A/N: Here's the next chapter! Enjoy! I hope you guys enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015 3:30 pm

"Gabi? You here?" I heard Anna and Megan call out as the door was pushed open.

"Yeah I'm here. What are you two up to?" I asked coming out of the kitchen and into the entry way.

"Nothing much. Seeing how you and our brother got back yesterday and we haven't seen you since the wedding, we decided to come check on you two." Megan told me.

"Troy was up bring and early to go over to the restaurant. I'm sitting here trying to finish grading papers before I go to work tomorrow." I told the two of them.

"So how was it?" Anna asked with a smirk that was vaguely familiar to that of her brothers'.

"It was gorgeous. We had a great time." I said with a grin on my face.

"Was it hard to come back to the land of living?" Megan asked as I laughed.

"You have no idea." I said thinking back to our last night in Hawaii.

"Troy I don't want to leave." I said whining while lying in his arms.

"I know baby. But the land of living is calling us." Troy said leaning over and kissing my cheek.

"Can the land of living wait a little bit longer? We could stay here for a little bit longer." I said looking into his blue eyes.

"I wish it could but you and I both have to get back. We'll come back, I promise." Troy told me looking into my chocolate eyes.

"You promise?" I asked sitting my lower lip out in a pout.

"I promise, Mrs. Bolton." Troy said leaning over and covering his lips with mine.

"We lost her Anna!" Megan exclaimed as I was knocked back into the present.

"Sorry about that. I was thinking about Hawaii." I told the two of them who had knowing smirks on their faces.

"Hm . . . about Hawaii or what you and Troy did there?" Anna asked with a smirk.

"Anna I'm appalled. I didn't know you had it in you. You're as evil as Brandon." I told her giving her shoulder a shove.

"Wait you've all ready seen Brandon?" Megan asked as I slowly nodded my head.

"He came by last night. He spent about two hours here. You two didn't know?" I asked with an amused voice.

"No we didn't know. That little sneak." Megan said as I heard the door open.

"Who's a little sneak now?" Troy asked making his presence known.

"Our brother. He came over last night and didn't tell Megan or me." Anna said raising her voice.

"Oh poor baby. You're here now." Troy said wrapping his arms around Megan's shoulders.

"I can still pout about it." Megan said as Troy moved on to give Anna a hug.

"Not for very long. Are you two interrupting my wife's work?" Troy asked eyeing his sisters.

"We just came by to see what you two were up to. And we wanted a little dirt on Hawaii." Anna told her brother.

"Hawaii was amazing and we had a hard time leaving. We should have the pictures by tomorrow or the next day." Troy told them.

"And the dirt?" Megan asked raising her eyebrows.

"Not going to get any. That's mine and Gabi's business." Troy said sticking his tongue out at Megan.

"That's not fair. I've dished stuff to you." Megan argued back.

"That was who was dating who. You're not going to find out what Gabi and I do behind closed doors. Sorry sister, I'm not that close to you." Troy told them smirking.

"Just drop it you two. So what is on the agenda today?" I asked looking at my husband and sisters in law.

"Mom and dad invited the two of you over to our house for a welcome back celebration. Your mom is also invited Gabi." Anna told me.

"What time is the little shing ding?" Troy asked the two girls.

"Mom said between 6 and 6:30. She said it was casual." Anna said rolling her eyes.

"Tell mom we'll be there. Now do you two want to dish anything else or no?" Troy asked his two sisters.

"I can see when we're not wanted. I see how it is." Megan told us teasingly.

"We still love you too. It's just that I haven't seen my wife since 7 this morning and I want to give her a proper kiss." Troy said knowingly.

"I'm not even going to go there. We'll see you two later." Anna said as they headed out the door.

"You are so evil to your sisters." I told him smacking his shoulder.

"If they can dish it out, they can certainly take it. Don't feel sorry for them." Troy said leaning over and giving me an earth shattering kiss.

We kissed for a few minutes before I pulled back and smiled at him. He kissed my cheek before I started talking.

"What were we just talking about?" I asked wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"To tell you the truth, I have no idea. What are your plans for this afternoon?" Troy asked.

"I have about 20 tests to finish grading before tomorrow afternoon. Wanna help?" I asked going into the kitchen and flipping on the radio.

"Sure. Just tell me what to do." Troy said as we each took a seat at the dining room table.

"Here's the answer key. All you have to do is make sure all the answers match up." I told him handing him the piece of paper.

"Matching up the answers? I think I can do that." Troy told me as I laughed.

