Scattered Memories

Chp7: Answers?

Are you guys done being mad at me for not updating? Well, look I'm updating again! So be proud of me!!! I finally have everything figured out, and I'm working on throwing a few twists in here to mess with everyone's mind. And it's hard work considering how everyone says what I'm thinking to do in their reviews. I must fool all of you; it's really my goal. And also, I'd appreciate it if you guys would go to my profile and pick out what story I should start writing since this one is heading toward its end. Majority rules, so be sure to review with your choice!

"..." Taking

'...' Thinking

(...) My add ins

-...- Location

-With Syaoran, in the Li Mansion-

Syaoran forced open the doors to the mansion, pushing past the various maids and butlers. In minutes he arrived in front of the clan Elder's gathering hall. He stood infront of it, reflecting on his past when he would be summoned to the Hall with eyes full of fear and worry. He shook his head in attempt to rid his mind of those horrid memories, but couldn't help but feel he was forgetting something. Feeling a little light headed, he sat in a near by ornate chair where he recalled waiting for the clan to allow him to enter. Yet the chair seemed to remind him of something he couldn't quite put his finger on.

"Hold him still! The process won't work if he continues to fight us!"

Syaoran placed his fingers on his temples and massaged his head. Why were so many random memories coming back to him? More over how come he couldn't recall any of them happening? Syaoran's eye brows furrowed on his forehead as he stared at the floor deep in thought.

"… you mean everything to me! So just never forget me, you're my first love!"

"Xiao Lang!" A girl shrieked as she ran down the hallway with her long raven hair trailing behind her. She was clearly excited to see Syaoran, considering the numerous amounts of maids she pushed out of the way to reach him.


Sakura went up to her room after saying goodnight to her parents and her older brother. She took off her white dress and tossed it into the laundry basket. She then put on a white tank top and striped white and cream boxer shorts. Sakura sat on the chair by the window and stared outside at the garden below her. She reminisced on how she and Syaoran would enjoy the scenery in each other's company.

She glanced over to a wooden bench under the biggest cherry blossom tree in the whole property. Sakura remembered how that was the last place they actually met. It was the place he gave her the promise ring she wore around her neck on a gold chain.


"Sakura, the clan.. they demand my return to Hong Kong." Syaoran informed as her faced her with her hand in his. His amber eyes were filled with sadness and regret, "I wish I could stay here with you, believe me, but I can't go against the elders of my clan."

"I… I'm just worried for us Syaoran. I'm fifteen years old and your eighteen, they probably don't respect that we have a serious relationship going on here." Sakura replied with tear filled eyes, "It's that you mean everything to me! So just never forget me, you're my first love! I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Sakura, nothing in the world could keep me away from you any longer then I'd have to be." Syaoran promised as he withdrew one hand and put it in his pocket. He then took it out and held it up to show it to Sakura. "This ring represents us. We're going to be together forever, which is why it has the word 'forever' inscribed in it. This isn't an engagement ring or anything, but take it as a promise that there will be one day. And also take it as a promise that I'll be back in three months for you."

"Oh my goodness.." Sakura exclaimed as he placed the ring onto a gold chain and put it around Sakura's neck, "Syaoran, this is the sweetest thing you've ever done for me. But, you really didn't have to.. as long as you come back I'm going to be happy. I've never been crazy over anything, but I'm crazy in love with you."

"And so am I with you." Syaoran smiled as the two drew closer and kissed passionately. After a few minutes they drew apart and looked into each others eyes. Sakura leaned against him as Syaoran place his arms around her.

"But you'll call right?" Sakura asked as she watched the flowers sway in the gentle breeze.

"I doubt I'll have a chance to. I'd want to but they don't usually allow me access to a phone. In any case, even if you called chances are they wouldn't let me get the call anyway. The clan.. They're just very protective of those of us in the main branch." Syaoran answered as he squeezed her tighter.

"When are you leaving?" Sakura quizzed as her eyes started to tear a bit.

"Tomorrow, but you'll be in school so I figured It would be best if I said goodbye to you now." Syaoran replied as he let her go and she sat up straight, looking him in the eyes with crystal tears spilling from her own emerald eyes.

"I'm going to miss you so much." Sakura cried as she threw her arms around him and began crying against his chest.

