Chapter Nine: What Just Happened?
Good sir knights, I do not owneth Kingdom Hearts nor Sword in the Stone…ith
Axel and Xenay were at the point of quick attacks and blocks; Xenay attacking, Axel blocking.
'Where the hell did all this come from?' he stumbled back.
She glared at him with her slitted eyes, holding her swords in a fighting stance. "What's the matter Axel? Why don't you fight back?"
'If you weren't so fuckin' fast…I would', he answered silently.
Once again, they clashed weapons, but differently this time. Xenay had weaved part of her blades through the openings of Axel's chakrims. She laughed as Axel realized what would happen.
"Oh shi-"
Xenay threw the chakrim over her shoulder using her swords. She slashed the swords across Axel's chest. Luckilly, he had backed up enough in time just for his jacket to get cut. He created a ring of fire around Xenay to buy some time. He made for his weapons. Axel was about to pick them up, when he got kicked in the jaw. He fell onto his back, holding his face.
"Stupid little fuck. Forget about my portals?"
Axel lifted his head, but stopped at the feeling of cold steel on his neck.
Xenay was straddling his waist to prevent his escape.
"Winner, Xenay!" Xemnas announced.
But she didn't move, nor did her blades.
"Very impressive. You can get off me now," Axel said.
Her slit eyes grew angry. She made a low growling noise that turned into an outraged yell. Xenay held her swords up, then thrusted them down.
"AXEL!" Roxas yelped.
Axel's heart pounded as Xenay fell limp on top of him. Not because of that, mind you, but because of the fact that her swords had stabbed the ground right next to his head. "I can't breathe…or move. Will someone please get her off me?"
Demyx ran over and picked her up bridal style. "Yo! Xenay! Wake up!"
"Axel! You okay!"
"Let's see…still can't breathe…MOVE THE FUCKING SWORDS!" he commanded.
Tried as he did, Roxas couldn't budge the swords at all. "They're stuck!"
"Move it, kid. Obviously you need muscle to move 'em!" Marluxia pushed Roxas out of the way. He gripped both handles and pulled. Same result.
"Heh. Sword in the stone," Demyx laughed.
"You wanna try this!" Marluxia shouted.
"I would…if I didn't have an unconscious girl in my arms," he shrugged, still holding Xenay.
Axel wriggled out from between the swords, "If those things were IN me, I'D be dead by dead by now!"
"It's not our fault! The swords won't move!" Roxas said defensively.
"That's not what I meant! Besides, how hard is it to pull a simple sword out of the GROUND!" he yanked Tail of Dog out of the floor.
Xenay's body made an immediate twitch.
"Xenay? You awake?" Demyx blinked.
Fang of Dragon disappeared, followed by Tail of Dog out of Axel's hand.
"Alright, this is just getting weird…" Zexion put a finger on his temple and shook his head.
"First Xenay loses it, and almost kills Axel…" Marluxia started.
"And the swords get stuck and only Axel can move 'em," Roxas added.
"Then they mysteriously disappear…" Demyx finished.
"Who cares about the stupid swords?" Axel shouted. "What the hell happened back there? Xenay went crazy! I almost fucking died!"
"C'mon, she wasn't actually trying to kill you," Demyx said.
"She BARELY missed my head!"
"She was just faking you out!" the two argued.
"Axel, Demyx, silence," Xemnas finally intervened.
"Why should I! She's the one who went crazy!" Axel pointed.
"She is also knocked unconscious." He turned to Demyx, "I will take her to the Recovery Room with the others."
Demyx nodded and carefully set Xenay in Xemnas's arms.
End Chapter