




Ironic saviours

To Moon Base

Chapter One

Fanny Fullbright was never one for accepting and admitting defeat. She would never admit it when someone else figured something out before her, or if someone accomplished more than she could. Although she didn't like it, she knew she had to step up her game if she wanted to avoid decommissioning early. The head of the Moon Base and all that is what the KND are, Numbuh 362 knew that her right-hand girl needed a made up mission to step her game up a bit. As Numbuh 362 walked down a long corridor to meet up with Sector V, she thought long and hard of something her operative could do while they went out on a mission. She had considered the fact that Fanny could come along and help, but immediately ditched the idea when she remembered the last time. The girl was just too arrogant and sexist to work with the likes of Nigel Uno a.k.a Numbuh 1, leader of Sector V. Just when she thought there was no other option, she felt another presence beside her. Looking down, she noticed her little brother Michael a.k.a Numbuh 363. And as he looked up at her concerning face, it hit her how she would get rid of her operative for a while. She knew it was mean, as not only was Fanny her right-hand girl, but she was also considered a very close friend to the leader.

"Michael, go and tell Sector V to meet me in the meeting room, I've got to contact someone."

"Ugh, sure thing Rachael." He replied, scurrying away to follow his order. Numbuh 362 crossed her fingers as she turned around, hoping this would work.


Mrs. Fullbright bustled around the house, cleaning all she could while her youngest spawn Shaunie watched her attentively over his cereal bowl. Mrs. Fullbright checked her watch and sighed a little before heading up the cherry oak coloured staircase. She bustled over to the second door on her right; in which read "Francine's Room" upon the screwed on sign. Mrs. Fullbright opened the door and peeked inside to see a large lump under the covers of the bed. A few locks of red frizzy hair were visible.

"Francine, sweety?" Her mother softly cooed. "Are you awake?"

The occupant of the bed stirred slightly, and a set of green polished fingernails pulled the covers down to uncover a face full of freckles, and green eyes slightly closed from tiredness.

"Oh good. Now I just came to tell you that you'll have to babysit little Shaunie today." Her mother said kindly.

"What? I can't do that today." Fanny replied in an urgent manner. "I've got to go to the Moon Base to assist up there."

"I'm sure they'll be fine without you." Her mother replied with a wink. "One day without you isn't going to kill them. I wouldn't have asked if your father wasn't taking me out for the day for a business trip. I'm leaving in about five minutes, so I suggest you get out of bed before lunchtime."

"And when's that?" The red head asked lazily.

"In about ten minutes." Mrs. Fullbright replied with a sigh as her daughter covered herself back up. "I'll see you later tonight sweety. And make sure Shaunie behaves."

"Yeah, yeah." Fanny replied in a muffled tone.

Mrs. Fullbright rolled her eyes before leaving her daughter in peace. But the tranquil silence didn't last long, as her phone began to ring. Lazily a hand snaked out and began searching upon the desk, until it gripped around the phone.

"Numbuh 86 here." She said.

"Good day. This is Numbuh 362."

"Oh, what can I do you for?"

"Well, I'm going to be absent for a while and I haven't got anyone to babysit Numbuh 363. So I was hoping you could do it for me?"

"He needs babysitting?" Silence answered her. "Oh never mind. I guess I could, I mean I can't leave the house because of Shaunie anyway…"

"Great. Oh and by the way, Sector V can't find anyone for their siblings, and Sonia and Lee aren't skilled enough to stay up here without my supervision, so I'll be sending them all down for you, ok?"

"Sure, no problem." And with that Fanny hung the phone up before planting her face back in her pillow. A few seconds of complete silence, and then…

"WHAT!" She screeched after evaluating what had actually been said in the conversation. She flung off the covers as if they were on fire, and immediately rushed to her closet. From there she began excavating her favourite green sweater, her orange skirt and brown commando boots. In a space of a few seconds she had ripped her pyjamas off and chucked her everyday wear on, before running to the bathroom to groom herself properly.

Shaunie placed his bowl in the sink, and listened to the sounds of his older sister running around like a maniac. He casually trudged up to her room, and noticed her room was completely trashed.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously as a Rainbow Monkey doll went spiralling past his ear.

Fanny stood up to the sound of his voice. She walked right up to him and folded her arms as she stared irritably down on him. He looked back up at her innocently and placed his hands behind his back. "Did you by any chance touch my helmet even though I specifically told you not to?"

He looked down and scuffed his foot. "I might've done. But I put it back in your dresser, and cleaned it and stuff."