"I hope you can handle that." I told him as I grabbed my red pen and started grading.

"If it's wrong, do I just put an X on the number?" Troy asked as I looked up.

"Yeah or you can circle the number." I told him as I went back to grading the test.

It was silent for a little bit until Troy dropped his red pen. I looked up at his grinning face and smiled. I focused back on the test again before he cleared his throat.

"Yes Troy?" I asked looking up again from the test.

"What about the essay part? Do I have to grade that?" He asked as I shook my head.

"No I'll grade that. Just grade the multiple choices." I told him as he nodded his head.

We continued to grade the test until I heard a familiar song come on the radio. I looked up at Troy to see if he had noticed the song. He hadn't so I stood up and walked over to his side.

"Come with me." I whispered in his ear as I held out my hand for him to take.

"What are we doing?" Troy asked as I walked into the main part of the kitchen and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"We're dancing." I told him simply as we started to sway to "Because of You" by 98 degrees.

The song finished before another one came on the radio. We continued to dance until Troy looked at me.

"You know we're wasting time by not grading the tests." Troy told me as I smiled.

"I felt like dancing. The tests can wait. If the kids don't get them tomorrow, it won't be the end of the world." I told him as he kissed me.

"If the princess says they can wait, then they can wait." Troy said as he dramatically dipped me.

"Come with me." Troy told me picking me up bridal style and heading up to the bedroom where he dramatically kicked the door shut.

6:34 pm

"There's my son and daughter in law." Becky exclaimed as Troy and I walked in the door later that night.

"Hi Becky. How are you doing?" I asked as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I'm better that you and Troy are home. How was Hawaii?" Becky asked as we heard a chuckle from the doorway.

"Let the poor girl relax a little before she starts telling you about Hawaii." Jack said as Troy laughed.

"Hey dad." Troy said wrapping his dad in a hug.

"Jack I'm just excited to have these two home now." Becky said looking at her husband.

"Let them relax a little." Jack told his wife as he wrapped me in a hug.

"Hey Jack. How's it going?" I asked him as he smiled at me.

"It's going good Gabi. How's married life treating you?" Jack asked as Troy came to my side.

"It's treating me very well. Thank you." I told him as Becky looked at the two of us.

"So how was Hawaii?" Becky asked again before we all laughed.

"It was very beautiful. It was the perfect place to go for a honeymoon." I said looking at Troy.

"It seems like you two had a great time." Jack said nodding his head.

"We would go back in a heart beat." Troy said as the door flew open again.

"Anna, Megan how was your afternoon?" I asked as the two girls came walking into the house.

"It was very relaxing. Did you finish grading those tests?" Anna asked with a knowing grin.

"Actually we did finish them." I said as Brandon came bouncing down the stairs.

"There's the boy I want to have a talk with." Megan said pointing a long finger at Brandon.

"Hey I'm innocent. I haven't done anything wrong." Brandon said holding up his hands.

"You went over to Gabi and Troy's last night when you were suppose to be going to the store for mom." Anna told her brother.

"I did go to the store. I just made a pit stop at Troy and Gabi's to welcome them back." Brandon told them.

"You didn't say anything about stopping at their house." Megan jumped in.

"I offered you two to come along but you both politely denied. It's your fault, not mine." Brandon said shrugging his shoulders.

"How about the three of you drop it and come into the kitchen for something to drink?" Becky offered as Troy and I smirked at Jack.

"Always the one to keep the peace in the house." Jack said with a grin as we walked into the kitchen.

The rest of the night we relaxed and hung out. Troy and I told them stories of Hawaii while they caught us up on what was happening while we were gone. It was a fun night.

11:00 pm

"Shouldn't you be in bed by now?" Troy asked coming into the bedroom later that night.

"I should but I'm thinking." I told him as he stripped down and slid into bed.

"About what?" Troy asked me as I looked over at him.

"What the future holds." I told him quietly.

"What do you think the future holds?" Troy asked me as I smiled.

"Pitter patters of feet on the hard wood floors." I said looking over at him.

"I can't wait." Troy said leaning over and shutting off the light.

"What do you see in the future?" I asked him as he wrapped his arms around my waist in the darkness.

"Sweet Lullabies." Troy said simply as we both fell into deep sleep.

I just wanted you guys to know, that this is the last chapter of "Wedding Vows". Have no fear, there will be a sequel. The sequel is going to be titled "Sweet Lullabies".

Feedback would be an awesome thing. Thank you to all of my readers and reviewers!