A/N: Here's the sequel to "Summer Vacation". I hope you guys enjoy it.

This takes place 5 years after "Summer Vacation." Gabi and Troy are now 26 years old. Gabi is working at East High as an Anatomy and Biology teacher; Troy owns his own restaurant with Zeke; they named it Wildcat Haven. Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.

May 4, 2015 4:00 pm (Gabi's POV)

I pulled my 2013 Toyota 4-Runner up to the Wildcat Haven and smiled softly. It had always been Troy's dream to own a restaurant and finally after 5 years of hard work, the dream came true. The restaurant had been opened for about a year but Troy loved every second of it. Troy and Zeke had gone in together and opened it.

I pushed open the door and walked in, feeling the cool breeze that hung in air. I looked around the restaurant with all the normal patrons. I waved to a few that I knew and went to sit at my normal table.
I noticed a yellow envelope sitting on the table with my named scrawled across the front. I picked it up and immediately noticed there was a CD inside.
I smiled as I ripped the envelope open and took out the note and the CD. I quickly unfolded the note and looked at the familiar writing.


Hi my darlin' babe. How's it going? Well I figured a surprise would work wonders for you. Do you know what 12 days from today is? Our wedding. Aren't you a lucky girl for marrying a handsome prince like me? The CD is filled with songs but you can't listen to it all at once. Remember 5 years ago what you did for me? Well you're getting your own little notes for the next 12 days and there's a song that goes along with each day. Well today's song is "I Knew I Loved you" by Savage Garden. From the moment I laid eyes on you back in 2006, I knew I would love you from that moment on. Love you babe!


I smiled as I finished reading the short note. I quickly folded it back up before looking around the restaurant for Troy. I saw him talking to someone familiar but I couldn't put my finger on the name. The smile on his face never left his face. I just sat there watching him, falling even more in love with him.

He finished the conversation up before walking over to where I was sitting and took a seat beside me. He leaned over and gave me a gently kiss before he started talking.

"So how was your day?" Troy asked me as I took his hand in mine.

"My day was tiring but good. Thank you for the note. It cheered me up." I told him as he laughed.

"That's what it's supposed to do. What do you want to do tonight?" Troy asked me.

"We have that dinner at your parent's." I told him before he rolled his eyes.

"But I don't want to go." Troy whined as I shot him a look.

"Too bad. I all ready told your mom we would be there. Also Megan, Brandon, and Anna are all going to be there. We haven't seen them since they came home at Christmas." I pointed out to him.

"I still can't believe Megan and Brandon are going to be 21 this year." Troy told me with a shake of his head.

"You're getting older babe. It's just a matter of life." I told him with a grin.

"At least they've got girlfriends and boyfriends so I don't have to do any more checks on them." Troy told me as I rolled my eyes.

Anna and Ryan are still dating; they dated all throughout high school and into college. The same went with Megan and Jordan. Brandon had been dating around and finally is dating a girl named Carly, who Troy and I have both met and approve of.

"The ever protected brother. What's going to happen when we have a daughter?" I asked him as he grinned.

"They're not dating until they're 30 and they're going to have to go through the father and uncle test before they can date our daughters." Troy told me with a smirk as I laughed.

"Our daughters will be able to date at 16 and there will be no father/uncle test as you call it." I told him as he shook his head.

"But this is our daughter, we're talking about." Troy told me.

"Our non existent daughter is who we're talking about. I'm not even pregnant yet. We've got a couple of years." I told him.

"When we do have a daughter, I'm going to protect her from the day she's born until the day I die." Troy told me.

"You're going to be an amazing father and I can't wait until we do have a child together." I told him with a smile.

"You're going to be an amazing mother as well. It will happen soon, Gabi." Troy told me.

"I know but I've got to focus on the wedding first." I told him as he smiled.

"And it's going to be a great wedding. You have nothing to worry about. Just finish these 12 days and then we'll have our dream wedding." Troy told me.

I smiled at him as I looked around the restaurant. The restaurant was filled with memories from Troy's childhood as well as Zeke's. Pictures of Troy, Chad, Jason, and Zeke were hanging all around the restaurant. Pictures from when they were just boys up until they were in college were hanging around the restaurant. Zeke and Troy's East High Basketball jerseys were hanging on the wall facing the door as you came in.

"You ready to go home?" Troy asked me as I smiled.

"Home sounds good right now." I told him as I stood up and laced my arms with his.

We walked out of the restaurant and to our separate cars. I smiled as I watched him walk back to his. I slid the CD into my CD player as I started towards mine and Troy's house we had bought.

I hope you guys like it. Feedback and reviews are greatly appreciated and loved!