
I do not own Phantom of the opera

Christine came out of her dressing room and decided to take a walk. She was bored and there was nothing else to do. Earlier that day, she had gotten hit by a sandbag and nearly knocked out. She continued to walk until she was at the side of the stage. She looked up into the catwalks. A few stagehands were talking. A few of them were laughing at the other. They walked away and he started to test the ropes. He pulled one of them and the backdrop came flying down to the stage. Then, he walked up a set of stairs and checked the other ropes. Suddenly, something flew down next to him. He turned to see what it was. It was a man dressed in completely black. He was wearing black boots and a black cape too. The stagehand just stared at the man.

''Hello Joe.'' the man said. Joe handed him a little bottle and the man took a sip. Then, he held it over the edge of the catwalk. Christine looked up just in time to see him drop it right where she was standing. She tried to move, but it was too late. The bottle crashed on her head and she fell over, unconsious. Both men looked down and the one wearing black dissapeared. Then, he reappeared by her side.

''Christine.'' he said. She didn't wake up. He sighed and picked her up. He carried her away from the stage to some hidden passageway. Joe just stood there, frightened yet relieved.

When Christine woke up, she was laying in a bed. She rubbed her head and sat up. There was a man sitting in a chair nearby. She stared at him for a moment. He had his back turned to her. She cleared her throat and he turned around quickly.

''Oh, you're awake.''

''Yes...where am I?''

''My home.''

''Oh. Thank you for taking me here. What happened?''

''You...hit your head.''

''All I can remember is looking up and seeing something falling towards me.''

He got up out of the chair and walked over to her.

''As long as you are not harmed. You can rest some more if you wish. I have some buisness to take care of with...someone.''

''Alright, but I think I'm fine.''

She got off of the bed and rubbed her head again.

''Alright, then I will take you back to your dressing room.''

He took her hand and they left the room. Christine looked around. There were hundreds of candles everywhere. There was an organ too. Christine smiled in amazement.

After a long series of tunnels and passages, they were outisde Christine's dressing room.

''How did you-''

Christine turned to face him, but he was gone. She looked down the hall and shrugged. She walked in and found Meg sitting on her bed. Meg got up and ran over to hug her.

''Oh Christine, I've been so worried! I didn't know where you went!''

''I'm sorry, Meg. I just...went for a walk.''

''Oh, alright.''

Erik walked through the shadows and up into the catwalks. Joe was talking to two stagehands. Erik waited until the other two left and then he snuck up behind Joe.

''So, we never finished our conversation.''

Joe spun around and looked at him.


Erik advanced on him.

''I've been hearing things, Joseph. I've been hearing that you were spreading rumors about me.''

Joe stared wide eyed at him for a moment.

'' promise I won't do it again.''

Erik shook his head. He kept moving closer to Joe and Joe kept moving back until he was at the edge of the catwalk. Joe looked down behind him and swallowed hard. Erik lunged at him and tied a rope around his ankle. Then, he knocked Joe over the side of the catwalk. Then, Erik flicked a switch and Joe came hurtling upwards. Erik pulled out a knife and stabbed Joe when he reached the top. Joe let out a yell and Erik put the knife back into his cape and pulled out another one.

Christine got into her costume for the opening production that night. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

''Come in.'' she called out. The door opened and Meg came rushing in.

''Christine, you're going to play the part of Marguerite! Something happened with Carlotta and you're going to play the part!''

Christine looked at her in surprise and disbelief! Meg ran over and hugged her.

''Oh my gosh! Meg, I can't believe this!''

''I'll go and get your costume.''

Meg ran out the door and Christine put her hands to her mouth. A few minutes later, Meg came running back in with her costume.

''Here it is! Good luck, I have to go and get ready some more.''

Meg left and closed the door behind her. Christine held the costume up to herself and looked in the mirror. She smiled again and went behind her dressing screen to change into it. Then, she put on alittle makeup and some perfume. She rushed out of her dressing room and went to get into her place to start.

The performance was wonderful! Hundreds of people cheered for her after she was finished and threw roses at her feet. Afterwards, there was a cast dinner that she and Rishard were going to. Richard was her childhood friend whom she loved dearly. They arrived and people stared to stand up and cheer. Christine blushed as Richard led her along. They sat down at a table and started to talk. After alittle bit, Richard brought up an interesting subject.

''Well, this evening is alittle different than I had planned.''

''What were you going to do?''

''I was going to ask you to marry me.''

Christine smiled at him, but her smile soon faded.

''Oh, Richard. This just isn't a good time right now.''

''I know.''

