Disclaimer: If you think I own Naruto than you're not that bright.

Chapter 6

Naruto stood in front of the door to the classroom, debating what to do about his appearance.

"Should I use a henge? It would be the smartest choice considering the attention I'm sure I'll get."

The bell rang signifying the start of class. "Shit, I'm late. Damn Kakashi-sensei and his negative influence."

He then reached for the door as he made a decision.

Iruka was sitting at his desk, thinking about the class that he spent years teaching. This was always the hardest part of his job, watching them go.

He surveyed the class as they talked excitedly amongst themselves. He knew only nine of them would become genin. And he had a pretty good idea who it would be.

He spotted Uchiha Sasuke sitting at the far right end of the middle section brooding and thinking about something as per usual.

Behind him were Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino screeching like banshees about who was better for Sasuke. On the opposite side of the room he could see Aburame Shino sitting by himself.

In the middle of the room was Inzuka Kiba grinning and talking to his dog Akamaru who was perched on his head. Near the back he could see Nara Shikamaru who appeared half awake and Akimichi Chouji who was eating a bag of chips.

And in the very back he could see Hyuuga Hinata, who had her head bowed with a forlorn look on her face.

As he continued looking he realized he couldn't find Naruto.

"Geez, Naruto. You've been looking forward to this moment for years and your not even here on time!"

Just then the door was flung open as none other than the object of Iruka's ire walked in.

As Iruka prepared to chew him out he realized something. Naruto looked the same as he did the day before.

He was the same height, had the same look, same clothes and everything.

This confused him, but before he could ponder the change Naruto looked at him and gave a sheepish grin and said, "Sorry I'm late sensei."

Iruka blinked and sighed. As much as he wanted to ask it was apparently he'd have to wait.

"Whatever Naruto, just take a seat."

He nodded and looked around for a seat. As he looked around though he had to force back the urge to cry.

For sitting before him were his friends, alive and well.

"It's a dream come true." Naruto thought to himself.

His jubilance was cut short though as he realized that pretty much everyone was staring at him and whispering to each other.

With a nervous chuckle he started walking and looking for an available seat. As his gaze traveled upward he locked eyes with someone who made his heart stop and his breath catch.

Sitting as far back as possible was Hyuuga Hinata, who the moment Naruto looked at immediately blushed and averted her eyes while poking her index fingers.

As soon as he saw her he felt a constricting feeling in his heart. He could feel tears threatening to spill from his eyes as his feelings and memories threatened to overwhelm him.

He began to feel dizzy so he took the nearest seat, which happened to be by Sasuke and Sakura. Once more a barrage of memories and feelings tore through him.

He folded his arms and laid his head down to conceal the sign's of the internal struggle taking place. Naruto ignored everything around him until he heard the sound of slow marching.

As soon as he felt the majority of the class leave he shot out the door and ran to a place where he could hide and sort the mess that was his mind.

Hinata was worried about Naruto. She had been since yesterday when he'd failed the exam.

She remembered the look on his face as he sat on the academy swing, watching the others as they were congratulated or comforted by their parents. She'd wanted to go and comfort him, to tell him it was alright and that he tried his best.

But she couldn't work up the courage. So she left him sitting there, and left while berating herself for being a coward.

Then today she woke up and did her daily routine to prepare for her last day at the academy. While on her way out she came across her father who she gave a soft sayanora.

He didn't even look at her.

Once she got there she took her usual seat in the back of the class and thought of Naruto. She thought of how she wouldn't see him for a while, possibly never.

Even as these thoughts went through her mind, none other than the object of her affections appeared.

Hinata was initially surprised, but was quickly over come with joy at the sight of the forehead protector on his head.

Her mood started declining as she noticed something unusual about him. He didn't look any different. And yet she could feel something was wrong with him.

She was about to activate her Byakagun when he looked her in the eyes. Her suspicions temporarily forgotten she averted her eyes and tapped her fingers out of habit.

When she looked back up at him she noticed that he was sitting next to Sakura with his head down.

She felt a small pang in her heart as she watched him sit there with his face buried in his arms while his body lightly shook.

She wanted to activate her Byakagun but couldn't without drawing attention. She was surprised when Iruka called out his name and he didn't give any form of acknowledgment.

She was especially worried when he didn't react when Iruka said Sasuke and Sakura were on his team.

At this point Hinata was more than just worried. She was scared. Something was very wrong with Naruto, she just couldn't figure out what.

She was so focused on him she almost missed her name being called.

