I do not own J.K. Rowling and Matsuri Hino do I just mess with their stuff.
Vampire Wizard
Third Night : Letters and Diagon Alley
Hogwart's Headmaster's office
Albus Dumbledore sat behind his desk fuming as he had for the past five years. Five years ago Harry Potter, his weapon, had disappeared in Japan with his family, The Dursleys, and it wasn't untill three months later that he found out that the Dursleys were found dead but Harry was not found with them. He had invested two years since he heard the prophecy to get everything right to activate said prophecy and then make sure that His Weapon was suitably cowed for him to mold but with the Dursleys dead and Potter's whereabouts unknown he did not know if His Weapon could be molded. Just then his office door slamed open with a cry of "We found him." shouted by Minerva McGonagall.
"Ah, Minerva what a pleasant suprise? Lemon drop?" Albus twinkled.
"No thank you, Albus. We found him, we found Potter. I have his acceptance letter here as well as two other acceptance letters that are going to the same place for Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy." Minerva stated.
Flashback one year ago
"Lucius, how nice to see you? I thought that you would bring your son for a tour of the school?" Albus said to a tall blond haired man that resembled a farret.
"Headmaster Dumbledore" Lucius sneered" My son will not be able to tour the school since I enrolled him at Cross Academy, a very excusive boarding school that has year around class and an excellerated class for gifted students like my son. When I meet the othe two sudents in the class with Draco I was pleasantly suprised but you will find out when Draco's accepance letter is to be sent out."
flashback within a flashback
"Mr. Malfoy and this must be your son, Draco, please have a seat I have sent for the other two magical students at Cross Academy" Headmaster Cross said.
"Thank you, Headmaster Cross, I am most pleased that you would consider letting Draco attend classes here since I heard that you have refused several prominant Japanese Families this chance." Lucius Malfoy said.
"Yes, well when they found out that their children would have to share classes with Lycans and Vampires they were reather incensed." Cross said.
"As long as their are able to control themselves I see no problem with Draco going to class with them." Lucius said.
Just then a knock was heard. "Come in, Harry, Hermione I would like you to meet a new class mate." Cross said to the door.
The Malfoys turned around and saw a young man and woman enter the door. Lucius Malfoy saw the lighting bolt shaped scar on the young mans forehead and gasped "Harry POTTER, Harry Potter is one of your sudents Headmaster Cross? Why would you ask if I am OK with my son being in a class with Lycans and Vampires if they are his only two class mates?" Lucius asked.
"Oh that is quite simple. Harry is a Vampire and Hermione is a Human, Lycan, Vampire hybrid. That we only found out about a month ago and that is because her mom is an Dhampire and her dad is an Lycar(Human,Lycan halfbreed). We were very suprised that she came out stable but she is also the best Hunter in all of Japan." Cross said.
"Really, How unusual" Lucius said in a state of shock. "Well lets get to Draco's schooling..."
End of flashback within a flashback
"Oh really, why don't you tell me about it?" Albus asked.
"Now, now Dumbledore that would ruin the suprise." Lucius drawled.
End flashback
'Now I know what Lucius Malfoy was keeping under his hat, I must get Potter away from the Malfoy brat and who ever this Granger person is to get him back under control like he should have been.' Albus Dumbledore thought. "Minerva, who else is in the school so we can go and collect the three children and take them to Diagon Alley. 'and I could start getting Potter back under my control like a weapon should be'" Albus said/thought.
"I believe that Severus is the only other teacher in the school and since we will have to go to Japan, we will need to go to the ministry to get a long distance portkey or use the international floo. So Severus will not be in danger of direct sunlight" Minerva said.
"Very well, I will floo call Severus and we can go to the ministry." Albus said.