"Let's just pretend this night won't end." Syaoran whispered as he rubbed Sakura's back in attempt to comfort her.

The two spent the whole night there, in each other's arms until Sakura fell asleep. Once she did, Syaoran picked her up and brought her inside her house where Touya, who was struggling not to attack Syaoran, led him to her room. Syaoran laid her down on the bed and kissed her lightly on the forehead.


Sakura wiped the tears from her face as she remembered the next day. She was going home from school and she saw the gates on Syaoran's house locked. Her heart was swollen with unexpressed love for Syaoran. She had been faithful to him for nearly three years, and she knew that someday her patience would be paid off.

"Until then." Sakura muttered as she braided her long auburn brown hair. She looked into her vanity mirror, and shrugged a bit feeling incomplete. She took off the necklace and placed it on the vanity table. She then turned around and went over to her bed where she laid down.

- With Syaoran-

"Meiling… will you please come down. Look how many maids you hit." Syaoran stated as Meiling hugged him.

(I bet some of you guys thought that was going to be Tomoyo, but the smart ones would have realized that Tomoyo doesn't call Syaoran by his Chinese name. Well it's fun to play with your minds.)

"Xiao Lang, what are you doing here?! I can't believe you came here on your own free will." Meiling commented with her ruby eyes showing her excitement.

"I'm here to talk with the clan elders. I want to find out what the jet was doing picking up my girlfriend." Syaoran replied as he pulled Meiling off of him.

"Tomoyo was here?" Meiling repeated with stunned eyes. She knew that Syaoran's memories were erased and that Tomoyo was hired to 'keep him occupied' while the clan searched for a suitable wife. But she knew nothing about Tomoyo being called here.

"Yeah, she got on a plane to Hong Kong and it was a Li Clan jet." Syaoran assured as he walked back up to the doors.

"Xiao Lang, the clan elders aren't in there anymore. It's 10:03 p.m. they've adjourned for the day." Meiling informed as she pulled him back, "They're old people, they need as much rest as they can get."

"If that stupid taxi driver knew where he was going I could have been here two hours ago!" Syaoran huffed as he sat back down in the chair across from the doorway.

"Come on, I'll take you to your room. Just go down first thing in the morning and demand your answers." Meiling reasoned as she grabbed him and began walking passed the entrance hall.

"Hey!" A voice yelled from the entrance hall. A man with blue-black hair ran passed the butler, who opened the front door, and to the two cousins.

"Eriol?! You're here too!?" Meiling squealed as she hugged him tightly.

"Amazing, you're able to find a taxi driver to get you here immediately, yet I get stuck with an idiot who takes two hours to drive me here." Syaoran sighed as he waved to his cousin while Meiling was still attached to him.

"I just directed the driver how to get here." Eriol explained as he pulled Meiling off of him.

"So anyways, why are you guys here? It's not everyday my favorite cousins come here, especially since I know both of you have a rough relationship with the Elders." Meiling wondered as she looked at her two cousins.

You see, Syaoran is not the only one with a rough past involving the elders. Eriol's mother is Syaoran's father's sister, making them both off spring of the main branch of the clan. While Eriol's mother was younger, she had Eriol before Syaoran was born. For years it was a competition between Eriol and Syaoran over whom should become the heir to the Li Clan. It was decided after twelve years of competition between the two that Syaoran was the rightful heir due to him being born to the former male leader of the clan. Despite being put against each other, they ended up becoming the great friends that they are today.

"Erm.. let's go to my room, I don't want to discuss this for the maids to gossip about later." Syaoran answered a bit nervously. To this, Meiling hurriedly led the group to Syaoran's room for him to explain. Once in, everyone sat down awaiting an explanation from Syaoran. "Alright, you both know about my girlfriend Tomoyo, right?"

Both Meiling and Eriol nodded uneasily, since they both knew that she was only hired to be his girlfriend by the clan.

"Well, for some reason she left on a plane for Hong Kong. The strange part is that the plane was a Li Clan plane. Now why would Tomoyo be on a Li Clan plane to Hong Kong?" Syaoran informed with his eyes full of concern.

"You got me, I didn't even think that you introduced the clan to her." Eriol replied as he averted his gaze to the floor, not wanting to look Syaoran in the eyes.