She looked up as Iruka called the names of her teammates, Aburame Shino and Inzuka Kiba and her sensei Yuuhi Kurenai. As soon as he moved on

When he finished Iruka congratulated the class and wished them good luck. "You all have a one hour recess, then report back here. Your senseis should be waiting for you."

When the majority of the class had left Naruto took off like a bat out hell. He ran off so quick Hinata barely had a chance to blink.

Recovering from her shock she ran out to look for him. After a while of futile searching she was sitting on a bench debating on using her Byakagun when she saw him on the other side of the yard, looking about nervously.

"Naruto-kun looks like he's afraid of something." Hinata thought to herself.

Just then the bell rang and the students started walking back to the classroom with the exception of Naruto, who appeared to be waiting for the others to go and Hinata, who was hiding behind a nearby wall and peeking around the corner.

When she saw him going in Hinata decided to activate her Byakagun while masking her presence as best she could.

She made the appropriate seals and whispered "Byakagun…" What she saw almost made her loose her focus and gasp.

For standing where Naruto should have been was another boy. Man actually.

He looked older and was four or five inches taller. He had the same color hair only it was longer and spikier. His teeth and nails were longer and sharper. His whisker marks were darker and thicker while his eyes were purplish blue with vertical slits for pupils. He even had different clothes which showed well toned arms and chest.

He was quite handsome actually and normally would have made Hinata swoon if not for one very important fact.

That wasn't Naruto. That was somebody who although resembled him, clearly wasn't the boy of her dreams.

Hinata was still trying to process this when she noticed that the Naruto look a like was looking around.

Hinata was beginning to sweat. "He must have sensed me when I activated my Byakagun!"

He looked around some more before closing his eyes and lifting his face up. She watched as he channeled chakra to his ears and nose. Hinata began to panic.

"He's going to find me! What do I do?!" She stayed perfectly still and tried to calm her erratic heart beat, hoping beyond hope that he wouldn't notice her.

He stayed that way for a minute before opening his eyes and lowering his face. He grinned and started walking inside.

Once he was gone Hinata deactivated her Byakagun and collapsed on the ground.

Hinata closed her eyes and tried to understand what she'd seen.

"Who was that… person?" She whispered quietly to herself. She was experiencing a mixture of shock and fear.

"Who is he? Where's Naruto-kun and why is he impersonating him?"

Hinata's eyes widened as she remembered something that Iruka-senesi had said during his lecture on the henge no jutsu.

"Sensei said that sometimes an enemy ninja will get rid of a person and pose as them to act as spies or assassins." A cold shiver went down her spine. "Is that what happened to Naruto-kun? Was he captured or… killed by this man so he could pose as him?!"

Hinata felt a wave of emotions over taking her, mainly fear, confusion, and helplessness.

Then she felt something else. Something that started at the pit of her stomach, slowly inched its way up, and taking predominance over all other emotions.

At first Hinata couldn't identify this new emotion. Then a memory surfaced. A memory of when she was told her mother had died.

When she had been told she was overcome by grief and sorrow. Her mother, the one person in the world who understood her, who cared for her, who didn't call her a disgrace or failure was gone.

Soon her grief and anguish turned to something else. Anger. Anger at the doctors who couldn't save her. Anger at her father who had caused her death. Anger at her new born sister for killing her. Anger at the kami's for taking her away. Then her anger turned to hate.

Hate for her clan who went about like nothing was wrong. Hate for the world who seemed to mock her pain. Even hate for her mother for leaving her alone.

But most of all, Hinata hated herself for not being able to save her mother. She stayed this way for weeks before accepting that there was nothing anyone could do.

Hinata realized that her mother wouldn't have wanted this. She would have wanted Hinata to be happy.

So Hinata made a vow. She wouldn't be angry or hateful anymore. Instead she'd train and become strong to make her mother proud.

Well she broke that vow.

Hinata could feel it. Her anger at the bastard who was impersonating her Naruto.

"I'll find out who you are you bastard." She slowly stood up. "I'll make you tell me what you did with Naruto-kun." She raised her head to reveal normally warm and gentle eyes filled with a cold reptilian hatred.

"And I'll make you suffer…"

Authors Notes: What's up boys and girls? Yeah, I'm alive though not quite kicking. I just wish to apologize for the extremely long delay in this. I'd like to thank those who reviewed for your support in my time of difficulty.

Anyway I should be able to post once a month or so. If you all have any ideas or comments I'd be happy to read'em.

And just to answer the question about Hinata being a little ooc in this chapter, I based that off a personal experience.

Till next time.

The Abstract Concept