Naruto Fanfiction

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Author's Note: Pre-read by Yurusane and Pyr00tje; Who's working on DiD as you read this! (Down Into Darkness, ;)...) Who am I kidding? Also, Yurusane is a new writer here, I think he just posted a new story here. He writes mostly romance, though... Be sure to pay him a visit!


"Hey, you guys heard the news?"

Sakura and Ino looked behind them to see Shino and Kiba walk towards them. All four had finally become Jounin this year. "Well, did you?"

Both Sakura and Ino shook their heads. "What news?" Kiba just grinned at them.

"You're always like this, yelling all kinds of things, but never explaining!" Ino added.

Shino seemed to nod, but no one could ever tell, while Kiba simply shrugged. "Well, well... Neji's, Naruto's and Shikamaru's teams are finally entering the Chuunin Exams! With their skills, this one will be fun to watch!"

Sakura's eyes widened momentarily. "Naruto's team? Ah, I can't wait to see how those kids turned out with him as their teacher."

Ino frowned at her best friend. "You know, you should not underestimate Naruto anymore, Sakura. He's become one of the strongest Jounins in Konoha. Even Asuma-sensei says he stands no chance against him."

Kiba chuckled and wanted to talk, but Shino interrupted. "Uzumaki Naruto has recently become the strongest Jounin. My bugs have recently discovered that they can still sense Naruto-kun even when he is in the Mist Village..."

Ino's eyes widened. When Shino said something, it was always true, they had all learned. "Therefore, I am quite interested to see how his students have turned out. Especially Aburame Kira." He commented. "I am sure she has more talent than I do."

Kiba snorted. "Come on, Shino. We were damn good when we were Genins!"

Shino seemed to shrug.

"Anyway!" Kiba seemed to interrupt his own speech. "Naruto has persuaded one his former teachers to teach his students. I think it was Jiraiya-sama, don't know for sure. I and Shino are meeting up with him, want to tag along?"

Ino whined. "I can't! This sucks..." She nagged a bit more. "I have to watch the Flower Shop. Sakura, you're coming with me, right?"

Sakura blushed. "Ah, actually, Ino..."

"You traitor... Do you know how boring it is, sitting alone in there?" Ino screeched.

"Well, Naruto is my former teammate, you know... Besides, I haven't talked to him in ages..." Sakura said as she walked away from Ino and followed Kiba and Shino.

"Tcheh, Shikamaru is my former teammate too, you know?" Ino yelled after her. "You don't see me running towards that lazy bastard! Do you?"

End Of The Line
- Chapter 1

"You should see them, then you'll believe me!"

Neji sighed as Naruto was bragging again. "I don't know, a Hyuga is difficult to beat, after all, so maybe your team is better than ours." He figured as he took another sip from his drink. Sake.

Shikamaru took a sip as well. "Anyway, we'll find out during this Exam. I hope those brats become Chuunin, so I won't have to watch them anymore. "

Naruto had his arms folded behind his head as he sat on the stool next to Shikamaru's, who sat in the middle. "Well, believe it or not, but my team actually has some teamwork. Can you imagine those two stuck up Hyugas cooperating?"

"I couldn't even imagine you cooperating with Sasuke and Sakura back then." Shikamaru lazily let out. "But, as you can see, you turned out moderately, so anything's possible."

"But I do consider those two Hyugas a real pest to deal with when combined. For a Jounin Instructor, that is." Neji turned to Naruto. "I applaud you, somewhat, Naruto. Although my team was no picnic either. I can't help but agree with Shikamaru; I hope they become Chuunin."

"Tcheh, no picnic? What do you think of my team? Those damn twins constantly asking the same questions because they're too proud to listen to the answers of each other's questions. And that brat Shikamaru, keeps on using Genjutsu on everyone around us." Shikamaru tiredly let out.

Naruto chuckled shortly. "Funny that he's named after you, though. Does the kid know that?"

Shikamaru sighed. "Yeah, and he can't help but letting me know he's not happy at all to be named after me. Noisy brat."

"All in all, I had fun. I learned a lot from teaching a team." Naruto suddenly genuinely let out. "I hope they learned a lot from me, too."

Neji and Shikamaru turned silent on that, but nodded their agreement seconds later.

"I hope you didn't teach them any of your... Youth... Techniques, though." Neji wondered out loud as he glanced sideways at Naruto.

Naruto simply gave him the victory sign.


All three Jounin Senseis turned to see Kiba, Shino and Sakura enter the bar they were in. Already, the three were kind of tipsy. "Ah, Sakura-chan! Nice to see you!"

"Likewise..." Sakura greeted as she approached him and gave him a short hug. "How've you been?"

"Fine, fine. We were just discussing how our teams will do in the Chuunin Exams. What do you think?" Naruto asked the three newcomers.

