Disclaimer: I do not own FFVII or any of the sequels/prequels.
Intro: This will be a collection of one-shots revolving around Cid's and Reno's interactions XD Whatever interesting idea comes to mind, I'm going to put to the test with these two colorful characters.
If one were to ask Cid Highwind how the pilot was fairing on October 30th, 1992 at 4:13 p.m., the answer would have been an undeniable "don't talk to me and don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong" followed by a sweet "fuck you" added for good measure. That politeness, however, didn't faze one by the name of Reno…Reno of the Turks to be exact. Of course, if one were to get even more technical, Reno was the soul reason for Cid's especially pleasant disposition to begin with.
Two weeks before that fateful day, October 30th, Cid got the go ahead from the President to build his rocket. The pilot's life-long dream of traveling to space was gradually materializing. The first day of construction was set for—as redundant as I'm being it's the absolute truth—October 30th (surprise, surprise). Unfortunately for Cid, and the rest of his crew, the Turks were—rather inconveniently—in Rocket Town on that exact date, October 30th.
Not knowing such an inconvenience existed, Cid showed up for work that morning in unusually high spirits. He blessed the younger engineers with only one "fuck" within the first hour, and baptized the planner as a "moron" only twice within the first three hours. He even apologized for using "shit" to describe his annoyance at the tip of his ever-present, ever-lit cigarette burning the pale skin of one of his fingers. This was rather large progress for a man who uses "fuck" as a sentence transition, "shit" to describe any unfortunate object that happens to be necessary for one thing or another, and "moron" to illustrate the mental capacity of any human being who happens to be within a radius of 100 feet.
As fate would have it, however, all good things come to an end. The uplifting atmosphere was dying by 2:19 p.m. and was completely eliminated by 3:00. Reason? Reno's curiosity overcame his common sense (or the lack thereof) and pushed the red-head to explore the work sight. The Turk still swears that all his actions were impulsive, and Cid still tells him that if he can't control impulses he should see a psychiatrist; but as a humble author I'm simply laying out the facts. The fact of the matter is that after exploring the grounds filled with scattered metal plates, Reno stopped for a smoke…right in front of a tank filled to the rims with petroleum.
The Turk lit his cigarette at 2:30 p.m., by 2:33 he threw the half-lit cancer stick back over his shoulder (back where the tank stood), and by 2:34 all the somewhat built inner cabins of the rocket ship lay in their original states(mainly thin metal sheets) scattered all over the grounds, albeit a bit burnt. In the middle of the chaotic scene stood a frozen Reno.
Before you ask, yes—Cid did try to choke the red-head, and yes—Reno did almost suffocate, and yes—the two were dragged apart before anything truly fatal happened. The red-head was thrown out and banned from the construction zone, while Cid was ordered by the planner (as a chastised child) to go cool of in the corner…I mean, bar.
From that fateful date of October 30th, 1992 whenever Cid hears the mention of the 'devil's offspring' he can't hold in the customaryexclamation: "He is a treasure, that one!" The pilot claps his hands together and feigns melodrama. "Such a treasure, in fact, that from the bottom of my forgiving heart I would like to wish him a very short life and long years of exile."
Author's Note: Thanks for reading and I hope you've enjoyed! XD