Chapter 1

I am a youkai, plain and simple, a kage (shadow) neko (cat) youkai to be exact. I live in a prison where other youkai that are caught are brought to. We are basically guinea pigs to the ningen nation. We are 'experiments' and they experiment on us, do you like the feeling of being cut open? With no pain killers, or sleep aides? While people in white suits hover over you and ruin your perfect bloodline? I didn't think so.

My blood is tainted with Cobra youkai DNA, Chimera youkai DNA, and others that I have no idea about. The worst part of these 'experiments' is when they are done using you, and testing on you, they kill you, just because you exist.

The worst part, I heard rumors that I was next… and I snapped. I was one of the only youkai that was actually okay with being there. I was nice to everyone, and because of that I got treated better, if only just by a little bit. I wasn't resentful, and I didn't try to attack or run away. Mainly because of the fact that I had no family and I called the prison 'home'.

Now when I snap, things do not go well, due to the fact that the other youkai blood will take over and I have no control. So when I snapped this time… well the Chimera youkai blood took control and transported me into the past. 500 years into the past, into the feudal era we go!