Cross Academy- Moon Dormatory Kitchen
With dusk swiftly approaching three children sat around the kitchen table eating, since thay would have to start classes soon. One child, with white blond hair that went to just past his shoulder blades, pale slivery-blue eyes, and a narrow farret like face, had a traditional English breakfast in front of him. The other boy at the table, with black hair that went down his back to just above his ass and was held in a ponytail, glowing emerald green eyes, and an elven like face with the only mar being a lighting shaped scar on his forehead, had only a glass with a red substance in it. The only girl, with bushy brown hair that she kept in a braid, brown with a touch of amber eyes, and a feral wolf like face, had a raw roast in front of her that she was busy knawing on. "Granger, at least cut your meat or we may find ourselves trying to explain your eating habits at Hogwarts and that will not be easy without telling your secret." the blond drawled.
"Malfoy, it is not like you were just informed that you are getting married to someone that you have not met and you know how I get when I am suprised and it is very close to the full moon." The only girl said.
"Yes I know, but I have met Blaise Zabini and I am quite sure that you two will get along very well. I am far more conserned about how the Slytherin's will react to the fact that you can trace your magical roots back several thousand years, back when the high elves still lived in this plain of existance, with a family name Granger." Draco said.
"Now,now you two stop acting like children. Hermione you know that my little dragon likes to pull your chain when ever he can. Draco, my little dragon, you know that this arrangement is to hopfully break the curse that has been on the Hunter's circles for over a millenium so their magic can run free again." Harry said while pushing a strand of Draco's white blond hair behind his ear.
"I know, my Cronus, I'm just alittle worried about how to tell my father about us." Draco said.
"You smell absolutely delicious, Draco" Harry said while showing Draco around the Moon Dormatory.
"I thought you were under control, I can call my father if you try to bite me." Draco said. He backed up two steps right into Hermione.
Hermione took a sniff and said "Oh god you stink... Oh BLOODY Hell no!"
"Hermione?" Harry asked with a raised brow.
"Like the Cronus, the mate of the Cronus, is also reborn. The major difference is that the Cronus is granted immediate immortality but the mate is not and the only one that can bite the mate is the Cronus, anyone else that tries is repelled by the smell. You, Draco, do not smell of blood, like a normal human smells, but something else. If you are wondering Yes. Harry. Is. The. Cronus. and from his reaction to your smell Draco You. Are. His. Mate. Harry will not bite you untill he comes into the Cronus' powers at thirteen but he has to bite you before you turn sixteen or you will change into a vampire without an initiation, which is like hell on earth, so after his thirteenth birthday and before your sixteenth birthday you will have to decide when you will complete the renewal of your vows." Hermione stated.
end flashback
"Tell him the truth my little dragon. It is not like we are renewing our vows within the next year or two. He will understand." Harry said. "Now eat up." Draco and Hermione both smiled and continued with their meal.
At the same time in the office of Headmaster Cross
Knock, Knock "Come in" Cross said.
The door opened and three older people walked in. The one in the middle was an old man with a long white hair and beard, twinkling blue eyes, and a face that said benevolent grandfather and put Headmaster Cross on immediate gaurd, since he knew vampires that could effect the same look but would happily stab you in the back. The one on the right of the old man was a middle aged woman with black hair that was kept in a tight bun, brown eyes, and a stern face that practically said try it and you will have detention. The one on the left of the old man was a young man with slick black hair, black eyes and a palor that if Cross Academy's wards had not already informed him Headmaster Cross would have known was a vampire of unknown clan.
"How may I help you Gentlemen and Lady?" Cross asked.
"Headmaster Cross, my name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts school for the gifted..." Dumbledore begain to say.
"You mean Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardy do you not!" Cross interupted.
"Um...Well yes but how do you know that?" Dumbledore asked.
"When Draco came here his father said that he will only be able to attend for one year. I asked him why or I would refuse to allow Draco here. He told me and also informed me that my other two magical students will also be getting invatations to that school. So that is how I know." Cross stated.
"Well.. that is interesting. On my right is Professor McGonagall and on my left is professor Snape.." Dumbledore started to say again.
