her eyes were open. They seemed to be locked on his as she belted out the last line of the chorus.

Liar liar

Blue, so blue… like the sky. No. Not like the sky, like the ocean. Calm, peaceful then BAM! Sucking him in. Drowning him. Crushing him. Scorching him. He couldn't breathe- then soft again.

Oh liar liar

She was staring at him. Into him. Through him. He couldn't breathe again. Then she closed her eyes. He expelled the air that had been trapped in his lungs. What had she done to him?

Bit by bit I feel the draft

Just sit back and watch it burn

Hold your ice up to my veins

Call out, call out my name

It was on the tip of his tongue- her name- but then her eyes were open and he couldn't breathe.

Tell me you love me like a star

Tell me you want me wherever you are

Tell me you'll breathe me 'til your last breath

Liar liar, oh, liar liar

Liar liar, oh, liar liar

He felt himself beginning to move towards the stage. Towards her.

She was different. Too different. Who was she? It was gnawing at him. Eating away his insides, like her eyes were melting away his outsides.

Tell me you love me like a star

I do…

Tell me you want me wherever you are


Tell me you'll breathe me 'til your last breath

I swear.

Liar liar


Oh, tell me you love me like a star

Her hand was off the microphone again. Reaching out. Beckoning him. Pulling him closer.

Tell me you want me wherever you are

Her hand was up now. Loosening the pins in her tightly bound hair.

Tell me you'll breathe me 'til your last breath

It crashed on him as her hair tumbled down. Blonde waves going down, down, down… Obscuring one eye, past her shoulders, almost to her waist…

Liar liar


Oh liar liar

His breath stopped again when their eyes locked. Hers weren't oceans anymore they were ice. He shouldn't have left.

Liar liar

His heart skipped when the ice melted and the oceans glowed with love. She was bending down towards him…

No, not towards him. The man beside him. His brother. Hunter. He shouldn't have lied.

Liar liar

His world stopped when they kissed. The words echoed inside him.

Liar liar.

He shouldn't have come back.