"Tcheh, your teams all kick ass, man!" Kiba said. "I've heard from within the Clan that the Inuzuka Genins under Nara Shikamaru have learned a lot. But there's a rumour their dogs are actually growing faster than usual." He said as he looked at Shikamaru.

Shikamaru nodded. "Yeah, their dogs are about half their boss' size."

Kiba sweat dropped. "Man, that's so unfair. You know how long it took Akamaru to grow that big?" He grumbled.

"Hm, where is Akamaru, anyway, Kiba?" Sakura asked. "I just noticed he wasn't with you the entire time."

"He's at home, training with my sister's dogs." Kiba answered.

"Naruto-san." Shino spoke up as he addressed Naruto. "How is... Aburame Kira fairing?"

Naruto's look hardened. "Why do you ask? Afraid she might hurt the Clan?"

Shino shook his head. "It gives me great pleasure to see such a reaction coming from you... I am fond of Kira-san... She's had a rather... unfortunate childhood." He stared Naruto in the eyes and took off his glasses. "Like you have had. Therefore, I ask of you, as future heir of the Aburame Clan. Please, let my own Clan grow fond of Aburame Kira-san as well." Naruto's eyes widened as Shino shortly bowed his head and put his glasses back on.

"Heh, nothing else would give me a greater sense of satisfaction but to prove an entire Clan wrong..." His eyes turned sad for a split second, no one noticed. 'Or an entire Country...'

"What about your team, Neji? Anything noteworthy?" Kiba asked.

"They are able to crush any Inuzuka in their way." Was the immediate response.

"Hey, you looking for a fight?" Kiba responded as he clenched both his fists.

'Naruto has really changed...' Sakura thought as she ignored the talks the people before her were having and gazed at the laughing Naruto. 'Much more mature, a real Jounin Sensei he has become. But he rarely talks to his former team members anymore...' She sadly thought.

"Hey, Naruto! I heard those Hyugas were giving you a hard time!" Kiba's loud voice echoed throughout the room they were in. "Heh, no wonder, though, with one from the Main Family and one from the Branch."

Naruto shrugged. "Ah, they were ok. I could handle them just fine. I mean, look at how Neji turned out."

Sakura smiled as the others laughed, while Neji glared at Naruto. 'I wonder what he meant, one year ago. Perhaps our bonds are really broken?'


Naruto was walking home as he was playing with his house keys in his left pocket, he just left the bar they were drinking at. Tomorrow the Chuunin Exams would begin. He had heard from Gaara that Temari and Kankurou were Jounin Senseis too and that their teams would visit Leaf as well. Good times, good times, because Gaara himself would come to Konoha too.

"Oy, dobe."

Naruto looked up with a grin on his face. "Nice to see you too, bastard. It's been long."

Sasuke landed in front of Naruto and smiled as well. "I've heard you're entering your team in the Chuunin Exams."

Naruto nodded as he continued his walking, knowing Sasuke would follow him. "Yeah, they're more than ready. They were ready half a year ago, but I want them to crush all the others in the Exam, so I waited for an extra few months."

"That's not like you, actually waiting." Sasuke let out with genuine surprise in his voice. "You were unsure, thinking of what Kakashi had done years ago, entering us so quickly."

Naruto sadly smiled as he remembered the events in the Forest of Death. "To be honest, yeah... I want them to be ready for anything. So I trained them extra hard, with Jiraiya's help, even. They should be able to wipe everyone out there."

"Sounds like fun. Will be good to watch, hm?" Sasuke let out, before he looked up and noticed something. "Ah." Naruto looked up as well. "Looks like you're needed at the Hokage Tower." The Uchiha noted as a small bird was circling above them.

"At this hour, even." Naruto wondered. "I wonder what Tsunade wants now..." He patted Sasuke on the shoulder. "Well, talk to you later, bastard."

"Yeah... later, dobe." Sasuke reacted as Naruto vanished. 'Later...'


"Say WHAT!"


The next few days came rolling by fast. Naruto found out all the Rookie Genin Teams from Konoha had made it past the First Test and Second Test. All that was left was the final test, the Tournament, he remembered.

But he wasn't really thinking about that. Instead, his mind and eyes were on the robe he was wearing. A white robe, which a former Hokage owned. The Yondaime. 'I can't believe I've been chosen as the next Hokage...' Naruto thought. 'Am I really ready for such a thing?'


Naruto turned around to see his team running towards him.

"What's with the clothes, sensei?" Aburame Kira spoke up first. "You're out shopping?"

Naruto smiled at the black-haired girl, who wore no glasses, unlike most Aburame Members. The eyes of an Aburame were truly beautiful, as they were pitch black, but didn't seem to reflect anything. Exactly how Naruto didn't want himself to be reflected in anything lately. Not for nothing, anyway.