"What clan are you from Professor Snape?" Cross asked.
Snape had a shocked expession on his face"How... I am from the Karros clan and the last member of that...ill fated clan. During the wizarding war in Europe my clan... joined with the wizard that called himself Voldemort... we were all marked...before...I did not feel comfortable with it but I was the youngest member and the only remaining pureblood of our clan... so I was forced to accept the mark of the ego maniac. Three months before the end of the war my clan... they were all killed by the Red Death. I lost everything to that Mad Man and Dumbledore says that he might still exist but without a body but How did you know that I was a vampire."
"The wards on this school detect wether anyone that comes through them is Human, Lycan, or Vampire but I would have known even without the wards telling me since I have several vampire friends and students in this school. I presume that you are here to hand deliver the invites to my students." Cross said.
"Yes and take them to Diagon Alley to get their school supplies." Dumbledore said.
"Very well come with me I will take you to them." Cross said as he crossed the office to the door.
Moon Dormatory
"We have guests coming" Harry said to the other two.
"This is about the time that the Hogwarts letters come out so someone decided to hand deliver them." Draco said.
"Oh wow we are so special, hand delivered letters, whoopy." Hermione said sarcastically.
"Hush you two." Harry said just as the door opened and Headmaster Cross and three other people walked in.
"Harry, my boy..." Dumbledore started to say.
"I am not your boy nor do I recall giveing you premission to call me by my given name." Harry said.
"Um..Well yes..um...this is Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape and I am Headmaster Dumbledore. We are here to give you three your letters and take you to Diagon Alley for your supplies. Professor McGonagall will show Hermione Granger around, Professor Snape will show Draco Malfoy around and I will take you Harry, I mean Mr. Potter, around Diagon Alley." Dumbledore said.
"No. We are certain that Professors McGonagall and Snape will be enough and anyway We will not be separated from our mate or our guard, Headmaster Dumbledore. Atempt to try and separate us again Headmaster Dumbledore and We will have you executed, are We clear." Harry stated in an imperious tone with his eyes glowing brillant emerald.
"Yes Mr.Potter, very clear." Dumbledore nearly stuttered. "Well Professor McGonagall has your letters and I was able to get a portkey directly to the Leaky Cauldron and then to Diagon Alley. If everybody would grab on." Dumbledore said as he pulled an old shoe out of his pocket. Headmaster Cross wished the three children luck and told them that they will be back for the summer. When everybody had a finger on the shoe Dumbledore counted down from three and everybody felt a hook behide their navel. They were off to the wizarding world.
The Leaky Cauldron
They landed in a pub, that was smoke filled and dingy. An old toothless man was behind the bar looked up at the arrival and waved hello and was about to ask if they wanted anything when he noticed Harry. "Harry Potter!" the bar man exclaimed. The room instantly silenced, you could hear a pin drop, and then a roar as everybody in the pub started to crowd around the group. CRACK. In an instant Hermione had her whip smash into the floor millimeters from the foot of the lead person.
"BACK OFF." Hermione yelled. "Draco when you told us about the hero worship that Harry would have to deal with I did not believe you but now I do." Hermione stated still fuming while she rewound her whip.
"Ah.. yes. Well the enterance to Diagon Alley is through the back" Dumbledore said" and if Ms. Granger can keep that whip from harming someone then she can keep it otherwise..."
"I keep the whip nomatter what or I start using my blade and if that happens then I can not promiss that the person will live." Hermione stated. The small group headed towards the back of the pub and out into a walled courtyard with only dustbins in it. Headmaster Dumbledore walked up to the wall and tapped a brick in the wall with his wand. The bricks started to rearrange themselves into an archway that lead to a long, twisting cobbled street full of shops.
"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Dumbledore said.
"Well Fireball Alley, in Edo, is more impressive but lets go." Harry said. With that the three children walked into the alley.
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