A Killer's Embrace

Chapter 12

Kairi yawned while slipping into her light pink nightgown. After the last few days she had, she was happy to be back in her own house in her own room and in her own bed. Yes, she was safe now. Or so she thought.

"I can't believe that happened to me," Kairi said to herself while she removed her pink sheets and pink blanket from her bed. "You think stuff like that would happen only in the movies," she said to herself.

She tucked her petite little body under the covers and cuddled up with her star plushie that Sora had given to her for her birthday. She reached for the light switch and turned off the lights.

Snuggling deep into her comfort, she breathed steadily while her thoughts clouded her mind, then soon she was asleep.

Running through the pitch black building, her heart beated fast.

She panted while her feet carried her through the floors. She had no idea where she was or where she was going.

As she turned her head back, she saw a cloud of fabric float through one door into another.

Gasping at the figure, she didn't see where she was going and tripped over her own feet.

Screaming, she fell cutting her leg open on some glass that was on the floor.

Fresh blood poured from the wound. Panting, she again looked behind her and saw this black shrouded figure clasping a fine blade in its hand.

Kairi knew she had to move. As soon as she tried to stand, more blood poured through the open wound. Falling to the wet floor, Kairi knew she couldn't stand.

So she crawled. But the figure walked casually up to her and grabbed her red hair from behind.

Screaming at the pain from being pulled by her hair, Kairi put her hands on her head trying to ease the pain.

Looking up into the figure's face, she saw nothing. Then she saw the blade go under her chin then felt the blade at her neck.

"NO!" she screamed.

Feeling the blade cut across her neck, Kairi felt more blood. This time the blood was oozing from her neck. The figure had slit open her throat.

Releasing her head, she gurgled as she fell to the water soaked floor.

Looking up, the figure pushed the hood off. Kairi's eyes went wide as she saw who the figure was. It was Sora.

Kairi screamed as she bolted up in bed. She was panting feeling her neck and leg. She was soaked with sweat. Pushing the comforters off, she sat on the edge of her bed.

"Oh Thank God. It was a nightmare," she sighed with relief. She pushed her hair back and looked at her nightstand. It was 3:30am.

Not wanting to go back to sleep right away, Kairi went to her bathroom that was connected to her room.

She switched on the light and looked at herself in the mirror. She was pale, sweaty, and her hair was in complete disarray.

Why would Sora do something like that? Kairi wondered to herself as she wet her face with cold water.

I guess I should go to counseling like my parents want me to. I think it would help me. After all, Axel was arrested, Riku is dead, and Sora and I are safe, she thought to herself.

Opening the cabinet behind the mirror, Kairi took a bottle of sleeping medicine and took a pill to help put her back to sleep.

Closing the cabinet, she looked at herself again but this time, someone was standing behind her. A black cloaked figure taller than she was. Its hood was up, but Kairi saw some silver hair.

"NO!" she screamed. She dropped the pill down the sink.

Before Kairi could turn around, Riku hand gagged her.

"Now, Now precious," said Riku while holding Kairi tightly in his arms.

"You don't want to wake Mommy and Daddy, do you?" he asked while he snuggled her.

"Mmm. I love the nightgown," he said as he stroked her thigh.

Kairi tried to speak but was muffled by Riku's gloved hand over her mouth.

"What?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, but I can't understand a word you're saying doll," he said.

"Now you can come with me the easy way or the hard way," he said.

Kairi was so scared. She nodded her head to say she wasn't going to scream. She didn't want to die, so she came willingly.

Riku let go of her mouth but still had a firm grasp on her arm. There was going to be a bruise there.

Pulling her out of her room, they came to the stairs.

"Why are you doing this to me?" asked Kairi. Her voice was shaky.

Riku looked at her under his blindfold.

"Because I can," he said.

Riku then stumbled a little. From lack of sleep and food, Riku was weak. Kairi saw this.

Kairi knew if she didn't act, this would never be over. It was time to take action.

Taking Riku by surprise, Kairi twisted her arm and kicked Riku in the kneecap as hard as she could.

That caught Riku off guard. Seeing as how Riku was dazed a little, Kairi then pushed him down the stairs.

Seeing Riku tumble down the stairs was satisfying to watch for Kairi. It was nice to see the man that had caused her pain get some of his own medicine.

Turning on her heel, she bolted to her parents' room. Not bothering to switch on the light, she jumped on the bed trying to wake her parents.

"MOM! DAD! WAKE UP!!" she screamed. There was no response.

