I wrote this fanfiction for me really, so I don't blame you if you think its too romance, (though i don't) and that the story messes up the story line a little, though I try not to mess anything up, I do all calculations as well as possible.
(I've only seen Last Order and Advent Children, read some more about it, practically studied it, but I've never played the game, even though I have it, can't bring myself to play it cause after you play something with superb graphics, FFVII doesn't suit it. I'm pro for the remake though, I wouldn't waste a second of my life not playing it if Square makes a remake.)

When I was eight years old, my parents took me to the ShinRa. They said that a doctor there wanted me to stay where he could easily access to me in case of emergency. I took the news puzzling, I had never once gotten sick or had any injury that lasted more than two or three days. I could not, of course, not go.

At first, I used to be the little girl who always saw Doctor Hojo. I would be ignored by the Turks, looked down upon by SOLDIERs and be invisible to the other people there. It seemed as if only Hojo and Sephiroth could see me as I walked down the road to see Hojo once more for weird and unimportant check ups.

About three months after I turned nine, I got tired of Hojo wasting my time. Since I could not return home, I decided to join the ShinRa. I never told Hojo about my plans, as I knew he would not allow it. But I did tell one peson, Sephiroth. He was the only member of the ShinRa that seemed nice and trustworthy.

I approched him one afternoon, skipping my visit to the laboratories. He glanced up from his work and asked, "Latti? What are you doing here?"

I looked around to make sure he was alone before I asked him my question, "Do you think you could train me with a long sword?"

"What for?" he asked, jotting down something with his pen.

I hesitated, but not telling him would result in more suspicions, and not only that, but I think he already knew why. "So I can join the ShinRa," I told him rather quietly.

"You're too young," he simply replied.

The point was not pressed further, I knew better to protest. Unhappy and my spirits low, I walked back to my little house. So I was nine, I looked older, my height startled people. Not only that, but Hojo made me attend school, a rushed and cramming school, and I finished it all last year. Other people would take twelve to sixteen years to learn that all, I could recite everything I heard.

That night though, around eleven, Sephiroth came down to my little house and knocked. I opened the door, somewhat not surprised to see him there. He held a long sword in his right hand. I smirked and followed him to a deserted field. That night, I learned all the basics of swordfighting, and the next, started practicing with the sword. By the fourth night, Sephiroth told me I was doing pretty well for my first time, so he took out his and said he would 'allow' me to join the ShinRa if I could hit him with my sword.

It took me eight more nights of practicing to finally hit him. I barely touched him with the tip of my sword. He smiled and told me I wasn't half bad and he would love to fight me seriously some time. On a more serious note, he told me that in order for me to join the ShinRa, I would need a note from Hojo. And to get a note, I would have to get his permission.

Hojo, unlike I thought, accepted my request with pleasure. One more thing to hate him by. He just seemed so, ugh. I really hate that man, I want to kill him. I took the note from him and ran off, hoping that I would never have to see his ugly face again. On my way out, in my run, I ran into someone else whom I never met before.

"I'm sorry! Wasn't paying attention to my surroundings!" I quickly apologized and ran off again.

The person, I later recalled, had been pretty young as well. He looked back at me running off and shrugged. Sephiroth came up to the person and told him he was late.

"Not my fault. Ran into a little kid," the person replied. "Looked an awful lot like you too. Settled in have you?"

Sephiroth hit him over the head and dragged him by the collar of his shirt. "Don't talk non-sense. She bears no resemblance to me at all."

In reality, I sort of did. If I dyed everything the same color as him, I could pass as a femaly child like version of Sephiroth. And I would have to grow out my hair, I like it short. My hair is black, with dark blue roots. That sounds exactly what the opposite of Sephiroth would be, but it all works out. I had grey eyes and I was pale.

I had on a long sleeve top, black. On the left arm, a wide dark blue stripe ran down. I also wore a bracelet, silver, it had my name on it, only my first name, Latti. I have no last name. I wore some black pants, which looked a little baggy. I also put on at least three black belts everyday. One of them never changes, as it has short silver chains hanging off of it, on the left side, about five rows of chains. To finish off, I wore on long black boots, but my pants drooped over most of them. On the bottom of my boots, I had nailed in some slabs of silver metal. I thought it sounded cool when I walked around.

And so, two months later, I joined the ShinRa and quickly rose through the ranks, learning more and more as I went.

© copyright LahtoriReikna
It's not that bad right? Once again, this fanfiction was originally meant only for my entertainment.
Please do not be too hard on the judgement. You can be kind, or you can be kindly evil.
Thank you all who enjoyed it, more coming soon.