Title: Story Of Our Lives

Author: Elie Ray

Rating: R for now

Summary: A girl from the teams past comes to help.

Warning: I own nothing but what wasn't in the movie. If it was in the movie I don't own it.

Day Of Heist - 6:00pm

"Welcome back, Mack." One of the nurses said as Mackenzie Lavata walked up to her.

"Hey Michelle. It's good to be backā€¦.for now." She said with a laugh as she grabbed a clipboard. "What's up with this guy? She asked while flipping thru the pages.

"Guy got a metal wire wrapped around his arm and a gun shot wound to the right side of his abdomen. You heard about those truck high jackings?" Mackenzie nodded "Well, supposedly he was one of the guys doing them. Actually that girl over there," She pointed to the raven haired sitting in the waiting room crying. "Is the friend of his and this other guy that was shot a couple times in the chest from a drive by by none other than Johnny Tran and Lance Tran." Michelle said handing her Jesse's clipboard

"Where's the guy shot in the drive by?" She asked knowing his condition was serious if it was done by her ex Johnny and his dumb cousin.

"Surgery. They have been in there since he came in at about 3pm." She said

"Yup. Sounds like Johnny's work."

"Oh yea and I should add that there are cops at the doors." She said before walking away

"Fuck." Mackenzie mumbled as she walked to Vince's room where two cops were standing on either side of the door. Mackenzie attempted to walk past the but the cop on the right stopped her before her hand could even touch the knob.

"Ma'am, you can't go in there." The cop said

"I am a nurse. This is a hospital. There's a patient in there. Now get out of my way so I can do my job." She said calmly before walking into the room to find another cop in there.

"Don't even." She said as he reached for his gun.

"You're not suppose to be in here." He said

"No. Correction. You're not suppose to be in here so leave no before I call Tanner and tell him you are upsetting my patient and harassing the nurses." She said making Vince cover up a laugh.

"I'll be outside." The cop said before leaving reluctantly.

"Alright, Mr. Venicelli, are you feeling better the when you got here?" She asked checking his vitals and bandages.

"A lil." He groaned still shocked at how she handled the cop.

"How's Jesse.?" He asked remembering what the other nurse, Michelle, had told him about Jesse being shot down by Tran.

"Still in surgery as far as I know. The cops harassing you?" She asked as she wrote some stuff on his clipboard.

"They're cops." He said simply trying to place where he has seen her before.

"True. I'll make a couple calls and see what I can do." She said before leaving.

"He's your kinda man." Michelle said walking past Mackenzie as she called the police office.

"LAPD. How may I help you?"

"Let me talk to Sgt. Tanner." She said

"Let me connect you."

"Sgt. Tanner here" He said within a minute

"You better get your men out of here, Uncle Jeff."

"Now why should I do that, Mackenzie?"

"They're harassing my patient and the nurses. Did you know they won't even let a nurse in there? The patient ain't going anywhere for awhile but if your men don't leave they'll never get out of here alive." She said beyond pissed.

"Alright. Alright. I'll contact them now and send them all away. Happy?"

"Yes." She said before hanging up. She looked in the waiting room and saw Mia still crying alone. "Beep me when the other guy gets out of surgery." She told Michelle before walking to Mia. "Are you here for Vince and Jesse? Or is there someone else I don't know about." Mia's head shoot up and stared at her.

"Mackenzie Lavata?" Mia asked not sure if it was really her.

"Hey Sweetie." She said hugging Mia who eagerly hugged back.

"What are you doing here?" Mia asked pulling back and drying her eyes.

"I work here. Vince is one of my patients. I don't think he recognized me though." Mackenzie said sitting across from Mia on the little coffee table.

"How's V doing?"

"He's doing good considering. Had to chase a couple cops away that were around and in his room."

"They're all gone. Dom, Letty, Leon, Brian." She said lowly so no one heard.


"He was the cop who was suppose to turn us in. Can you believe I actually feel in love with him?" Mia just shook her head in disgust. "After Tran did the drive by and shot Jesse, Dom and Brian ran after them."

"Come on. Want to see Vince?" Mackenzie asked after awhile.


"You got a visitor." Mackenzie said as they entered his room.

"V!" Mia said happily as she went over and hugged him.

"Hey Mi." Vince said hugging her as tight as he could.

"I'll leave you two alone." Mackenzie said heading to the door.

"Hey Mackenzie." Vince called making her turn around "Thanks for getting those cops out of here."

"No problem." She said with a smirk before leaving.

"That other guy is out of surgery. He's in ICU. The doc wants you in there like now." Michelle told Mackenzie quickly before going to a patients room. Christina got on the elevator and went to the second floor where she met up with Jesse's Dr./Surgeon Dr. Neal.

"How's Mr. Cavanaugh?"