Getting off the bed, she switched on the light. "Please Mom! Dad!" she screamed again while the light went on.

She turned to the bed and then let out a blood laying scream.

Her parents' throats were slit open. Their bodies were laying a pool of their own blood.

"FUCK NO!!" she screamed as tears stung her eye. They fell to the floor.

"Fuck yes," said Riku from the door. His hood was down, his silver hair splayed over his shoulders, and his blindfold was off revealing those turquoise eyes of his.

"Why?" asked Kairi standing up.

"Didn't I already answer that question?" he asked her while walking into the room.

"This is getting way out of hand," said Kairi as she backed into the wall.

Riku walked up to her and put each hand on either side of her shoulders.

"Hmm, I agree. But you are so much fun. After I finish with you, it's your boyfriends turn," he said.

Kairi turned her head to him and spat in his face.

Riku smiled at this.

"Little sprite," he said smiling a devilish smile.

Then he slapped her. Kairi fell to the foot of the bed. She saw the blood from her parents' body had already made it to the floor. Taking some of the blood in her hand, she stood up and splashed it in Riku's face.

Riku hissed as some went into his eyes.

Kairi, seeing her opportunity, dashed for the door and made her way downstairs to the kitchen.

Thankfully, even though it was dark, Kairi knew her way around. First she got a knife from the drawer to protect herself, and then she found the phone.

Dialing 911, she spoke into the speaker.

"911. what is your emergency?" asked the operator

"Yes Please. I need the cops. My name is Kairi. There is a killer in my house. I live at 78 Rose Drive. Please send someone fast! He killed my parents," she said fast in a whisper.

Then the line went dead.

Kairi put the phone down and hid in the pantry closet. She breathed in slow agonizing breaths.

God please protect me. God please protect me. She thought over and over again.

Then before she knew it, the lights went on.

"Here Kitty, kitty, kitty," said Riku. Kairi peeked through the door and saw Riku skulking around the kitchen.

"There is no use in hiding," he said as he tore the refrigerator down off the wall.

Kairi didn't gasp at this. She stayed hidden and had a tight grip on the blade. So tight her knuckles were turning white.

Riku was getting closer and closer to her hiding place.

"You think you can continue hiding?!" he screamed with anger in his voice. He was getting more and more agitated.

Then he looked at the pantry.

He stomped over and tore the door down.

He smiled as he saw his scared little kitty cat cowering.

"Hello darling," he said.

Kairi gasped as Riku grabbed her and slammed her down to the tile floor of the kitchen. The knife she was holding slid out of her hand. She tried to crawl for it, but Riku grabbed her hair and lifted her up to her feet.

"You know," said Riku.

"We can continue this forever. No one is going to help you," said Riku.

Just then the front door got slammed down as 6 cops came in with guns drawn. Seeing the teens in the kitchen, they approached carefully.

"Destiny Island Police! Drop the knife," said one of the officers.

Riku just smiled at them, while holding Kairi tight in front of his as a human shield.

"And if I don't?" he asked. Riku wasn't surprised to see the police. He figured Kairi had gotten a phone call out before he cut the lines.

The officers looked at each other. They knew they couldn't do anything in fear of hurting the girl.

Kairi sighed as she looked around for something to use as a weapon. She looked at her side and saw the kitchen knives in their holders. Then it hit her.

She starting thrashing in Riku's arms as hard as she could. Riku tried to hand on to Kairi, but even though she was small, she could put up one hell of a fight.

Finally managing to get some arm movement, Kairi reached for one of the knives and got one. Riku knew what she was aiming for and before she could cut him, he cut her.

He cut Kairi on the arm. She screamed as red liquid known as blood came out of her skin.

But now the police had an opening. Riku had let go of Kairi and left himself open. The police let out their gunfire and hit Riku in the chest. Kairi screamed as she covered her head with her hands.

They kept firing and firing until Riku fell to the ground, hopefully dead.

Kairi turned and inched over to Riku. Bullet holes had pierced the pleather coat he was wearing. His eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing.

Sighing in relief, she started to crawl over to the police but was pulled back by Riku. His hand had grabbed her arm. "NO! Let go of me!" she yelled.

"Do what she says!" said one of the officers. That was ignored.

"Just one last kiss Precious."

He pulled her closer, so that she was on top of him. Her nightgown was getting stained with his blood.

He smiled as he kissed her deeply on the lips before finally he just fell limp on the floor, obviously dead.

Kairi had began crying again and stumbled away from him.

"Sick fuck," she said.