"Well, you'll definitely have to bring that up to the clan tomorrow morning!" Meiling stated not wanting to hear the subject for very long, "I've had a tiring day, so I'll be off to bed."

"Yeah airplane rides make me tired, so I'll be going to bed too. Good luck with the clan tomorrow." Eriol said just wanting to leave the room

"Alright, Good night guys." Syaoran waved as he walked over to his bed not suspecting anything.

"Meiling, I'm going to investigate this. I'll call you tomorrow morning." Eriol stated in a serious tone as he walked toward the stairs.

"What are you going to do Eriol? Are you leaving?" Meiling quizzed as she grabbed his arm

"If I have to I will leave. I'm going to gather information and investigate just who this Tomoyo chick is." Eriol sighed as he looked down at his younger cousin.

"You really care about Syaoran don't you?" Meiling commented as she realized just how dedicated Eriol was to helping out Syaoran

"He's like my brother, Meiling, you know that." Eriol reminded as he began to go down the stairs, "He doesn't deserve this Meiling, nobody deserves this. Now go to sleep."

-Next Morning, with Sakura-

"So Sakura, your father and I were thinking of having a renewal of our vows." Nadeshiko said as she finished up her bowl of cereal.

"That's cute Mom, where were you guys thinking of having it?" Sakura wondered as she took a bite of toast.

"Mm.. I was thinking something simple in the backyard…" Nadeshiko answered as she stood up, taking her dishes to the sink.

"Mom, you have to do something huge! This is a big deal Mom!" Sakura exclaimed, "Actually, I don't even want you to worry about it. I'm going to plan it, I know this mansion that rents out their huge ballroom. It's where Chiharu and Takashi had their engagement party."

"Oh Sakura it isn't necessary." Nadeshiko blushed as she began washing the dishes in the sink.

"Of course it is Mom, I'll start right now." Sakura insisted as she finished her toast and placed her dishes next to her mother. She gave her a quick peck on the cheek, "I'll send you the bill."

"Sakura-" Nadeshiko began, but stopped as she watched Sakura skip out the door. "Oh well…"

Sakura opened her car door and sat in the driver's seat. She took her keys and put the keys in the ignition then adjusted the mirrors, mentally noting that her white tube top dress was very pretty with the long gold chain with the ring around it. Shaking her head she backed out the driveway and drove off for a half an hour to the shore of the island. Sakura pulled up to the large mansion, and walked up to the front door of the beautiful white house. She brushed off her dress, and then rang the doorbell and awaited a reply.

"Hello Ma'am, may I help you?" A butler asked politely holding the door open.

"Yes, I was wondering if it was possible to rent out your ballroom here." Sakura pondered, "My friends had a party here and I thought it would be a lovely place to hold a party for my parents."

"You'll have to speak with the Mistress of the house, although I'm sure it shall be no problem." The butler replied as he opened the door and motioned Sakura in.

"Who's here Jeeves?" a young woman asked, "Is it the rest of my luggage?"

"No Miss, those haven't arrived yet. But this young woman was wondering if she could rent out the main ballroom." Jeeves answered as he motioned toward Sakura.

"Oh?" The woman began as she ran down the stairs with her raven hair flowing behind her. "I'm Tomoyo Daidouji, what's your name?"

-With Eriol-

"Come on Meiling answer your phone already." Eriol urged to himself as he held his phone, calling Meiling for the third time.

"Whaa… What?" Meiling answered sleepily.

"Meiling! Tomoyo is back in Japan, I don't have time to explain but I'm chasing this girl down. Don't tell Syaoran, let him speak with the clan first. I'm leaving for Toemeada Island right now." Eriol informed quickly

"You're at the airport right now?" Meiling shrieked in surprise

"Actually I'm boarding the plane right now." Eriol corrected, "Look, I'll be back soon Meiling. Do me a favor and look up Wei's phone number as well. I suspect that he might have played a hand in this."

"Alright, I will. Anything else I can do?" Meiling asked with concern

"Don't let Syaoran look for Tomoyo, if I'm there and he gets there it would just be bad." Eriol added, "I've got to go, keep in touch."

"Oh god." Meiling shouted as she banged her head against her pillows on her bed.


Whew! I'm tired. So yes review, and don't forget to check out my profile and tell me which story you want me to get started on next. If no one votes, then I guess I won't have be posting anymore stories…