They continued to talk and had a wonderful time together. Then, they got into a carriage and Richard took Christine home. She lived at a home for girls, preferably for girls who were dancers or worked at the opera house. She thanked Richard for taking her home and she went inside.

The next morning, Meg came running in with the paper. Christine opened her eyes and Meg ran over to her, waving the paper in her hand.

''Christine! I just got the paper! Go on, read the review!''

Christine laughed and Meg handed her the paper. Christine looked it over and read it to herself. Then, she looked up with tears in her eyes.

''Oh, Meg.''

She handed it back to her and Meg read the article to herself. She stared at the paper for a moment, mouth wide open and eyes wide in shock.

''Christine, I'm so sorry.''

''No, he hated it, Meg!''

Christine wiped the tears away and walked over to the window.

''I have to go somewhere.''

She ran behind the dressing screen and changed into a dress and grabbed her hooded shawl. Then, she grabbed her cloak and ran out the door. On the way, she picked out some flowers. Then, she got a carriage and got inside.

''Where am I takin' you miss?''

''To the cemetary.''

The carriage started off down the street and Christine didn't notice Richard trying to run after the carriage. He called for his own and started off after her. Christine sat in the carriage, staring into space. She felt so hurt right now. The carriage came to a stop and she stepped out. She walked over to the gate and pushed it open. It closed behind her and she started to walk over towards her father's grave. The headstone read 'Philip Day.' Christine placed the flowers on the grave and tried to hold back her tears.

''What do I do now?''

Then, she heard the sound of a violin playing. She looked up and saw a dark figure standing on the little hill in front of her. She stood and stared at him as he moved away from her.


''Christine!'' someone yelled behind her. She looked over towards the gate and saw Richard. He was frantically trying to open the gate, but the lock wouldn't move. But, the lock hadn't been down a moment ago.


The figure moved towards a carriage and called to her. She watched him and found that she couldn't move.

''Christine!'' Richard called out again. She looked at him once more and then looked away and started to move towards the carriage. The figure climbed up onto it and continued to play the violin. The carriage door opened by itself and Christine continued to move towards it.


She got into the carriage and the door closed behind her. She could still hear Richard yelling her name. Then, she heard the gate open and Richard came running inside. The violin music came to a screeching point and she heard Richard cry out. But, the carriage didn't move. Christine sat and waited, but it never moved. The next thing she knew, the door to the carriage flew open and Richard reached out his hand to her. She took it and he pulled her out.

''Richard, what's going on?''

''Christine, just come with me.''

A dark figure appeared behind him and raised up a knife.


Christine pushed him over and they collapsed. Christine landed right on top of Richard. She got off of him and he pulled her up. They started to run, but the figure chased them.

''Christine, go through the gate!''

''No, I won't leave you!''

The figure jumped and grabbed Christine by the wrist.

''No, you are coming with me!'' he hissed.

Christine let out a cry and tried to get free of his grasp. Richard grabbed the man around the neck and tried to get him off. The man just spun around and knocked Richard off balance. Richard fell into the snow and the figure pulled Christine over to the carriage and threw her inside. The door closed and he jumped on top again and pulled the reins. The horses started off and the carriage sped away. Richard got up and started to run after it, but it was already gone.


When the carriage came to a stop, the door opened and the man pulled Christine out.

''Let me go! What do you want with me?''

He turned to face her ans she gasped.


He grinned and proceded to pulled her along.

When they were back in his home home, Christine kept demanding that he let her go.

''What do you want with me? Why can't I go home?'' she sobbed. He took a finger and tilted her head up so she was facing him.

''I brought you here out of love. This will be your home, now.''

She sobbed into his shirt and he kissed her head. She backed away from him and wiped away the tears.

''Don't touch me! don't even come anywhere near me! Just let me go home!''

He advanced towards her and grasped her left hand. He slipped a ring onto it and kissed her hand.

''You will be my bride tonight. You will wait at the top of the staircase for me at the ball tonight and we will arriive together to let everyone know.''

''No, I will not marry you!''

He held up a knife and her eyes went wide with fear.

''I will.''

He smiled and kissed her hand again. She stared at him with an uneasy glance.

''What is your name? I cannot get married and not even know your name!''

''Erik. Erik Destler. Tonight, after the ball, you will be Christine destler. No longer Christine Day.''

He turned away from her and his voice turned low and menacing.

''And I do not want you seeing that boy, Richard. If you do, there will be consequences.''

Christine swallowed hard and placed a hand shakily on his shoulder.

''Erik, will you take me back home to see my friend.''

He turned around and took her hand.

''Yes, for my Christine.''

As they were leaving, Christine heard him whisper ''My bride.''