Fanny opened her mouth to retort and tell him off, but he walked straight past her and opened a draw. "See? I promise I was careful."

She turned around and noticed it was innocently sitting on a pile of her clothes, glistening in the artificial light. She loosened up a little. "Oh never mind. I guess I don't really need it today anyway. It's not like I'm leaving the house anyway."

"How come?" Shaunie asked as he followed his sister down the stairs like a puppy following its master.

"Well, maybe because I have to look after you." She replied sarcastically. "Plus now I'm stuck with almost every little kid in the street."

"Is that like one of your missions?" He asked hopefully.

"I wish." She opened the fridge and pulled out milk and a glass. "Actually I guess it is, considering Numbuh 362 called me to arrange it." She slammed the milk down. "And now I have to look after the worst Sector's siblings because they're too lazy to do it themselves."

Shaunie didn't press the issue any further, noticing his sister's bottled anger rising to its peak. There was a knock on the front door, so he decided to answer it before Fanny blew her top. He slowly opened the door, and looked up at a blonde haired girl smiling down on him.

"Shaunie, I presume?" She said. "My name is Numbuh 362, and I was hoping Numbuh 86 was present?"

"Oh you mean my sister." He replied, tucking a stray lock of curly red hair behind his ear. "Yeah I'll get her, but I can't guarantee she'll be in a good mood."

He disappeared back into the house, and the next second his sister stood in his placed.

"This had better be good because I don't…" She cut herself of when she looked up to stare her boss in the eye. "Numbuh 362, I didn't expect you so soon sir."

"I realise that. It's great that you could look after the little ones while we're all out. I hope you don't mind that we pick them up later tonight?"

But deep down, Fanny really did mind. She did mind that her friend was dumping this task on her with half an hours notice, and she did mind that they were going out on an important mission without her. But she merely held her tongue and nodded.

"Sure thing. If my parents come home I'll just make something up." She replied, opening the door a little more.

"Not a problem, this will cover it." 362 handed her a rolled up letter. "You know I didn't want to do this. But the rest of the board think its best if you sit this one out."

"Not a problem. I can't argue with the board about it."

But I could if I didn't want my job anymore. She thought bitterly.

"So, I'll leave you the kids, and we'll be back hopefully not as long as we've approximated." 362 finished. "Oh and by the way, Joey needs extra attendance; he's only very little."

"How little is little?" Fanny asked, cocking an eyebrow. One of the twins Numbuh 44 came out of the ship, holding a little blonde toddle in his arms. 44 was followed by the newest operatives Sonia and Lee, Michael (Numbuh 363), Tommy Gilligan and Mushi Sanban. Fanny's face went to shock as Joey Beatles was dumped in her arms, and the two older operatives left without another word spoken. Fanny watched as the Moon Base aircraft lifted up high, and shot off with extreme speed. She waited for her red frizzy hair to fall back into place, then looked down at the five younger kids looking up at her.

"Errr…." She looked down at the toddler in her arms, who had currently fallen asleep. "Well, you may as well make yourselves at home, and then from there we can work out what we can do for the next…" She uneasily checked her watch. "Six hours or so."

The kids all made their way inside, and made themselves comfortable in the lounge room. Shaunie was already in there, and greeted everyone when they sat down. Fanny took a seat in her father's recliner rocker, being extra careful not to wake Joey up.

"This is stupid; I can take care of myself. I don't need babysitting." Michael stated, folding his arms.

"Your sister told me you need it, so an order is an order." Fanny replied. "And if you mess up once, you'll know about it."

Michael went to retort, but received a hard elbow in the ribcage by Lee. Tommy merely looked as if he longed to voice his reason, but a head shaking gesture from both Mushi and Shaunie said enough for him.

"I know most of you can take care of yourselves, but 362 specifically left you with me for a reason. So I don't want any trouble, alright?"

Sonia, Lee and Mushi all nodded, but the other three merely stared at their superior.

"Right then, I'll take those glares as a yes." Fanny sighed and rocked the toddler slightly. "So instead of me bossing you around for once, why don't you tell me what you want to do…and saving the world from adult tyranny doesn't fall under that category."

"Well, what's something we can all do that we won't get bored with?" Mushi asked.

"Well, why don't we tell stories?" Sonia suggested.

"Cool." Lee answered.

"I guess so. I mean, Numbuh 86 has been on way cool decommissioning missions, haven't you?" Michael asked, receiving a slight nod from the older operative.

"Well, I guess it won't hurt to tell you some of it." She said, constantly checking on Joey as she went. "Just as long as we don't wake up Joey."

This is going to be a long and painful day. She thought to herself.