Hmm mk, before anyone can guess, this is what I call a song Chapter. NO IT IS NOT A SONG FIC! Jebus, songfics are too songy not enough fic. So basically each chapter is based more off of the song title than the song, it's REALLY loosely based on the song's lyrics. Btw, some of the things in this first chapter tie in with the very last chapter, so if some things don't make sense, the last chapter's title will give it all away.

To My Goth Faerie: (you've earned a permenate spot on my fics, you're like my right hand man... er author.)
This is the story! Yay! I posted it and I'm excited. Plus, I'm going to work on my other fic, Lullabies this weekend. I just really wanted to push out three chapters this week, 2 new stories for Max Ride and another Chapter for Danny Phantom! So, after you read this first chapter... I want to know what you're thinking, cuz my minds brimming with ideas for this story, I already know how the last two chapters are gonna go. O.o

Song of the Chapter:

Beautiful Lie

Lie awake in bed at night
And think about your life
Do you want to be different?
Try to let go of the truth
The battles of your youth
'Cause this is just a game

It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful
That makes me

It's time to forget about the past
the past)
To wash away what happened last
(away what happened last, happend last)
Hide behind an empty face
(empty face)
Don't have too much to say
'Cause this is just a game

It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful
That makes me



Everyone who's lookin' at me
I'm running around in circles, angry
Acquired desperation's building high
I've got to remember this is just a game

So beautiful, beautiful, it's a beautiful (lie)
So beautiful, beautiful, it's a beautiful (lie)
So beautiful, beautiful, it's a beautiful (lie)
So beautiful, beautiful (lie)

It's a beautiful lie
It's a perfect denial
Such a beautiful lie to believe in
So beautiful, beautiful
That makes me Enjoy!


30 Seconds

Chapter 1: Beautiful Lie


"I'll stay by you forever... Don't think about doing that again! The flock needs you, I need you!"

I laughed as the words echoed in my mind during my watch. Fang, you've been gone for so long... What happened?

A small hand touched my shoulder, causing me to look up. Angel looked at me, her head nodding towards the rising sun. I shook my head, no, not today...

It feels like the world has died around our flock. Nothing can move or even breathe. Rays of light stuck my hands and Face, as I blocked the sun from my face; I vaguely remembered a story Jeb had told me about a boy who wanted to fly. So he made his wings from wax but flew too close to the sun and fell into the ocean.

"Of course your wings aren't made of wax Max! You can soar as high as you want to."

"Lies." I spat out bitterly. Angel had gone in moments ago. "You weave beautiful stories Jeb. A shame they're not real." I sighed. It was a fairy tale to me, even I know that everything is made from wax, everything can just melt away.

But I can't fly too close to the sun. In doing so, it would prove I was greater than all, that I could defy the limits, more than anyone could handle. Even I will fall if I fly too close, but Fang's usually the one who catches me before I'm swallowed in the ocean. But Fang's not here... Three weeks and counting...

"Max," Nudge began, nodding slightly to catch my attention, "Can we go somewhere else? Everyone's feeling kinda Fang - sick just waiting here."

"Yeah," I breathed after awhile, my thoughts far away from here, "today, lets go and not look back." I nodded, watching Nudge's face light up.

"Will you miss him?" Iggy asked that afternoon while everyone was packing their items, Fang's pack was on my back along with my own. I glanced at Iggy. "Well, will you?" He arched a brow at me.

"Yeah, I suppose. It's just kinda lonely without him around. You know we told everything to each other." I shrugged slightly.

"Well," Iggy began, shifting from foot to foot, "I'm still here."

"That you are Iggy, that you are." I couldn't help but smile at Iggy's words. Of course you're still here Ig; I wouldn't have it any other way. "Let's go!" I ordered minutes later.

We flew away; no one took a look back, not even Total.

Why did he fall? I heard myself question as I glanced at the sun.

The wax melted and his wings began to burn. The voice replied calmly. I frowned at the answer and the fact knowing it was still bothering me.

I tapped Iggy's back, signaling him in charge before I soared above them and into the clouds. I escaped the clouds grasp and felt the sun on my wings. It burned. But at the moment, I could care less, if I fell like that boy; let me, because even I can't defy everything.

I felt my wings buckle beneath me and I fell. I laughed knowing that my wings too, were made poorly, my wax melted. Now if only there was an ocean below instead of that forest.

"I'm gone for a while and you already plan on dying?" Fang stated as he caught me, his dark eyes staring at me.

"Heh," I grinned at Fang, "you're back."

"And I'm gonna stay that way." Fang gave me one of his quick smiles before flying towards the flock.

I didn't know it then but that was the most beautiful lie I ever heard.


You know, a lot can happen in 30 seconds.

I had just finished cleaning the campsite when Fang swept me off me feet (literally) and flew into the sky where only seconds later we were hundreds of feet away from camp when he landed.

"I want to know what happened to you." I burst out before Fang could mention a single word.

"White coats caught me," I stiffened at the mention of scientists. "I don't know how long I was out for but when I woke up, I escaped and came to find you."

"How can I be sure you're not a clone?" I asked, my stance firm, withholding my fear of it not really being Fang. Fang gave me an 'I-can't-believe-you're-so-stupid-look' before sighing.

"You carry a stuffed rabbit in your pack called Mr. Wuffles." Fang replied, monotone, clearly annoyed. My cheeks went aflame in embarrassment. No one else knew about Mr. Wuffles except for Fang.

"Shut up." I stated firmly before walking closer to Fang. "So why did you bring me out here." I asked, looking at the surrounding trees before looking at Fang, he seemed to be pained by something. This pain would only last for 30 seconds, if I had only known.

"Four things." Fang let out a small hiss of pain, before I could do anything; he held up a hand to stop me and used his other to clutch the left side of his head. "First," he let out another hiss and I winced, "I will never leave you, no matter what. Second, the white coats," I watched Fang grit his teeth tightly; "they messed with my head. Planted a chip there or something. Third," I saw him almost cry out from the pain in his head, it must be so much, "I love you."

Fang all of a sudden pulled me close and kissed me. I was too shocked to do anything else. Fang pulled away and hugged me close to his body. "Fourth, I'm sorry." His pain was gone but mine had just begun. And at that moment, the 30 seconds were up.


Omg, O.o Did I just write that? FANG! What's wrong with you? T.T Eh, yeah, this is my free night so I'm kinda loopy, my right shoulder's bum, I dunno if I can march in band tomorrow with this bumb arm... that would suck... my band director would litterally kill me.

Mr. Wuffles, Random name made up at the delerious time (for a band person) of midnight to prove Fang was Fang. Icaris(sp?), the boy who made his wings from wax, don't blame me, it's my favorite mythology story and I just had to read a BIG Mythology book.

But at anycase, CHALLENGE TIME! (why do I like doing challenges in Max Ride fics anyway?)

What do you think will happen to Fang?

Preview/song of the Next Chapter: (Means Either Or)

In this case it's Or.


I won't suffer,
be broken,
get tired,
or wasted,
surrender to nothing,
or give up.
What I started and stopped it from end to beginning.
A new day is coming,
and I am finally free.

Run away, run away,
I'll attack.
Run away, run away,
go chase yourself.
Run away, run away,
I'll attack, I'll attack, I'll attack.

I would of kept you forever,
but we had to sever.
It ended for both of us faster than a--
Kill off this thinking,
it's starting to sink in.
I'm losing control now,
and without you,
I can finally see.

Your promises,
they look like lies.
Your honesty,
like a back that has a knife.
I promise you,
I promise you..
I am finally free.