"Neh, this here is sort of a promotion." He responded as he put both his hands on the white robe. "It's from a former Hokage, guess which one, hm?" He laid out for his team.

"Pf, that's easy." Hyuga Hanatou said. "The Yondaime of course. Anyone would recognise that, taichou!"

Naruto grinned at the young Hanatou. After four months of being a team, the two Hyugas had both decided to call Naruto a Captain, instead of a Teacher. Naruto had decided that they weren't his subordinates, but rather, his partners during a mission. Only Kira called him Sensei, but on missions, she too, called him Captain.

Yashiro shook his head with his eyes closed and his arms folded in front of his chest. The long-haired Hyuga also wore a slight grin. "You know, it's all too easy to figure out what this means, Uzumaki-taichou..." He opened his eyes and stared at the curious Naruto. "Hokage, right?"

Naruto snorted. "Damn Hyugas and their wits..."


In the stands above the field the Genins would fight in, a few Jounin Instructors were talking with each other.

"I can't believe you're actually going to become Hokage, Naruto." Temari said as she patted Naruto on the head. "A Chibi like you."

"Hey hey!" Naruto let out. "I'm taller than you now, you know."

Kankurou chuckled. "Heh, it was to be expected, though. It seems Suna owes you a favour, hm?" All three looked to where the Kages were seated. The Hokage and the Kazekage. "Gaara already told us you'd become Hokage, you know?"

Naruto shrugged. "Heh..."

"Oy, you three are way too early... Most of the Genins aren't even here yet..."

Temari rolled her eyes. "Hooo... look what the cat dragged in. I can't believe you actually managed to make your team ready for a Chuunin Exam, as lazy as you are."

"Ah, it's you..." Shikamaru lazily said as he stood next to Naruto. "So, you finally made it, huh, Naruto?" Shikamaru commented as he didn't even acknowledge the white robe Naruto was wearing.

Naruto nodded his head. "Too much of a giveaway, hm?" He noted as he pulled the robe off. "Don't want to show off too much, especially not to the villagers in the crowd."

"Why not?" A new voice called out. "It's not like you to not show off now, is it?"

"Hyuga!" Kankurou greeted. "Long time no see!"

Neji nodded his greeting and smiled. "Kankurou-san, Temari-san, nice to finally see you two. I've heard you entered your teams as well. Unfortunately for your teams that my team is in this as well. Sorry, but... You guys don't stand a chance."

"Leave it to the damn Hyuga to be competitive." Temari mumbled. "I figured it would be Naruto who would start this. I guess he really has grown up, huh?"

Naruto sighed. "Hey, hey, I wasn't that bad, was I? Ah, look!" He said as he pointed downwards, signalling towards Genins entering the clearing. "They're getting started."

All five Jounins looked down as more Jounins entered the stand they were in. "Man, my team looks so good, don't they?" Naruto bragged as he gave them a victory sign from up above.

Shikamaru shook his head. "As usual, the two Inuzukas are having a bitchfight again..." He whined. "Can't they be more representative for a change?"

"Hm." Neji spoke up. "That little brat, Kaji... He's reading everyone's minds already." Neji shook his head as Kaji gave him the thumbs up from down there.

"This will be interesting." A new voice said from behind them. "All your teams look strong. Even those from Suna." This earned the newcomer a glare from both Temari and Kankurou.

"Ah, nice to see you here, Uchiha." Kankurou sarcastically said. "Didn't think you'd be at a Chuunin Exam."

"Actually, I wouldn't want to miss this." Sasuke responded.

"Why, you're going to steal some new techniques?" Temari asked. It was very clear the two Suna Shinobis didn't really like the Uchiha.

Sasuke shook his head. "No, I have no need for Chuunin Level Techniques. But," He looked sideways at Naruto. "Good to see a new Hokage in our Village."

Naruto grinned. "Glad to be here."


In the crowd...

"Damn, have you heard the news, Sakura?"

Sakura looked away from the participating Genins to look at Ino. "What, Ino? Some more gossip coming from you?"

Ino shook her head. "Nope. I've just heard that we'll be having two Hokages in our Village soon..."

Sakura's eyes widened. "Two? You can't mean..."

"Yup! That dumb former teammate of yours. He actually kept his promise! He's the Rokudaime! Or soon, anyway!"

Sakura's eyes couldn't have widened more.



Ah! A repeat:
A friend of mine started writing! He goes by the name... uh, that sounds cheesy... but his author name is: Yurusane

It's like You're ah sane? But actually, you know how you pronounce it right, Unforgivable in Japanese. Perhaps it's written differently, I don't know, don't care...

Ok, that was bad... Anyway, hope you enjoyed this extremely short chapter, I know it's short, yeaahhhh, but my pre-readers said it was okay to leave it like this, heh! Pyr00tje and Yurusane are my pre-readers so go hurl a few full beer cans at their heads if you think it's too short this time around.
